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  1. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in Weight loss.   
    From my personal experience I started eating when I was hungry until I felt full. Chuck roast in slow cooker drinking the juices was dinner, 6 eggs with 4 strips of thin bacon added some cheese for filler and taste.
    Water with Redmond real salt for electrolytes all day/night.
    This kept me satiated and feeling healthier. 
    I've moved onto 1.5 lbs 73/27 ground beef only 1 meal a day with my electrolytes. 
    Don't give up as I've had stalled weight loss but so many positive things have happened since I've started this lifestyle. 
  2. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    I too complained to several drs about numbness in my feet and how it hurt constantly up to my knees. 
    Not one addressed this but kept prescribing pills for cholesterol and blood pressure. 
    After 3 weeks of carnivore I noticed less pain and tingling in my legs and feet. 
    Now 10 weeks in and there's slight numbness in my toes now.
  3. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Carol B Calloway in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Last night I ate about 2lbs of lamb. 
    Tonight will be 6 eggs with 4 strips of thin sliced bacon omlette. 
  4. Like
    Meathead reacted to XaqNautilus in 10 week carnivore   
    Wow, that's great.  With blood pressure that low you should be able to hopefully drop more of the medications.
    If Natto works for you keep going.  But the hope is that one day you won't need it either.
    Edit: Oh I misread the last line quoted.  Are you still on any blood pressure medications?
  5. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from XaqNautilus in 10 week carnivore   
    Again everyone's body chemistry is different. 
    What works for some may not work for others. 
    So that being said I trust eastern medicine >western. 
    Have I noticed a difference in bp after eating Natto. 
    Yes.  My bp was 170/90 on 3 different bp meds before natto, now quitting 1 bp med and eating natto my bp is 130/80.
  6. Thanks
    Meathead reacted to Geezy in 10 week carnivore   
    It’s still a soy bean and soy beans are not healthy. As a carnivore I don’t need probiotics since I’m fat adapted and my gut biome is completely adapted to digesting and processing the fats and meats I eat.
    The reasons that I find no benefit to eating soy or any plant for that matter is..,
    If good health is what you’re after, then soy is a terrible choice.

    Weed-killer in Soy
    Soy is a leading food source of glyphosate (the weed-killer Roundup).

    Glyphosate is a synthetic herbicide patented by the Monsanto Company and now manufactured and sold by many companies in hundreds of products. Glyphosate has been associated with:
    • Cancer
    • Liver damage
    • Reproductive and developmental issue

    Soy is a Goitrogen
    Goitrogens are foods that interfere with normal, healthy thyroid function and cause goiter — or swelling of the thyroid.
    Goitrogens do this by interfering with iodine absorption in the thyroid. Iodine is required for healthy levels of thyroid hormone production. Without it, the thyroid cannot produce the T4 and T3 hormones.

    Soy and your Sex Hormones
    Soy is an endocrine disrupter - that is to say it interferes with hormones. I’ve detailed its action on thyroid hormone above but healthy function of the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone can also be disrupted. Soy is a natural source of phytoestrogens, a compound that mimics human estrogen.
    Phytoestrogens have demonstrated the ability to:
    1. Disrupt of normal sex hormone levels and the female ovulation cycle
    2. Decrease sexual behavior in animal research
    3. Increase social, aggressive, and anxiety-related behaviors in animal research
    4. Ever heard the term Soy Boys? Too much estrogen in males. It causes a feminization in men.

    Soy is a Source of Lectins
    Soybeans, like all beans, are a source of lectins. Lectins are carbohydrate binding proteins designed to damage cellular communication.
    These sticky, carbohydrate-binding proteins function as a defense mechanism for plants. They are designed (by evolution) to cause a severe immune response in the animals that eat them (including humans) which ultimately results in paralysis.
    Lectins are associated with both mental and physical health problems. They bind nerve endings, cause blood cells to clump and also attach to viruses and bacteria. In some cases people with lectin sensitivity are more likely to get sick because of this.

    Now it’s my understanding that fermentation can reduce many of the toxins in plants but if one is eating carnivore there is just no reason to eat plants for nutrition since every thing you need you can get from meats. Even potassium.
    You do you but don’t fool yourself that you are being more nutritious by eating soy.
    Me personally, I will continue to avoid that stuff like the plague.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Like
    Meathead reacted to mdunavant in New to carnivore (sorta) and have hit a weight loss plateau   
    Well, maybe I shouldn't call it a stall just yet. I got on the scale this morning and I'm down 45. 😁
    I know it's a slow weight loss.  I guess it was just a little slower for the last 2-3 weeks.  I'm determined though.  Gonna keep at this.
  8. Like
    Meathead reacted to mdunavant in New to carnivore (sorta) and have hit a weight loss plateau   
    I do drink electrolytes, "Micro Ingredients". One serving in a quart of water in the morning and another at night.  I don't eat any dairy except a small amount of real cheddar cheese. I don't exercise much either.
  9. Like
    Meathead reacted to XaqNautilus in New to carnivore (sorta) and have hit a weight loss plateau   
    I peeked at 342 and I've managed to get down to 235 now.  I lost most of the weight in 2023 and have been stuck on a plateau between 235 and 260 for all of 2024.  In 2023 I went OMAD, usually eating early in the day to counter the dawn effect, and now I am doing even longer fasts to try to get the fat off.  I just did an 80 hour fast.  So I don't recommend adding a small breakfast back in will help you.  You lose the fat when your insulin is low and eating anything will cause insulin to rise.  Insulin is the fat storing hormone.
    You may need to take some time to transition to OMAD and longer fasts to temper your body so you don't feel so hungry.  I rarely feel hungry anymore, my problem has always been boredom eating.
    You may also want to cut dairy, especially milk.  Butter is fine though.
    Do you exercise?  Try to go for walks.  Aim for 8,000 steps per day.
    You can do it.
    My profile picture is of Frank Payne.  He died of heart attack at age 49.  Don't be like Frank Payne.
  10. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from mdunavant in New to carnivore (sorta) and have hit a weight loss plateau   
    Intermittent fasting helps. Dr Robert Cywes as well as other carnivore drs have youtube videos explaining better than I can.
    Another thing is fat to protein content matters, up your fat>protein and see if it helps. 
    Lastly make sure you are using electrolytes religiously. 
    Hope this helps. 
  11. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from XaqNautilus in New to carnivore (sorta) and have hit a weight loss plateau   
    Intermittent fasting helps. Dr Robert Cywes as well as other carnivore drs have youtube videos explaining better than I can.
    Another thing is fat to protein content matters, up your fat>protein and see if it helps. 
    Lastly make sure you are using electrolytes religiously. 
    Hope this helps. 
  12. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Geezy in Cast iron   
    With my skillet I let it cool down then run hot tap water in it while cleaning with a Dobie pad.
    Drying it with paper towel. 
    Preheat oven to 325 put avocado oil in and smear with my hands all over the skillet. 
    Put in the oven for 1 hour, pull it out and wipe off excess oil. 
    Never needed to scrub or use soap.
    Black flakes sounds like seasoning is coming off, specs too. Run your hands inside and see if you feel ridges or rough spots. 
  13. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in Help Regarding My Blood Sugars   
  14. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in Help Regarding My Blood Sugars   
    This may help you understand better as to answer your question. 
  15. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in Electrolytes...   
    In regards to electrolytes you should not use table salt of any kind because it contains sugar and the process which they make the caking agent as well is industrial crap.
    Redmond real salt, single source  Himalayan and celtic sea salt is safest for our consumption. 
  16. Like
    Meathead reacted to MG426 in What Did You Eat Today?   
    4 Italian sausage links...3 hotdogs...hard boiled eggs green tea...
  17. Like
    Meathead reacted to ol_hilly in Electrolytes...   
    I seldom use table salt unless that's all that's avail. At home I use Himalayan salt rocks and grind my own. 
  18. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from ol_hilly in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    I too complained to several drs about numbness in my feet and how it hurt constantly up to my knees. 
    Not one addressed this but kept prescribing pills for cholesterol and blood pressure. 
    After 3 weeks of carnivore I noticed less pain and tingling in my legs and feet. 
    Now 10 weeks in and there's slight numbness in my toes now.
  19. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from ol_hilly in 10 week carnivore   
    I'm new to this lifestyle due to health issues and choosing not to get on ozempic for obvious reasons. 
    So far my journey has been a smooth transition from processed foods to meat and dairy to just meat, coffee with butter. 
  20. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Geezy in Electrolytes...   
    In regards to electrolytes you should not use table salt of any kind because it contains sugar and the process which they make the caking agent as well is industrial crap.
    Redmond real salt, single source  Himalayan and celtic sea salt is safest for our consumption. 
  21. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Miranda in Weight loss.   
    From my personal experience I started eating when I was hungry until I felt full. Chuck roast in slow cooker drinking the juices was dinner, 6 eggs with 4 strips of thin bacon added some cheese for filler and taste.
    Water with Redmond real salt for electrolytes all day/night.
    This kept me satiated and feeling healthier. 
    I've moved onto 1.5 lbs 73/27 ground beef only 1 meal a day with my electrolytes. 
    Don't give up as I've had stalled weight loss but so many positive things have happened since I've started this lifestyle. 
  22. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from ol_hilly in Electrolytes...   
    In regards to electrolytes you should not use table salt of any kind because it contains sugar and the process which they make the caking agent as well is industrial crap.
    Redmond real salt, single source  Himalayan and celtic sea salt is safest for our consumption. 
  23. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Miranda in Cast iron   
    With my skillet I let it cool down then run hot tap water in it while cleaning with a Dobie pad.
    Drying it with paper towel. 
    Preheat oven to 325 put avocado oil in and smear with my hands all over the skillet. 
    Put in the oven for 1 hour, pull it out and wipe off excess oil. 
    Never needed to scrub or use soap.
    Black flakes sounds like seasoning is coming off, specs too. Run your hands inside and see if you feel ridges or rough spots. 
  24. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from XaqNautilus in 10 week carnivore   
    I'm new to this lifestyle due to health issues and choosing not to get on ozempic for obvious reasons. 
    So far my journey has been a smooth transition from processed foods to meat and dairy to just meat, coffee with butter. 
  25. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from XaqNautilus in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    I too complained to several drs about numbness in my feet and how it hurt constantly up to my knees. 
    Not one addressed this but kept prescribing pills for cholesterol and blood pressure. 
    After 3 weeks of carnivore I noticed less pain and tingling in my legs and feet. 
    Now 10 weeks in and there's slight numbness in my toes now.
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