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    Meathead reacted to Geezy in Introducing the American Diabetes Society [Diabetes Truth]   
    I saw when Dr. Berry announced this a couple of months ago and I’m excited to see some doctors who are finally being proactive in actually trying to cure their patients rather that just treat their symptoms.
    Dr. Baker is doing something similar with his health organization Revero.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Geezy in What's your Dr's thoughts 🤔   
    Normal value: <75 nmol/L
    Mine is 11
    So as long as this reading isn't supposed to be converted I should be ok. 
  3. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Geezy in 10 week carnivore   
    So far feeling better day by day even though I'm not active until after surgery. 
    Hovering around 265lbs, my moobs almost disappeared (yayyyyyy).
    Lost 2 inches on belly. 
    Total wt loss is 35lbs.
    All of this and more in my 90 days of carnivore.  
    Can't wait to see 180 days then 1 yr.
    This is more exciting than when I  sobered up cold turkey. 
  4. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Waiting for 2nd set different rubs on each. 
    Shoulda gotten the 1200dlx but oh well. 
    Video is too large and sailor mouth NSFW 🔞. 

  5. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Geezy in What Did You Eat Today?   
    5 lbs pork butt, 1lb ribeye and fixing to eat 1.25lb 80/20 minced beef 😋 
  6. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Nowler in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Waiting for 2nd set different rubs on each. 
    Shoulda gotten the 1200dlx but oh well. 
    Video is too large and sailor mouth NSFW 🔞. 

  7. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from ol_hilly in 10 week carnivore   
    So far feeling better day by day even though I'm not active until after surgery. 
    Hovering around 265lbs, my moobs almost disappeared (yayyyyyy).
    Lost 2 inches on belly. 
    Total wt loss is 35lbs.
    All of this and more in my 90 days of carnivore.  
    Can't wait to see 180 days then 1 yr.
    This is more exciting than when I  sobered up cold turkey. 
  8. Like
    Meathead reacted to Scott F. in Carnivore changes continue @120 days.   
    I'm not sure if the 'feeling better on red meats' is associated with the autoimmune disease as the "red meat and water diet" was used int eh fifties for Multiple Sclerosis. Not sure, but I think I want to give it a try.
    So many things smelled good and as I checked them out I passed on the ones with the sauces already applied. My sauces I used in the past had a staple of sugar/brown sugar. I passed. 
    It sure smelled good though.
  9. Like
    Meathead reacted to Scott F. in Carnivore changes continue @120 days.   
    I'm not where I want to be but really grateful for where I am right now. I have lost 60lbs/120 days (62 yesterday but there was a Hot Sauce festival near here and a lot of food trucks. I walked and walked til the sniff test said pull in. First trip was a rack of 8 large shrimp off the grill. The vendor was thrown for a loop when I bought the shrimp but declined on his "famous sauce" at the Hot Sauce festival. As we walked the sniff test pulled me over to a pork truck. I ate a pint of chopped pork BBQ. Again, the lack of sauce was damn near frowned upon, LOL)
    The last few days I have noticed the three-to-four-mile walks are finishing up a few minutes early. I'm feeling better while moving at a better pace. Along the way I do squats and the second half of a burpee, I walk a few feet and then do ten push-ups. Today I did 8 sets on the walk for a total of 95 squats and 80 push-ups. It is actually getting easier. 
    Still no need for the pain nor the inflammation medicine. The bloodwork last week was not all that bad. Of course, I wanted world class results after 100 days, but all things considered I'm rather happy with those results. 
    I stumbled upon a doctor who seems more excited about my results than I am, even to the point she promised to be well versed for our next visit in Oct/Nov. 
    My next step is to figure out to get to only red meat, salt and water for a stretch. The wife not being carnivore offers up a bit of a challenge but maybe with some pre-cooking/re-heating I will be able to figure it out.
    Sort of using the board as a journal. My apologies for blabbing.
  10. Like
    Meathead reacted to Carnivore Talk in Introducing the American Diabetes Society [Diabetes Truth]   
    The American Diabetes Society is brand new and we need your help reaching every person with Diabetes who is confused about what to eat, what to drink, and which medications to take.
    Website: https://www.americandiabetessociety.org/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/americandiabetesosociety
    Twitter: https://x.com/OfficialADSOrg
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/americandiabetessociety
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@americandiabetessociety
  11. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Miranda in Grocery store haul 8-27-24   
    Ready to smoke tomorrow. 
    Got a deal on lumberjack pellets.
  12. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in Grocery store haul 8-27-24   
    Ready to smoke tomorrow. 
    Got a deal on lumberjack pellets.
  13. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in Grocery store haul 8-27-24   
    Treating myself finally😍 
    Beef sticks really clean $15 so like $1 each 

  14. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in Grocery store haul 8-27-24   
    If I raised chickens pigs and cows I'd name them.......
  15. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in Grocery store haul 8-27-24   
    You raise your own chickens?
    Love to do that  but HoA doesn't allow. 
  16. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in Grocery store haul 8-27-24   
    $39.40 10 dozen pasture and non gmo

  17. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in red meat, water and salt?   
    I've always considered pork the other white meat. 
  18. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in What's your Dr's thoughts 🤔   
    Thank you for the insight brother. 
  19. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in What's your Dr's thoughts 🤔   
    So labs haven't been looked at by cardiologist but my LPA was 11.
    Is this good bad or am I screwed?
    Any insight appreciated. 
  20. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in What's your Dr's thoughts 🤔   
    I've seen many different Dr's for anything from heart, edema to chronic back pain and numbness from the knees to my feet.  
    Not 1 dr was able to help me with these issues like carnivore has.
    Dr's office calls, new patient enrollment have skyrocketed allegedly due to Dr's never stop learning about medical problems. 
    I mentioned to my wife's dr about ketosis and she said that I need carbs and ketosis is bad.
    I asked wife's cardiologist their thoughts on meat only diet he said a person needs fiber for nutrition. 
    I am going to ask my cardiologist is vegan or vegetarian better since I can't decide .
    I'll drop the bomb after he sees my labs and gives me a stupid answer. 
    My Primary is totally on board with my lifestyle change which surprised me. 
    Vegan and vegetarian is not chastised like carnivore is.
    Please let us know if you have encountered similar roadblocks and how to EDUCATE someone who refuses to listen to a layman?
  21. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Geezy in I cant do it!   
    I didn't want to give up drinking but happy I did. 
    I figured nothing was going to control my life if it affected my health or family again. 
    Like @Geezy said not all at once as it can derail, overwhelm you. 
    Best of luck we know you can keep on bettering yourself. 
  22. Like
    Meathead reacted to Bob in 5 Days in on Carnivore Diet with Prior Major Health issues   
    Welcome aboard @Tdyer07
    I can relate to the broken ankle. I did one of those last year. 
    My basic way of "changing things up" is to rotate what I eat or how I prepare them. For example, ground beef can be made loose like taco filling, or made into meatballs, meatloaf, burger patties, etc. I try not to have it the same way twice in a row, lol. I will also alternate ground beef with actual steak, chicken, fish, shrimp, etc. I like eggs and a breakfast meat. I will alternate bacon with sausage, and will also rotate between scrambled, over easy, omelet, and more.
    I do include cheese though. There's a ton of carnivore tricks and recipes you can incorporate using cheese.
  23. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in Plant-Based Supplements on the Carnivore Diet   
    As most minerals can.
    I agree with @Geezy
    get thorough blood work done and work from there. 
  24. Like
    Meathead reacted to Geezy in I cant do it!   
    Do what you need to do to continue on.
    It can be very difficult for some when they try to cut out too much too soon.
    Most carnivores starting out keep their coffee or tea and as long cream does not bother their system then it’s no big deal.
    In time, as you become fat adapted and secure in your eating you may want to improve your diet and decide to eliminate coffee or like I did, switch to tea. If that happens then you’ll only be fighting that one addiction instead of several at the same time. I drank tea for over a year as a carnivore and found that even though the caffeine was less it was sufficient. After some time I decided that I no longer wanted to be controlled by caffeine so a little over a month ago I stopped drinking tea and found it wasn’t that difficult.
    For my morning hot beverage I now drink a half cup of bone broth with a half cup of water with a tablespoon of butter and a tablespoon of MCT oil all emulsified together.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Like
    Meathead reacted to Orweller in Cast iron   
    Me neither, no metal, ever. If it's really bad a little dish soap cannot hurt the seasoning, that is a myth. I season mine with avocado oil. 
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