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Scott F.

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  1. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Bob in What Did You Eat Today?   
    There are some videos on centered a lady doing meat runs at Sam's and Costco. She pointed out there were some pre-made items in their freezer section that were good choices for those days when there just isn't enough time to get everything done. I looked but all I saw was stuff that was pre-packaged with sauces and such.
    Mostly I pre-make what I will eat when working. I went to the gym this morning followed by a 4-mile walk. Standing in the grocery store I remembered I hadn't done anything by being on nightshift. I bought a six pack of the pre-made hardboiled eggs. They hit the spot.
    I'm sure there are some pre-made stuff out there, but I pinch pennies by buying as well as cooking in bulk (centered around 12 hour shift work).
  2. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Bob in Seeing is Believing! Carnivore Diet Results! [Video/Podcast]   
    I agree. I have only actually been hungry twice thus far and have yet to have any real cravings. Most of the meats I use are fairly high in fat content. Both times I felt hungry was when I had pork chops the night before. They were trimmed more than I would like (carnivore or not) and were really lean. The next time I had them I cut them up in a bowl and melted butter on top. The following day I was not hungry after the pork. 
    Might just be coincidence. 
  3. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Geezy in Seeing is Believing! Carnivore Diet Results! [Video/Podcast]   
    I agree. I have only actually been hungry twice thus far and have yet to have any real cravings. Most of the meats I use are fairly high in fat content. Both times I felt hungry was when I had pork chops the night before. They were trimmed more than I would like (carnivore or not) and were really lean. The next time I had them I cut them up in a bowl and melted butter on top. The following day I was not hungry after the pork. 
    Might just be coincidence. 
  4. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Miranda in What Did You Eat Today?   
    There are some videos on centered a lady doing meat runs at Sam's and Costco. She pointed out there were some pre-made items in their freezer section that were good choices for those days when there just isn't enough time to get everything done. I looked but all I saw was stuff that was pre-packaged with sauces and such.
    Mostly I pre-make what I will eat when working. I went to the gym this morning followed by a 4-mile walk. Standing in the grocery store I remembered I hadn't done anything by being on nightshift. I bought a six pack of the pre-made hardboiled eggs. They hit the spot.
    I'm sure there are some pre-made stuff out there, but I pinch pennies by buying as well as cooking in bulk (centered around 12 hour shift work).
  5. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Miranda in Beginner , help please   
    I'm 54, 6'2" and was 306.
    Everyone is different. I didn't read any of the instructions about carnivore and just sort of dove in headfirst. I didn't count calories. I ate straight meats right from the start. I did hold onto the Moutain Dew the first week. I lost 30lbs in 31-32 days. 
    I have yet to aim for a target amount of protein or fat. Maybe I should?
    What I have found, for me personally, if the fat content drops to less than the protein, my energy level drops tremendously. And that is especially the case when my electrolytes were off balance. 
    I'm currently at a 35-36lb loss and I started on May 8th. My energy level is better than it has been in a lot of years. 
    Maybe I should be counting protein and fats but thus far I'm happy/feel good with sort of winging it. 
    Good luck.
  6. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from louis in another new guy question/fasting   
    Thanks for the reply.
    Just thought I would throw it out there. I like adding any personal insights of others. Mostly because at the end of your post you didn't say, "Supply is limited, act now. But....if you order within the next fifteen minutes we will throw in another absolutely free". I always wonder how supply is limited but we have enough to give it away. 
    But since science just figured out how to match the number of hotdogs in one package and enough rolls in another I should not stretch the community with more to ponder.
  7. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Miranda in another new guy question/fasting   
    Thanks for the reply.
    Just thought I would throw it out there. I like adding any personal insights of others. Mostly because at the end of your post you didn't say, "Supply is limited, act now. But....if you order within the next fifteen minutes we will throw in another absolutely free". I always wonder how supply is limited but we have enough to give it away. 
    But since science just figured out how to match the number of hotdogs in one package and enough rolls in another I should not stretch the community with more to ponder.
  8. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Bob in another new guy question/fasting   
    I'm eating one meal a day most of the month. On nights, I eat about 7:30 after the shift starts each night and when I'm off it is about 6PM, but once per day.
    When I'm on days I eat a small breakfast, maybe a couple hard boiled eggs and that gets me thru the day and then eat at 6PM.
    I've watched some videos and read some literature on people with the same auto-immune condition I have and several of them spoke highly on the benefit of fasting.
    A few mentioned their actual diet being carnivore.
    The weight loss is great, the not taking pain/inflammation medicine is even better but I am reading about people no longer needing their infusions with MS as well as NMOSD. Some strictly carnivore and others with a combination of a no-carb/low carb diets with fasting from as much as 24 hours to five day water fasts. 
    Since I'm not actually getting hungry at 24-hour intervals I have been thinking about stretching it out to 48 to see where I land.
    Thoughts? Experiences?
  9. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Bob in Beginner , help please   
    I'm 54, 6'2" and was 306.
    Everyone is different. I didn't read any of the instructions about carnivore and just sort of dove in headfirst. I didn't count calories. I ate straight meats right from the start. I did hold onto the Moutain Dew the first week. I lost 30lbs in 31-32 days. 
    I have yet to aim for a target amount of protein or fat. Maybe I should?
    What I have found, for me personally, if the fat content drops to less than the protein, my energy level drops tremendously. And that is especially the case when my electrolytes were off balance. 
    I'm currently at a 35-36lb loss and I started on May 8th. My energy level is better than it has been in a lot of years. 
    Maybe I should be counting protein and fats but thus far I'm happy/feel good with sort of winging it. 
    Good luck.
  10. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Bob in Daily Movement Goals   
    Made the 3.0 mile walk the last two days. This morning was a bit rough coming off my 12-hour night shift but not the end of the world.
    Tomorrow morning, I plan to get the lift in and then do he walk. 
    I always have big plans on the forty-minute ride home but not often do they come to fruition. LOL
  11. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Bob in Negative feedback loop   
    I slipped the other night. I was getting my steak ready and purely from muscle memory grabbed the Heinz 57 sauce, never even flinched or thought about it. 
    When I sat down to eat it was there. 
    I didn't see the point in wasting it so I ate what amounted to a 1/2 to 3/4 teaspoon. It was good and I didn't see any negative impacts.
    But I punished myself by taking on 3 or 4 tenths onto my morning walk. Sort of paying tribute to the carnivore gods. LOL
  12. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Bob in Hi   
    Welcome. I'm brand new as well. Only a couple weeks on this board and started around May 8th or so. 
    I'm not a medical professional by any means (but like most I have Google degrees in just about everything, LOL)
    I lost 30 pounds in 31-32 days. I did not have the carni-keto flu symptoms at all. I did have one case of severe diarrhea but I think my food choices prior to eating would have been the same, regardless of carnivore or not. I have a couple three times where my energy level was flat to non-existent but I'm 54 and a hundred pounds over weight so I'm not quite ready to run a marathon. For the most part my energy level has been better than before. I can say I have only been actually hungry on two occasions since I started. I work 12 hour shifts so I eat based on that at times. Mostly I have moved to a once per day meal and it is not like I am starving then. I have an auto-immune disease that required pain and inflammation medicine at given times throughout the month. After 25-30 days on the carnivore diet, keeping the weight loss in mind as well, I have not gone to the medicine cabinet for the pain/anti-inflammatory medicine in the last two to three weeks.
    I can't say it will help anything medically for you, but I can say what it has done for me thus far.....and that is without any of my Google Degrees. LOL
  13. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Bob in another new guy question/fasting   
    Thanks for the reply.
    Just thought I would throw it out there. I like adding any personal insights of others. Mostly because at the end of your post you didn't say, "Supply is limited, act now. But....if you order within the next fifteen minutes we will throw in another absolutely free". I always wonder how supply is limited but we have enough to give it away. 
    But since science just figured out how to match the number of hotdogs in one package and enough rolls in another I should not stretch the community with more to ponder.
  14. Like
    Scott F. reacted to Miranda in Will I still benefit if my diet is meat bought at store, vs focusing on grass fed and finding a source?   
    Yes you will benefit just from removing plants especially the plant fats/oils. Each level of change will create a greater benefit. But like Dr Ken Berry often says, eat the meat you can afford. 
  15. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Geezy in Daily Movement Goals   
    Made the 3.0 mile walk the last two days. This morning was a bit rough coming off my 12-hour night shift but not the end of the world.
    Tomorrow morning, I plan to get the lift in and then do he walk. 
    I always have big plans on the forty-minute ride home but not often do they come to fruition. LOL
  16. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Geezy in another new guy question/fasting   
    I'm eating one meal a day most of the month. On nights, I eat about 7:30 after the shift starts each night and when I'm off it is about 6PM, but once per day.
    When I'm on days I eat a small breakfast, maybe a couple hard boiled eggs and that gets me thru the day and then eat at 6PM.
    I've watched some videos and read some literature on people with the same auto-immune condition I have and several of them spoke highly on the benefit of fasting.
    A few mentioned their actual diet being carnivore.
    The weight loss is great, the not taking pain/inflammation medicine is even better but I am reading about people no longer needing their infusions with MS as well as NMOSD. Some strictly carnivore and others with a combination of a no-carb/low carb diets with fasting from as much as 24 hours to five day water fasts. 
    Since I'm not actually getting hungry at 24-hour intervals I have been thinking about stretching it out to 48 to see where I land.
    Thoughts? Experiences?
  17. Sad
    Scott F. got a reaction from Miranda in What Did You Eat Today?   
    This morning I ate three ribs left from last night.
    I'm not sure if the pig seen it coming and tensed up or if he was a hundred years old. They were tough as all get out. I slow cooked them and the rack I fixed with the sugar/brown sugar rub were super tender. The rack I fixed for me was first cousins with shoe leather.
    Tonight, it will be rib eyes.
  18. Like
    Scott F. reacted to Geezy in Negative feedback loop   
    Old habits are difficult to break. All I would have needed to do is read the ingredients label and I would have immediately cleaned it off of my meat as much as possible. But that’s just me, I’m fairly strict with what I’ll put in my body. It’s everyone’s personal choice according to their needs.
    On a side note, do you know how steak sauces such as 57 and A1?
    Back during the Industrial Revolution when trying to feed the masses moving to the cities for work in the factories there was very little refrigeration or control of the quality of meat sold in stores. Often meat that was sold, cooked and served was rancid. Steak sauces were created to cover up the bad taste of the rancid meats.
    Is it any wonder why people started eating so many grains and vegetables back then.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Love
    Scott F. got a reaction from Myishaboo in Hi   
    Welcome. I'm brand new as well. Only a couple weeks on this board and started around May 8th or so. 
    I'm not a medical professional by any means (but like most I have Google degrees in just about everything, LOL)
    I lost 30 pounds in 31-32 days. I did not have the carni-keto flu symptoms at all. I did have one case of severe diarrhea but I think my food choices prior to eating would have been the same, regardless of carnivore or not. I have a couple three times where my energy level was flat to non-existent but I'm 54 and a hundred pounds over weight so I'm not quite ready to run a marathon. For the most part my energy level has been better than before. I can say I have only been actually hungry on two occasions since I started. I work 12 hour shifts so I eat based on that at times. Mostly I have moved to a once per day meal and it is not like I am starving then. I have an auto-immune disease that required pain and inflammation medicine at given times throughout the month. After 25-30 days on the carnivore diet, keeping the weight loss in mind as well, I have not gone to the medicine cabinet for the pain/anti-inflammatory medicine in the last two to three weeks.
    I can't say it will help anything medically for you, but I can say what it has done for me thus far.....and that is without any of my Google Degrees. LOL
  20. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Geezy in Negative feedback loop   
    I slipped the other night. I was getting my steak ready and purely from muscle memory grabbed the Heinz 57 sauce, never even flinched or thought about it. 
    When I sat down to eat it was there. 
    I didn't see the point in wasting it so I ate what amounted to a 1/2 to 3/4 teaspoon. It was good and I didn't see any negative impacts.
    But I punished myself by taking on 3 or 4 tenths onto my morning walk. Sort of paying tribute to the carnivore gods. LOL
  21. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from louis in What Did You Eat Today?   
    This morning I ate three ribs left from last night.
    I'm not sure if the pig seen it coming and tensed up or if he was a hundred years old. They were tough as all get out. I slow cooked them and the rack I fixed with the sugar/brown sugar rub were super tender. The rack I fixed for me was first cousins with shoe leather.
    Tonight, it will be rib eyes.
  22. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Geezy in What Did You Eat Today?   
    This morning I ate three ribs left from last night.
    I'm not sure if the pig seen it coming and tensed up or if he was a hundred years old. They were tough as all get out. I slow cooked them and the rack I fixed with the sugar/brown sugar rub were super tender. The rack I fixed for me was first cousins with shoe leather.
    Tonight, it will be rib eyes.
  23. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from ol_hilly in What Did You Eat Today?   
    This morning I ate three ribs left from last night.
    I'm not sure if the pig seen it coming and tensed up or if he was a hundred years old. They were tough as all get out. I slow cooked them and the rack I fixed with the sugar/brown sugar rub were super tender. The rack I fixed for me was first cousins with shoe leather.
    Tonight, it will be rib eyes.
  24. Haha
    Scott F. got a reaction from Nowler in What Did You Eat Today?   
    This morning I ate three ribs left from last night.
    I'm not sure if the pig seen it coming and tensed up or if he was a hundred years old. They were tough as all get out. I slow cooked them and the rack I fixed with the sugar/brown sugar rub were super tender. The rack I fixed for me was first cousins with shoe leather.
    Tonight, it will be rib eyes.
  25. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Bob in Struggling   
    I'm the fat guy going calling you names in envy. LOL
    I'm on the way down so there is a swing back and forth. I can see the difference in 33 lost pounds but have a long way to go.
    It has been a long time since I had that issue, maybe the late 80's/early 90's coming out of dive school in Panama City.
    One of the things I found back then is that I was really responsive to beef type protein. I leaned toward chicken and eggs with occasional fish (but of course I ate a ton of crap as well) but when we were cutting weight to make weight/body fat composition I got off beef altogether and was a chicken and fish for protein guy.
    Maybe a switch up on proteins sources? Sort of guessing.
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