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    Meathead reacted to Geezy in 7 Months eating Eggs and Meat- Crossroads( Long post)   
    Well Andre I agree with you. I think you should quit carnivore. It obviously hasn’t done anything for you that you expected it to so give it up and try something else.
    You came into this with the wrong mindset to begin with and that was to treat this as a weight loss diet. Well it’s not a weight lose diet. In fact it’s not a diet. It’s a lifestyle that promotes proper nutrition and healing for life. It’s a way of healing your metabolism so you can enjoy a healthy life. For those who come into this way of eating looking for a quick fix they are going to be disappointed just like you have been. You started this a fairly healthy person to begin with so you are not as likely to see the wonderful healing benefits that we have enjoyed. You probably have a pretty good metabolism to start with especially if your young.
    You asked how long you should do this carnivore? You should do it for the rest of your life because it is the most optimal way a human can eat to get the most nutrition but in your case, you are healthy and dissatisfied with your experience so I think you should no longer eat a carnivore diet and go find some other quick fix that suits you better.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Meathead reacted to Bob in 7 Months eating Eggs and Meat- Crossroads( Long post)   
    As long as you want. Beef and eggs are some of the most nutrient dense foods you can put in your body. You can live on meat alone, OR eat a carnivore-centric/meat-based diet that incorporates some more variety from the plant kingdom if you choose, whether that's ketovore, keto, or animal-based.
    Exercise and weight lifting, which you say you have been doing. Maybe intermittent fasting, which can be done without being hungry by increasing the size of the meals you do eat. Fat and protein can satiate you for hours and hours on end. Learn the difference between feeling hungry and feeling empty. You can try 2 meals a day, or one meal a day, making those meals count. The longer you can fast, the more time your body has to metabolize what you did consume AND burn some of your own body fat.
    Don't eat before sleep. Don't snack between meals.
    Maybe. You CAN overeat meat and eggs and you CAN gain fat by doing so. It's difficult, because your satiety hormones SHOULD start functioning properly, sending signals to your brain to stop eating. But if someone put a gun to your head and made you eat and eat and eat even beef, bacon, and eggs, then yes it would be possible to gain weight. 
    Calories can definitely be a factor when you get down to those last few pounds. We tell someone who is 400 pounds that calories don't matter, because for them it won't. They just need to learn to eat right, and let their satiety hormones reset, and the weight will start melting off of them. But you on the other hand, have considerably less fat storage AND you work out, so you are bound to feel hungrier more often than such a morbidly obese person. 
    This is your personal choice. If something isn't working, it's time to shake things up. But only you can figure out what it is you need to do.
    Do you need to intermittent fast? Do you need to get more sleep? Do you need to workout more? Do you need to up for fat macros? Do you need to eat less? Do you need to carb cycle?
    Define "effective". If you are already healthy, the carnivore diet will keep you healthy. Eating meat doesn't make you unhealthy. 
    Can you miraculously change your body composition using a carnivore diet? Define "miraculous"? If you're 400 pounds and you lose 220 and reverse disease, then you just might feel it's "miraculous". If you're 180 with a little spare tire around the abdomen like myself and want to be 165 with 6 pack abs, that's going to take some work and dedication. No miracles are gonna happen. 
     I would stay all-natural, eating like a human would back in the beginning. If you can hunt it, milk it, pluck it from a branch or vine, then it's probably going to be fine. For me, this rules out grain and sugar, but would allow for fruits and vegetables that are in fact, fruitages themselves. 
    If you are looking for more variety, you should look into Dr. Berry's Proper Human Diet, particularly, the keto/low-carb side of the spectrum, or Dr. Paul Saladino's Animal-Based Diet, or some combination of the two.
  3. Like
    Meathead reacted to Wrecked in 7 Months eating Eggs and Meat- Crossroads( Long post)   
    Andre - I am only 3 months in so have no personal experinece but I think I can point you in the reight direction.
    May I suggest you look up Kelly Hogan's myzerocarblife on YouTube? She shares her 14 year journey, including long periods of weight loss stalls.  She also features many guests.  I think this is important because there is not always just a "one size fits all" solution. 
    There are many other great videos on YouTube but I think that Kelly's is a good place to begin.
    Best of luck!     
  4. Like
    Meathead reacted to Laura in Why a healthy brain requires a meaty diet   
    Give me the fat!! 
  5. Like
    Meathead reacted to Geezy in Why a healthy brain requires a meaty diet   
    Well it was nice until they fell off the wagon about saturated fats.
    The brain is fat and needs fat.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Carol B Calloway in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Off my OMAD and eating whenever I'm hungry so last 6 of cheap eggs and 4 strips of bacon. 
    Probably 6 eggs with an ACG chaser tonight for dinner. 
  7. Like
    Meathead reacted to Miranda in Cast iron   
    I like that scraper. 
  8. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Off my OMAD and eating whenever I'm hungry so last 6 of cheap eggs and 4 strips of bacon. 
    Probably 6 eggs with an ACG chaser tonight for dinner. 
  9. Like
    Meathead reacted to Geezy in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    Many of us get to a point where food is no longer for pleasure and entertainment but is now for nutrition and health.
    That isn’t to say that it can’t be enjoyable and varied but it becomes purpose driven.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Like
    Meathead reacted to Geezy in Cast iron   
    I never use metal on mine. Generally steaming them clean will do the job with a wooden spatula but if it’s stubborn enough I’ll use a plastic scrubber.
    My main skillet is a Griswald from the 40’s. I try to take really good care of it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    Every single positive thing regardless how minute it's progress. 
    Keep on trucking, I'm happy for you 😊. 
  12. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in Grocery store haul 8-27-24   
    If I raised chickens pigs and cows I'd name them.......
  13. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in Grocery store haul 8-27-24   
    $39.40 10 dozen pasture and non gmo

  14. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Carol B Calloway in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Last night I ate about 2lbs of lamb. 
    Tonight will be 6 eggs with 4 strips of thin sliced bacon omlette. 
  15. Haha
    Meathead reacted to Scott F. in Grocery store haul 8-27-24   
    We do. But this time of the year it is really hot and the chickens slack up.
    I get a pack of things and leg quarters and take them out to the chicken pen and show them the difference between laying chickens and meat chickens.
    They usually pick up a little after the choice is left up to them.
  16. Like
    Meathead reacted to Scott F. in Grocery store haul 8-27-24   
    Our basket looks similar.
  17. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Geezy in Grocery store haul 8-27-24   
    $39.40 10 dozen pasture and non gmo

  18. Like
    Meathead reacted to Scott F. in Day 5 of carnivore   
    Going to be tough with the dislike for meat to be a on a meat based diet. I would say you are going to have to be creative.
    This week I am planning to make a carnivore pizza with minced chicken as the crust. Sounds interesting and will be a little different.
    Once I work my way thru what is in the freezer Im going red meat, water and salt for a stretch to see how that works/feels.
    Welcome to the board. Best of luck. 
  19. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Geezy in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    Every single positive thing regardless how minute it's progress. 
    Keep on trucking, I'm happy for you 😊. 
  20. Like
    Meathead reacted to Scott F. in 10 week carnivore   
    The Lion Diet Guide: Benefits, Risks, and Tips - Dr. Robert Kiltz (doctorkiltz.com)
    I'm not as much on studies as I am the personal experiences of others. Great conversation above. I'm at work and using some downtime to read. The above article had some of the information here at the bottom. I'm not picking sides, nor being judgmental. I don't eat peppers because I don't like them, and I had to look up the definition of Natto. I never had them, but they don't sound appealing. LOL
    I have been straight carnivore since the third week of May. I use butter, use cheese on occasion and the past two weeks I had maybe three or four glasses of milk. I'm not sure what 'my plan' is called but I have lost 57lbs since May 8th and been off pain/inflammation meds since the last part of May. (Each time I type I lead off with the weight loss knowing full well being off the meds is a much bigger deal considering the autoimmune disease and all. I guess weight loss is a better hook. LOL)
    I have found I do better on the red meats. I was making plans this past week to go red meats, water and salt for a few weeks just to explore that as a path forward. But then Sam's and our local butcher shop had a killer sale on chicken and I couldn't pass it up. As the freezer goes empty in the next week or so I'm going to I guess what is called the Lion's diet. 
    I'm sure time will tell.
  21. Like
    Meathead reacted to Bob in What Did You Eat Today?   
    This morning's 4 egg omelet had pepper jack cheese, pepperoni, salami, and some banana peppers for a little zing zing, lol.
    I'm going on vacation tomorrow. When I return it's going to be BBBE for September.
  22. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in Help Regarding My Blood Sugars   
    Dr Robert Cywes is another I follow on YouTube. 
  23. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in Help Regarding My Blood Sugars   
    This may help you understand better as to answer your question. 
  24. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in Help Regarding My Blood Sugars   
  25. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in Electrolytes...   
    In regards to electrolytes you should not use table salt of any kind because it contains sugar and the process which they make the caking agent as well is industrial crap.
    Redmond real salt, single source  Himalayan and celtic sea salt is safest for our consumption. 
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