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Posts posted by Bob

  1. 12 hours ago, Geezy said:

    they are not trends nor are they fads. They are lifestyles

    True that. That's why it's sometimes referred to as "The Natural Human Diet" or "The Perfect Human Diet" or "The Proper Human Diet" because it is ancestrally appropriate. Humans have been eating this way for thousands of years, hunting for food, eating low carbohydrate vegetables, and some seasonal fruit a month or so out of the year.

  2. On 10/27/2023 at 11:54 AM, Debashis said:

    How do the Carnivore and Keto diets impact weight loss and body composition

    Keto Carnivore diets are weight optimization diets. For some who have a lot of weight to lose, the weight comes off rapidly. For others the pace is more moderate. Usually when weight loss stalls, there is body re-composition taking place. For example, while weight loss is stalled, you might continue to shrink in your abdomen, requiring better fitting clothes or a new belt with better notch placement. Since you will be eating lots of nutrient dense meat, you will be able to build muscle much easier than you used to. Muscle weighs more than fat so your weight loss could be stalling or slightly rising due to increasing muscle mass but at the same time you are looking leaner and more fit.

    On 10/27/2023 at 11:54 AM, Debashis said:

    what are the potential long-term effects on metabolism?

    None. Metabolism adjusts according to the amount you eat. For example, if you calorie restrict or portion control, your body will adapt and lower your metabolic rate to compensate. This is another reason why some people stall. Your body will think that food must be scarce, such as in times of famine, and will adjust accordingly. But if you gradually increase your food intake then your metabolism will also increase.

    This is why you can have some people not losing weight at 1200 calories a day while others lose weight at 4000 calories a day, which is why keto carnivore diet advice will say don't worry about calories, just eat nutritious low carb food until you are comfortably full.

  3. Diet

    Well with a keto or carnivore diet, there really isn't any 'not eating when you are not supposed to. As a general rule of thumb, you want to eat 2 or 3 meals a day without snacking in-between. But if you're truly hungry, then eat. If you are eating nutrient dense foods like you should, then you will notice that you are just not as hungry as often as you used to be when you ate the standard American/Western junk diet. Your urges and cravings to have something in your mouth will become far less frequent. Eating nutrient dense foods almost naturally leads to fasting.


    Now if you are intentionally fasting this can be a different story. For example, I do one extended fast per week from Friday dinner to Saturday dinner (minimum). I do get hungry throughout the day on Saturday, but drinking tea, water, etc can help with this. I usually find things to distract myself too. But hunger pangs are temporary, and if you don't respond to them, they actually go away. That's why once people get past the 18-24 mark they find that they can easily keep going for 2-5 days straight without eating.

  4. Not in real life, at least not anymore. In the past I tried signing "diet contracts" with a friend. We even had penalties for breaking the agreement, but we never enforced them. It was still based on the honor system, and if I confessed to going off plan and "breaking the contract" this usually just drew out a confession from the other person that they too went off plan.

    In the past it was solely about weight. Today it is about health, so I am more driven and committed. My "accountability partners" are communities like this one, and being focused on helping others following a similar dietary lifestyle to remain encouraged.

  5. Since gout is found to be related to hyperinsulinemia (a condition where the insulin level in your blood is higher than what’s considered normal), then a ketogenic diet or carnivore diet would be best for him. Restrict carbohydrate intake to low-moderate levels, eliminate sugary sodas and fruit juices (never drink calories), and minimize or eliminate alcohol consumption.

    Cutting out starchy vegetables, grains, and sugars altogether (including most fruit, with the exception of a few berries here and there) and greatly reducing carbohydrates (still allowing for low carb cruciferous veggies) will also make doing OMAD easier because that one meal a day will be nutrient dense and he will feel fuller for longer, whereas carbs bring on voracious cravings and hunger pangs.

    Honestly, just going OMAD might be enough as long as he doesn't consume sweetened beverages, because your blood sugar and insulin levels are going to remain very low for most of 24 hours until he has his meal. 

  6. Last night I had 3/4 pound of ground beef and mixed in 4 eggs and some blue cheese crumbles. I recently bought some beef tallow and used tablespoon of that to bump up the fat content.

    Then we went out for karaoke and I did cave and had a shot of bourbon. I have a drink maybe once a month now since starting my health journey and carnivore diet. I used to have some bourbon every single night.

  7. 22 hours ago, Debashis said:

    I order food from restaurants once a week. Earlier, I used to order almost every day but now I'm controlling my urge to do so as I'm trying to follow a healthy diet.

    Yup. That's how it goes. I used to go dining out ALL the time for various reasons, probably at least 4 times a week with the family, plus several times by myself for lunch while at work. But of course I was almost 50 lbs heavier then. Now I treat the family to a dining out experience once every week or two.

    The money I am saving is a beautiful thing. I also experienced this benefit when Covid first broke out and all the dining rooms closed. We cooked at home and didn't actually order any carry out for a couple months. I was saving cash and dropping weight without trying just from cooking at home.

  8. 10 hours ago, Matan1262 said:

    Would love tk hear some more experiences with health benefits you guys had when you transitioned to carnivore diet

    My blood pressure returned to normal range. I am still taking my meds, but previously needed the meds just to get me a point below 140/90. Now I regulary am under 120/80. 

    My ulcerative colitis is gone, which I credit mostly to quitting coffee in 2019. But I no longer have any minor issues or flare-ups anymore.

    I am awake and alert and have more energy than before. I used to struggle to stay awake behind the wheel when coming home. I even got in a fender bender once. I don't have this issue anymore.

    I am down 45 lbs.

  9. 6 hours ago, Matan1262 said:

    Is it possible to add some fruits/vegetables?

    Well you can do what you want 😉. Paul Saladino went from Carnivore to Animal-Based and he eats the fruitage of plants, but won't eat any stems, leaves, and roots. He will argue that plants are toxic because they don't want to be eaten, but their fruitage isn't because they WANT animals to eat the fruitage and spread their seed when they eliminate waste. I do agree with him. And so "fruitage" can include vegetables like cucumber, zucchini, squash, etc.

    Since I am trying to lose weight at the moment, I am not eating any plant matter. But when I reach my goal weight, I will revert to more of a ketovore/animal-based diet, at least for a trial run and see how it goes.

    6 hours ago, Matan1262 said:

    Will it hurt my process in terms of sleep apnea and pain?

    Maybe, maybe not. The best thing you can do to get rid of inflammation is an elimination diet, and carnivore or lion diet is the ultimate elimination diet. I would stick it though for at least 90 days to see if that sleep apnea and pain will subside. Then, if you want, you can start adding back one thing at a time each week to see how your body reacts to it. If you add back a something and your inflammation or pain returns then you know not to eat that particular item.

    6 hours ago, Matan1262 said:

    Do you have any recommendations how can I eat more meat?

    In your other topic you said you were eating twice a day. I would add a 3rd meal.

    For example, lets say right now you are doing 2MAD 375g + 375g to get your 750g. Try 275g + 275g + 275g to bring it up to 825g.

  10. 9 hours ago, Coldstomp said:

    I could probably lower my cream top milk intake for even less carbs or cut it off completely.

    Yeah, I mentioned this earlier. The milk has carbs, and for some reason dairy products (besides butter & ghee) can cause some people to stall.

    9 hours ago, Coldstomp said:

    However, I used to not be able to fit in 36" waist pants but I can now even at 300 so I know although my weight is not changing much, my body is. I could probably fit in 34s but I'm happy with the 36s w/o needing a belt as I do with 38s. Plus my workout shorts/pants are L (34-36"). Considering I was mostly a fat kid my whole life, it'll be a long journey to reverse all the damage.

    How tall are you?

    My experience is similar to Geezy above. At 225 I was squeezing into 36" pants from Lee's. But I couldn't fit a 36" from any other brand (Levi's, etc). I couldn't slip into my old 34's until about 195 and now at 180 they are comfortable and I'm starting to need a belt.

  11. 5 hours ago, Coldstomp said:

    Avocado does have carbs, 16g w/ 18 fiber so i guess -2

    Somethings amiss here. A 200-gram (7-ounce) large avocado has 18 carbs and 14 fiber, for a total of 4 net carbs.


    6 hours ago, Coldstomp said:

    Also, I weighted in today at 300lbs

    My weight melted off in the first 2 weeks, and then it slowed to a trickle.

    Oct 1 - 184.5
    Oct 2 - 182.9
    Oct 3 - 182.3
    Oct 4 - 183.1
    Oct 5 - 185.7
    Oct 6 - 186.2
    Oct 7 - 184.7
    Oct 8 - 181.3
    Oct 9 - 181.4
    Oct 10 - 184.5
    Oct 11 - 184.9
    Oct 12 - 184.1
    Oct 13 - 183.8
    Oct 14 - 183.2
    Oct 15 - 182.3
    Oct 16 - 182.2
    Oct 17 - 184.0
    Oct 18 - 181.4
    Oct 19 - 180.6
    Oct 20 - 180.4
    Oct 21 - 179.2
    Oct 22 - 177.6
    Oct 23 - 181.5
    Oct 24 - 181.1
    Oct 25 - 180.2
    Oct 26 - 179.3

    ^ Remember, I started doing 24 hour fasts on the weekends the last 3 weeks, and 24 hour fasts on the weekend to try and push past my plateau.

    I ordered a lipid panel and will draw blood tomorrow to see if my dietary changes will improve this other situation I am dealing with.


  12. 1 hour ago, Matan1262 said:

    he said its coming from the beef belly

    Any fat from any part of the cow is going to be universally the same. The beef belly fat will be just fine.

    Ground Beef is 70/30 which is a blend of leftover beef trimmings.
    Ground Chuck is 80/20 which is from the neck and shoulders.
    Ground Round is 85/15 which is from the hind quarters.
    Ground Sirloin is 90/10 which is from mid-pack. 

    Your 70/30 is just fine.

    It sounds like you are getting 2200 calories and 149g of protein per day and you weigh 139 lbs which sounds like you are really lean to me. Is this enough to build muscle? Probably. I think it depends on your other daily energy needs outside of working out. I am eating about the same but I am not working out a whole lot. I'm 47 and my goal is to lose weight.

    As a general rule, eat when you're hungry, and eat until you are comfortably stuffed.

    You could always add more eggs. Split your daily portions between 3 meals instead of two and bump up the portions. Add some salmon, bacon, etc to boost that protein and energy count.

  13. Intermittent fasting, so no breakfast.

    Lunch was beef sticks, pork rinds, gouda and havarti cheese, and sardines. 

    I had a NY Strip for dinner, and prepared it a new way. Instead of grilling, which I usually do, I preheat the oven on HI/Broil and also heated up a skillet on the stove. I seared one side of the steak for 4 minutes and then flipped it and put the whole skillet on the top shelf of the oven and left it in there for 6 minutes. This made a lot of the fat melt, which I poured into a dish and used as dipping sauce. The fat that stuck to the steak was crispy and easy to eat.

  14. Something in your math or data isn't adding up.

    2500g = 5.51 pounds

    1 lb of grain finished hamburger meat (70% lean) contains about 1250 calories.
    A 16oz rib eye would have about 1220 calories (112g of protein and 85g of fat).
    ^ these are very similar.

    1220x5.51= 6722 calories, which is 2.4x greater than the 2800 kcal you are currently consuming.

    So it actually works out this way: If you were to only eat ribeye or 70% lean burger or ribeyes, you would have to eat 2.24 lbs, or 1016g. This is actually very doable, as you eat one steak at lunch and another at dinner, fat and all.

    I eat twice a day. first meal may be 4 eggs fried in butter, with 4 sausage patties. This is around 960 calories. My second meal will be a 16-20 oz steak, which is around 1200-1500 calories. My daily caloric intake is 2200-2500, just a little shy of yours.

    Hope that made sense.

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