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Posts posted by Bob

  1. 19 minutes ago, Orweller said:

    don't take multi-vitamins... Some vitamins can turn toxic.

    I was a vitamin junkie since the mid 90's which in hindsight may have attributed to my kidney issues. This was in part to how much vitamins and supplements are marketed, and Dr. Atkin's was a proponent of supplementation as well. 

  2. 13 hours ago, Tore said:

    Can anybody think of a good reason why not to add Macademia nuts and Avocados to one's daily food, other than it not being an animal product?

    This comes down to your personal physiology and how you react to them. Out of all the nut options out there, macadamia nuts have extremely low phytic acid, oxalates or lectins. Their defenses come from having the hardest nutshell in the world, instead of in the form of toxins and anti-nutrients. If you are going to eat a nut, this is the nut for you, lol. Avocados tell the same story. The nutrition in both of these is pretty bioavailable for humans too.

    I think they are both toxic to dogs (I would have to look it up) so there's definitely something in them, but humans in general can eat them just fine. But again, it comes down to you. If you aren't having any negative reactions (inflammation, skin rashes, bloating, gas, weight loss stalls, etc) then you can probably continue to enjoy them.

    But keep watch on your portions as you have been doing. Macadamia nuts can be highly palatable, and once you pop you can't stop, lol.


  3. 23 hours ago, MissLaceyD said:

    I would not recommend supplementing blindly.

    This is good advice. That was precisely what I was doing and ended up hyperkalemic (high potassium). The general thing you hear is that if you take too many minieral you will just pee it out. And while that may be true for a healthy person, for someone like myself with kidney issues it isn't going to be so simple. Now I am a blood test junkie, lol.

    23 hours ago, MissLaceyD said:

    make my own eggshell powder from soy/corn free pastured eggs (you would buy or raise the eggs, clean and bake, then grind into a fine powder) and sprinkle into food or drink of choice. I don’t do this often, but when I feel I need it

    I've done this too. It was a little grainy for me. The food processor I have didn't get it powdery enough to my liking. So my sprinkles still had a little crunch.

  4. Wow. Yeah, I am a business owner. Fining me for my employee's poor dietary habits doesn't even begin to make sense. I don't think the fear of unemployment should be one's motivation to lose weight.

    And with regards to schools and children, I am much more in favor of parents educating and disciplining their children.

    While we know the answer is simple, on the world stage it is actually quite complex. Big Food still makes bread, pastas, candies, and other high carb zero nutrition food on the cheap. Government assistance voucher are usually for this garbage too. Big Food also has their fingers in the system to control school lunches, etc. So like, what are they really going to do besides frustrate a child's self-image but not give them the tools to address it?

    This world is upside down. 

  5. 9 hours ago, MissLaceyD said:

    this way has made me very aware of the food addiction behavior I previously never knew I had

    True that! Same here. 

    I would eat a junk breakfast. I kept nuts in the truck and snacked on them at work. Fast food on the lunch break. Went out to eat half the time for dinner with the family. Snacked on flavored tortilla chips and salsa every night before bed, and sucked down a few tasty adult beverages as well. Now that I have been doing this for the last 8 months and am educated (and still learning) I look back and it's no wonder I was obese with deteriorating health.

    An eye-opener indeed.

    Welcome aboard @MissLaceyD. Only your first post gets caught in the queue. Thank you for your patience.

  6. I can still do jalepenos in small doses like you have on your tacos and I will be fine.

    However, last night had to be somewhere and didn't have time to cook dinner. When I returned home, I didn't feel like cooking nor eating a giant steak. I had these bacon wrapped jalapeno popper things (not breaded) from Sam's Club that simply needed to bake, so I figured I would make them. 

    I laid in bed listening to my stomach make funny noises, and this morning my bowels were pure liquid. I'm gonna have to eat them again to confirm it's related.

    Small amount to enhance my dish is just fine. Several peppers as my main dish might be overdoing it.

  7. 4 hours ago, Geezy said:

    It would seem to me that even if you were to find something that might fit what your looking for would that be enough to help him or would a more drastic change in diet be necessary?


    9 hours ago, Heatman said:

    My uncle is having a serious high blood levels issue.

    @Geezy has a good point. Since you said it's both "serious" and an "issue" it sounds like your Uncle needs to adapt a proper human diet altogether, whether that be keto, ketovore, or carnivore. He needs to stay far away from refined carbs and sugar in whatever form.

  8. I was a pizza delivery driver for 3 different companies back in the late 90's. The 2nd one I was working for was called East of Chicago. There was another driver there who was a total jerk and we did not get along. We spent a lot of time pidgeon chesting each other and talking a lot of smack about each other. When his car stopped functioning and he had to come work inside the store, inside I was delighted and let out a little sinister laugh, lol.

    But, within a couple months, he got promoted to a management position, and the first thing he did was fire me for some made up BS. I tried to escalate the matter up to the owner, but the owner chose to trust the "discretion" of the manager. 

  9. 8 minutes ago, Geezy said:

    So I wonder if it’s safer to use for those who want that sweet taste?
    I see a lot of keto/carnivore recipes that use it and I’m always leery of things that are sweet.


    Possible. Here's some interesting comments from a site I do trust....


    It seems to be harmless unless you overconsume it and then it might cause some gastrointestinal stress. 

  10. I can't think of any store brands, but I am sure there's something out there. When it comes to biscuits, you would probably have to get creative and come up with a homemade low carb biscuit based in almond flour or flaxseed. 

    I'll bet there's a flaxseed based cracker out there somewhere, probably at a Trader Joe's or World Foods Market kind of place. 

    If he's addicted to the crunch, there are Parmesan Crisps and other dried cheese cracker like things that would be good. There is also a product called Carnivore Crisps that is like chips but made from meat. 

  11. Well since we're a meat-based diet community, first up on the list is a low-sugar beef jerky, cheeses, hard-boiled eggs, sardines, and maybe certain select deli meats. All these are easy to open and eat without having to heat. If you have access to a microwave, then pack some steak, ground beef, or chicken - unless you like those things cold too. Not so much for me.

    We are also keto friendly here, so you could add to that any number of low carb vegetables, such as salad, broccoli, cauliflower, a few nuts, and a few berries. In the low carb sphere it's a little more easier to mix and match these things for a little more variety.

  12. 8 hours ago, Geezy said:

    Allulose is another another sweetener that’s supposedly natural and non caloric but I don’t know if it causes an insulin spike or not.

    I have to look into allulose more, but from what I understand it isn't digestible. It's molecularly different from regular sugar so it passes right through you without being metabolize, kinda like most fibers do.

    Insulin spike is another thing altogether though. Some non-caloric non-nutritive sweeteners, whether artificial or natural, will still trigger a cephalic phase insulin response in certain individuals. Just the taste of something sweet gets the pancreas all excited, lol.

    In fact, for some people, even the sight or smell of something sweet can do the same. Some people joke that they can just look at a piece of chocolate cake and gain weight. There's actually a smidgeon of truth to that.

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