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Posts posted by Bob

  1. Welcome Savannah!



    I agree Jimmy John's is a great option for keto and ketovore dieters and there are many times that I have had their JJ Gargantuan Unwich. I also love Texas Roadhouse and touted it as my favorite steakhouse for years until recently I became more fond of Longhorn Steakhouse. Although since switching to a mostly carnivore diet I just cook steaks at home now. It's weird that what used to be a treat is now my staple, lol.

    A little FYI about Texas Roadhouse though. The one near me let's you watch the cooks preparing food as you are waiting for a table. I would see them take a ladel of oil and put it on the flat grill and then put the raw steak on it. Then they would dump another ladel over top. I asked them what they were pouring on the steak and they told me it was a vegetable seed oil. I think they said rice oil. Well, seed oils are not good for you, so now when I go to Texas Roadhouse I tell them to just cook it over the open flame and that I absolutely cannot have my steak touch any seed oils. They are happy to oblige and it still tastes fantastic when it is simply grilled the proper way.

    Other Keto options usually include a salad from just about anywhere. For carnivore options, any steak and seafood place. If I am in a hurry, Wendy's will let you order sides of large beef patty and bacon and it is actually very fresh and tasty and remarkably cheap.

  2. I do think it takes about 6 weeks for the body to get used to carnivore. Keto dieters will call this becoming "fat adapted". You'll experience the "keto flu" for the first half of that period and maybe keto breath, both of which is temporary, and for some it takes that long until your stool becomes normal again.

    Weight loss could start happening within the first few days though. As soon as you have used up all your glycogen (the carbs stored in your muscles and liver) your body switches over to ketosis, burning fat for energy. This will be both the fat you consume and if needed, the fat you have stored. 

  3. Hello Mary,

    Since you mentioned scurvy in particular, let's answer this with scurvy in mind. You only need 10mg a day to prevent scurvy. And meat actually does contain some vitamin C but in small quantities. For example, grain-fed beef has 1.6 mg of vitamin C per 100g, and grass-fed beef has 2.53 mg of vitamin C per 100g. Organ meats are superfoods and have a lot more vitamin C.

    If you do the math, if you were to only eat grain-fed beef, 2 pounds of beef a day would give you 14.5 mg of vitamin C which is more than the scurvy threshold.

    There's much more than can be said about Vitamin C, such as why humans on a carnivore diet don't need as much, and more. But the simple answer to the scurvy concern is that there is enough Vitamin C in meat to alleviate any concerns about coming down with scurvy.


  4. If Ozempic Makes People Eat Less, Maker of Cheez-It Will Be Ready

    • Kellanova prepared for mitigation if needed, Cahillane says
    • Former Kellogg Co. just completed separation from cereal arm
    By Deena Shanker

    cheezits.jpgDiabetes drug Ozempic and other appetite-suppressing medications are set to help overweight Americans cut down on their calorie intake. US food companies are unlikely to sit idly by.

    “We’re by no means complacent,” Kellanova Chief Executive Officer Steve Cahillane said in an interview Monday.

    The recently renamed Kellogg Co. just completed its separation from its North American cereal business, now called WK Kellogg Co. Kellanova is a global snacking company, with brands like Cheez-It, Pringles and Rice Krispies Treats. Snack consumption is on the rise and is expected to continue growing.

    Cahillane called it “very, very early days” for the drug but said the company was studying its potential impact on dietary behaviors so it could respond if necessary.

    “Like everything that potentially impacts our business, we’ll look at it, study it and, if necessary, mitigate,” Cahillane said, emphasizing that it was premature to make predictions.

    Discussing how his business has responded to similar threats, Cahillane pointed to the UK’s High Fat Sugar Salt regulations, which restricted how certain foods could be marketed. In response, the company changed its formulations and merchandising strategies, Cahillane said. “What happened is, our business wasn’t affected,” he said.

    Although prescriptions for these drugs skyrocketed 300% from 2020 to 2022, it’s still too early to know how they will affect consumer behaviors like eating habits on a large scale. Ozempic is made by Novo Nordisk A/S. Last week, an analyst report from Jefferies said Kellogg was among the snack makers with the most potential exposure but noted that the firm couldn’t yet measure any volume shift.

    Kellanova is looking at potential penetration levels in both the US and other markets, he said. “Who’s gonna cover it? Who’s gonna be on it? Do they stay on it?” he said, listing questions the company will try to answer. “There’s growing stories about the secondary effects of it, so we’re studying that,” he added.

    — With assistance by Madison Muller

    Article Source: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-10-02/with-ozempic-weight-loss-looming-kellanova-s-ceo-says-snack-maker-is-ready

    Source is behind a paywall, but was able to be read using the SmartNews app.

  5. Nice. Now that I have finally done a 24 hour fast, I think it's going to be easier to do another one. I am probably going to aim for Friday dinner to Saturday dinner as I think that will work best for me. 

    Last week's ordeal with the bad steak, stomachache, and unintentional fast broke my plateau, which I am pleased with. I plateau for weeks at a time, and then drop a few, then plateau again, then drop some more, etc. But while I have been on my plateau I still moved up another notch on my belt, which is pretty sweet 😄 

    15 hours ago, Lou said:

    I intended to expand my options (and choice) by continuing with a keto diet when I reached my target weight but I feel so much better these days I've decided to continue with a fairly strict carnivore diet.

    I feel the same way. Currently, I might "cheat" with a salad or side of vegetables every 2-3 weeks of I go out. When I reach my target weight, I will probably go ketovore and still be very meat-centric.


  6. Welcome Patrik 🙂

    Yes, it sounds like you are doing just fine. When I started carnivore, I would also do 2 meals a day. Brunch would be 4-6 eggs with breakfast meat and dinner would a pound of beef, ground or steak, and occasionally I would mix things up and do seafood or chicken. If I did seafood or chicken I also prepared bacon because much seafood and chicken is simply too lean and not enough fat for me. I still had my tea in the morning and I do take a few supplements. I was probably clocking in at 2000 calories, give or take. After a while my weight loss plateaued, and so I started minimizing cheese.

    A couple doctors have easy acronyms for their 30/90 day challenges. Dr. Berry calls his BBBE, which stands for beef, butter, bacon, and eggs. Dr. Kiltz calls his B.E.B.B.I.I.S. (pronounces "Babies") which stands for Bacon, Eggs, Butter, Beef, Ice Cream, Intermittent Fasting, Salt (Dr. Kiltz has a "carnivore ice cream" recipe). Then there is the Lion Diet, which is limited to ruminant animals only (no chicken, pork, or seafood).

    4 hours ago, pompado said:

    I have one exception and hope is not interfering too much - one cup of coffee each morning - one raw egg, one spun butter and one cup of coffee.

    A lot of carnivore's still enjoy a cup of coffee. The raw egg and butter is still carnivore so you are okay there. But if this is independent of your brunch and you're attempting intermittent fasting, the raw egg is likely breaking the fast. But it doesn't sound like you are intermittent fasting. 

    All in all it sounds like you are doing great!

  7. When I started strict carnivore, back in May when I broke my ankle, I practiced intermittent fasting with two means a day. This was about a 16/8 or 17/7 interval, eating at noon, and then again between 7 and 8pm. Some mornings I really longed for noon because I was hungry, lol. 

    I finally pulled off my first 24 hour fast. It was 25 hours to be exact. The last time I ate was at 3pm yesterday, and I just ate again at 4pm today. I may have had a little help with a steak that I ate which probably should have been tossed in the trash Wednesday night. It started to affect me Thursday but Friday was worse. I didn't eat until 3pm and that was all I had. I didn't have any desire to eat the rest of the day.

    I stopped intermittent fasting when I returned to work, but I think I might want to put it back into practice. Either that or keep pulling off 24 hour fasts once a week.

    Have you or do you practice intermittent fasting?

  8. Hello BrowniePoints 🙂

    I don't see how it would interfere with the process. I imagine you will simply burn up your carbohydrate stores faster. Once they are used up your body has to switch to burning ketones. You might find yourself weak or fatigued and having massive carb cravings during the time it takes your body to switch over from a carb burning machine to a fat burning machine, but once it does you'll feel fine again.

  9. 10 hours ago, 5 Smooth Stones said:

    Hi, This is my first post.

    Welcome Randy!


    10 hours ago, 5 Smooth Stones said:

    I'm wondering what you seasoned pros are doing for minerals, especially calcium and potassium.

    Currently nothing special for calcium. Just whatever is in my carnivore or animal-based food choices. 

    For potassium, I occasionally use a product called Daily Minerals from Keto Chow, about once or twice a week. I only use this "as needed" for leg cramps because I have a kidney issue, and I can become hyperkalemic. This stuff tastes like pure nightmares, so you have to dilute it in something and spread the dose out throughout the day.

    Something less potent and actually quite tasty is the LMNT electrolyte drink mixes. You would have to drink 5 of these a day to match one dose of the Daily Minerals content. These taste delicious even just mixed with water.

    Some carnivores eat several pounds of meat per day, like 4-5 pounds minimum and so they get their electrolyte requirements met and don't take anything at all. I don't get that hungry myself, lol.


  10. Total Cholesterol and All-Cause Mortality by Sex and Age

    "Reduction of total cholesterol (TC) has been an integral part of public health campaigns... 

    Although disease-specific morbidity and mortality, such as IHD mortality, have their analytical merits, all-cause mortality is arguably the most important endpoint for patients or the general population when assessing risk factors and the effectiveness of a treatment or a public health intervention for life-threatening diseases. The target TC levels for public health interventions in the general population should be determined after careful consideration of the levels associated with the lowest mortality in the general population...

    Through a large prospective cohort study among over 12 million participants, we examined whether the association between TC levels and all-cause mortality varied by sex and age, and estimated the sex- and age-specific levels of TC associated with the lowest mortality. Additionally, detailed estimates of the mean (and median) concentrations of TC according to sex and age are presented."


  11. I think we're all brothers and there is no need to be a carnivore zealot or purist. Those that eat an Animal-based diet are welcome here. If enough Animal-based dieters eventually join then we can create a forum for them or rename an existing forum to sound more accommodating. The emphasis on keto-carnivore stems from my personal experience. Most people I know in this space are doing zero carb carnivore for weight loss purposes and for optimizing their health.

    I don't think fruit is going to kill anybody in general. Certain people, like diabetics, should exercise caution, because fruit has sugar, sugar raises insulin, etc etc. It will also kick one out of ketosis and slow down weight loss. But if you're metabolically healthy and have reached your goal weight and want to eat some fruit, then you do you.

  12. 4 hours ago, Guest Tex said:

    I'm wondering if this is a sign that my stomach acid is getting properly regulated and if my esophagus is starting to heal, or if I will be battling this problem for a long time.

    I know of several people who were able to wean themselves off of Omeprazole. Some suggest weaning off of it slowly, gradually lowering your dosage. Others have also found it beneficial to dilute apple cider vinegar and water and drink it, similar to what you are doing.

    Another recommendation is to stop consuming food several hours before bedtime. You don't want to lie down with contents still processing in your stomach. And then another tip is to take a couple bricks put them under the headposts of your bed so that your head is elevated. You might even do 2 sets of bricks. Combine these tips with your carnivore diet and you could be well on your way to getting rid of your refux problems.

    I would suspect that if you were heavily dependent on the omeprazole before and now you are able to take it less often, that this is indeed a good sign. But I personally am not qualified to give you a definite answer.

    Thanks for visiting. You'll need to register if you want to continue the conversation 🙂

  13. During tonight's Zoom Meeting we were goofing around with Bing AI and Google's new AI called Bard. I asked Bing AI to do the following...

    "write a story about how the carnivore diet saved the world from chronic illnesses"

    And to my amusement this was the response... :default_ROTFL:

    The year is 2030. The world is plagued by chronic illnesses such as diabetes, obesity, autoimmune diseases, and depression. The health care system is overwhelmed and ineffective. People are desperate for a solution.

    One day, a group of scientists announce a breakthrough discovery: they have found the ultimate diet for human health and longevity. They call it the carnivore diet. It consists of eating only animal foods, such as meat, eggs, organ meats, and dairy. They claim that this diet eliminates plant toxins and antinutrients that cause inflammation and disease. They also claim that this diet improves insulin sensitivity, gut health, heart health, testosterone levels, mental clarity, and weight loss.

    The news spreads like wildfire. Millions of people around the world decide to try the carnivore diet. They are amazed by the results. They feel more energetic, happier, stronger, and healthier than ever before. They lose excess fat and gain lean muscle mass. They reverse their chronic conditions and reduce their medication needs. They report improved mood, cognition, libido, and sleep quality.

    The carnivore diet becomes a global phenomenon. It sparks a revolution in the food industry, agriculture, and environmentalism. People demand more ethical and sustainable animal farming practices. They boycott processed foods, grains, sugars, and vegetable oils. They support local farmers and ranchers who produce high-quality animal products. They reduce their carbon footprint and water consumption by eating less plants.

    The carnivore diet also creates a cultural shift. People become more connected to nature and their ancestral roots. They appreciate the value of animal life and honor their sacrifice. They celebrate their health and vitality with feasts and festivals. They form communities and networks of carnivore dieters who share recipes, tips, and experiences.

    The carnivore diet saves the world from chronic illnesses and restores human health and happiness. It is hailed as the greatest discovery in the history of nutrition science. It is the ultimate way of eating for humans. It is the carnivore way.




  14. 6 hours ago, PaleoBird said:

    I think it would have been like that in Paleolithic times too.  Fruit would have been there but seasonally, depending on geography

    I agree. And humans will stick anything in their mouths, lol. Most plants don't yield fruit until the harvest season. Humans in those areas where they only yield produce in the autumn had a limited time to eat that fruitage, perhaps fattening them up a bit before the winter, but then after that it was back to hunting.


    6 hours ago, PaleoBird said:

    So, I don't think Dr. Saladino is wrong to say that fruit isn't harmful if you are otherwise fit and healthy.  Where I think he has lost the plot a bit is on the quantities.

    This sums up how I view it also. He's making statements that humans should have over 100g of carbs a day, perhaps much more. I personally think that 100g should be the upper limit.

    Right now, for me, it's as close to zero as possible most of the time. When I have reached my goal weight and believe I have done all I can to try and reverse a few conditions, then I will be more open to a little more fruitage.

    His position on no roots, no stems, no leaves, does make sense to me as well. 

  15. 11 hours ago, PaleoBird said:

    It's almost exclusively carnivore but I don't stress out over spices, tea, and a seriously occasional avocado or handful of berries.

    The Wolf Diet. I like that. I'm the same way and call myself "97% carnivore" because I will sometimes end up in situations where my food choices are limited, whether it's at a restaurant or a friend has us over. I will have some side vegetable or small salad so as not to be rude, but then I'm right back to my normal lifestyle choices. 

    I also have 3 apple trees in the back yard. One tastes terrible, one is tasteless, but one is actually quite delicious. So there's 2-3 weeks in August where I can't help myself but to pick one every now and then, but the local deer get most of them 🙂

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