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    Alberta, Canada
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    342 / 235 / 155?
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    Mostly Carnivore
  • Start Date
    June 1, 2023

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  1. I don't know how many times I've eaten a dish called "Salisbury Steak" but I never knew the story until today. Some consider the Salisbury Steak the first fad diet. I always thought Salisbury was a chef, not a doctor. Turns out he was a civil war doctor and early experimenter and promoter of using diet for health and longevity. He claimed our teeth are "meat teeth" and our digestive systems designed to digest lean meat, and that vegetables, fats, starches and fruit should only be 1/3 of our diet. (Oddly the video only says fruits and vegetables) The entire video is very good but if pressed for time skip tp 8:01 for the most salient part.
  2. I drink 20 oz. of decaf instant every day.
  3. VShred is a typical mainstream diet. Doesn't seem to be any different from the standard western diet aside from calorie restriction. Kind of surprised it got targeted for a hit piece. The writer of the article is a dietician. Dieticians aren't allowed to recommend anything other than the national food guidelines or they risk losing their license. Men's Health is garbage. It has been for decades. It's a vessel to sell "health" products and other crap to men, not actually get men healthy by giving good advice. So we have a garbage article about a garbage diet by a garbage writer in a garbage magazine.
  4. I lurk here almost daily from Vivaldi.
  5. What you think you know about meat affecting gout might be a myth. Kerry from HomesteadHow suffered horrible gout that went away on the carnivore diet.
  6. Nice! That's well below the 183 on your profile!
  7. I don't know whether or not pork is "red" or "white" meat, but I do know that pigs are monogastric animals often fed sub-optimal diets when farmed and they can't filter out the garbage they're fed as well as ruminants can. Same goes for chicken. I avoid both.
  8. Yeah it's an article running cover for cereals and the "varied" diet while demonizing processed (not ultra-processed) meats. The study itself is epidemiology (food questionnaires) and therefore garbage. Someone who eats nothing but salami, bologna, hot dogs, spam and corned beef is going to be far better off than people eating Lucky Charms, Frosted Flakes, Alpha-Bits, Honeycomb and Corn Pops.
  9. After a 72 hour fast, an airfried ribeye and six eggs scrambled with some pickled onions I made last night.
  10. I disagree. I don't crave anything sweet anymore. I'm not an expert but I believe cravings come from nutrient deficiencies and someone experiencing such cravings hasn't fully adapted or isn't primed.
  11. I keep wondering about availability in Canada for OTC CGMs but can't find anything. At best I expect we'll have to buy them online like we have to do to get allulose.
  12. Great advice. I drink a lot of unsweetened naturally flavored sparkling water, such as bubly, and perhaps that helps keep my hunger at bay.
  13. The meal I eat most often is 1 lb of ruminant meat with 6 eggs with salt and pepper, often with a little onion and garlic. Today it was ground elk.
  14. Wow, that's great. With blood pressure that low you should be able to hopefully drop more of the medications. If Natto works for you keep going. But the hope is that one day you won't need it either. Edit: Oh I misread the last line quoted. Are you still on any blood pressure medications?
  15. I had really high blood pressure and tried to supplement with beetroot to help and it had no effect as far as I noticed. So it is possible that you think the Natto is helping when it's not. I don't take blood pressure medication. Even now I still don't have normal blood pressure usually still around 140/90 dancing on the border of needing medication.
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