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    Meathead reacted to mdunavant in New to carnivore (sorta) and have hit a weight loss plateau   
    Well, as it turns out, I was just being impatient I guess.  When I wrote this, I was at 42 lbs lost and it seemed I was hovering around that for 2-3 weeks.  Since I wrote this though, I've started losing again.  50 lbs down now!
    Started in late April at 370, now 320.
  2. Haha
    Meathead reacted to Bob in You have to be joking   
    Fixed, lol. What are we? Cows? lol. 
    The irony is, that even the processed meat products are waaaay more rich in nutrients than the ultraprocessed grain products.
    I think when they refer to ultra-processed meat, they're having in mind Slim-Jim's, salami, and maybe certain sausages, which to their credit, is often not full of clean ingredients anyway.
    Because that's 100% reliable, lol. 
    Please reply in detail what you ate over the last 4 years below
  3. Thanks
    Meathead reacted to Bob in You have to be joking   
    For the sake of preserving the article, should it disappear....
  4. Like
    Meathead reacted to XaqNautilus in You have to be joking   
    Yeah it's an article running cover for cereals and the "varied" diet while demonizing processed (not ultra-processed) meats.
    The study itself is epidemiology (food questionnaires) and therefore garbage.
    Someone who eats nothing but salami, bologna, hot dogs, spam and corned beef is going to be far better off than people eating Lucky Charms, Frosted Flakes, Alpha-Bits, Honeycomb and Corn Pops.
  5. Like
    Meathead reacted to Bob in New to carnivore (sorta) and have hit a weight loss plateau   
    The human body can catch on to what were doing. Your metabolism was "trained" to be burning at a particular rate. Then you cut out a meal. This did two things. 1) It lowered the amount of fuel your taking in, and 2) it gave your body time to use up what you ate and tap into those reserves, and thus lose weight. But then it caught on, and slowed your metabolic rate to adapt to your new level of food intake. It's a survival mechanism. It think's there is less food (i.e. famine) and so it's conserving resources.
    You could try adding back in that 3rd meal for a few days or a week. Then your body is like "okay, the hard times are passed" and it can comfortable rase your metabolic rate. Then you can cut that meal and go back to intermittent fasting. 
    Some people do this gradually. They used to eat 2000 calories a day, then cut it to 1500. They lose some wieght and then plateau. So after plateauing for a while (say, 30 days with no movement on the scale), they start adding calories, about 50 per day. 1550, 1600, 1650, 1700, 1750, etc etc... 2000. And then drop it to 1500 again and then the weight loss continues.
    Other people try tricking their body by suddenly switching fuels (carb cycling). One day for lunch, eat some fruit. The body is like OH, we have glucose to burn. But then go right back to strict carnivore and don't do it again for a week or two.
    Different "tricks of the trade" work for various individuals.
    But maybe the best advice is what Dr. Berry says, in that you need some "Vitamin P" - that is - patience. Wait it out, and it will start coming off again. Just let eating right and being healthy be your main goal, and the weight loss will do it's thing in it's own time.
  6. Like
    Meathead reacted to Bob in Looking to Start carnivore diet   
    The calories don't necessarily have to decrease. If I recall, people like Shawn Baker and Anthony Chaffee, who are cut and work out, both eat about 3 pounds of meat each day. Those of us who are trying to lose weight usually add in intermittent fasting, and only eat 1-2 pounds a day, and might average half those calories or slightly more.
  7. Like
    Meathead reacted to ol_hilly in red meat, water and salt?   
    Everything from the pooter to the snooter! 
  8. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in Looking to Start carnivore diet   
    Heavy heavy fatty fats.
    Meats butter and electrolytes. 
    Fat is where you get your energy/calories along with butter (grass fed non gmo)
    It's a start I'm sure others have more ideas, this is off the top of my head. 
  9. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from XaqNautilus in 10 week carnivore   
    Finally after a week I hit 265, 35 hrs into water fast and not the least bit hungry. 

  10. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Miranda in Need to find energy for Gym Work & Running as well as maintain weight?   
    Stevia and any sweetener sucks IMO, Redmond Real Salt and water 24/7 is my go to. 
  11. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in red meat, water and salt?   
    I've always considered pork the other white meat. 
  12. Yum!
    Meathead reacted to Scott F. in red meat, water and salt?   
    All that is documented facts, but with that said, this is sort of hard to beat. 

  13. Thanks
    Meathead reacted to Qapla in red meat, water and salt?   
    The amount of myoglobin in animal muscles determines the color of meat. Pork is classified a red meat because it contains more myoglobin than chicken or fish. When fresh pork is cooked, it becomes lighter in color, but it is still a red meat.
  14. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Angela Little in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Grilled grass fed/finished organic burgers last night and grilling ribeyes tonight with new grill. 
  15. Like
    Meathead reacted to Scott F. in red meat, water and salt?   
    I always lead off with, "it's only been XXX number of days", so I am on the lower end of the learning curve.
    In those 112-114 days I have noticed a number of trends along the way. I sort of keep track of what I've eaten and how it affected me, mostly stool scenarios, but I have noticed I seem to feel better (totally subjective as so many other things factor in) and have more energy the day or so after red meats, especially the fattier red meats.
    Thus far it has been a pretty good mix of the meats, the variety coming from my wife is not into the carnivore, so the meats vary. As of late I have swayed a bit more to the chicken. Again, it "feels" like there is a difference. Part of that is we have a local Mom & Pop grocery store, and they have killer deals on chicken. I sort of stocked up a week or so ago.
    I'm off work this week and will finish up the pork chops and the chicken over the next two to three days. My wife calls it grocery shopping and I call it a 'meat run', but either way this week we stock up. I think I'm going to red meat, water and salt for a 30 day stretch just to see. It won't exactly be a double-blind study with control subjects, as I will be the double and the blind and the subject all rolled into one. This has piqued my interest. 
    Speaking of learning, as I read up on this version there were a number of people who referred to pork as 'red meat'. I never considered it red meat, but I guess the learning is never ending. 
  16. Like
    Meathead reacted to Nowler in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Haha, it's a place in the UK.
    And with all the things going on here lately you'd be best to avoid the country, not just the facility 🤣
    I'm home now anyway, so all's well that ends well!
    I've had a nice feed of Cebo de Campo Iberico ham 😎
    Bringing this back to food, and for the record, I don't think the Cebo de Campo ham is worth the increased price compared to the de Cebo.
    It's nice, but not noticeably more than de Cebo which is $30 cheaper.

  17. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Miranda in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Don't you have someone to sneak in something for you?
    Where is this (country) facility so I know to avoid being hospitalized there?
  18. Like
    Meathead reacted to XaqNautilus in What Did You Eat Today?   
    After a 72 hour fast, an airfried ribeye and six eggs scrambled with some pickled onions I made last night.

  19. Like
    Meathead reacted to Nowler in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Round 2... FIGHT!
    Still in hospital this morning and was asked what I'd like for breakfast (keep in mind, this is from the private insurance patients menu).
    I asked for a simple egg, bacon and sausage. What arrived was egg, beans and a vegetable sausage...
    Madness! What is going on in the world!? They even write in the menu to encourage you to reduce your carbon footprint by eating vegan/veggie!
    I sent the food back as I lack patience in general, and even moreso considering I haven't had any nutrition since the night before last.
    Long story short, I got eggs and bacon 🤣 I even ate some butter with it. Delicious.
    Breakfast of champions!
  20. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Nowler in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Thanks you as well. 
  21. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Geezy in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Sorry you had such a hassle. 
    I'm having outpatient hernia op in 2 weeks. 
    I'm bringing my own food just in case. 
  22. Like
    Meathead reacted to Nowler in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Currently in hospital for a day surgery Hernia Op, and to say I had hassle trying to get food is an understatement.
    Keep in mind this is private health insurance too!
    Told em no carbs, to which she replied "how about a sandwich"! I shit you not!!! Haha
    In an attempt to meet them more than half way I asked if I could have a few boiled eggs. They said there was none in stock...
    Then I asked for some cheese or just meat slices... none in stock! 🤣
    Only for one of the nurses knew I was about to bounce - freshly rearranged insides or not - she was able to sort something for me.
    They called this (picture) an omelette, but it tasted like microwaved and powdery.
    It still filled a hole and I appreciate the nurse having to step in to sort it since the questionable cook couldn't.
    Looking forward to getting home to my ribeye and eggs tomorrow
    Ps: I love nursing staff. They are awesome!

  23. Like
    Meathead reacted to ol_hilly in What Did You Eat Today?   
    I made some cha-paffles for lunch today at work. Cheese/pork panko waffles. For me and the gal I worked with. Fixed burgers to go with them. Dunno if I'm having anything tonight, not really hungry. 
  24. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Miranda in Grocery store haul 8-27-24   
    Ready to smoke tomorrow. 
    Got a deal on lumberjack pellets.
  25. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Angela Little in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Made it 50 hrs had 6 🥚  and 5 slices of Canadian bacon. 
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