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    Welcome to Carnivore Talk! An online community of people who have discovered the benefits of an carnviore-centric ketogenic diet with the goal of losing weight, optimizing their health, and supporting and encouraging one another. We warmly welcome you! [Read More]

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Hello to all my fellow carnivores out there. Yesterday I saw Geezy on Dave Mac's YouTube channel and when he mentioned this group I knew I had to join up and so I did. I've been carnivore for almost 4 years now. My wife followed me on this journey a few months after I started. We both find carnivore to be a GREAT way of getting our nutrition. I will eat this way for the rest of my life. So many benefits that after this long I forgot some of them. I actually made up a list yesterday and as I remember old aches and pains that are pretty much gone now I then put them on the list of benefits. I'm 64 and I have MS (DX in 2017) and have had 2 rounds of kidney stones (PAINFUL), one stone had to be surgically removed and while they were doing the procedure they found a grade 1 bladder cancer which they scraped out. After all that I knew I had to find a diet for all the  things I had going on in my life. I tried several different MS diets which did not seem to help. Then one day I ran across Dr Berry on YouTube and I jumped right in cold turkey and have not looked back and never will. I recently had my 5 year bladder scan and no reoccurrence of the bladder cancer was seen and the doctor said no more bladder scans are needed for me. My MS symptoms are greatly reduced. I usually eat OMAD but a few days a month I do 2 meals per day in a 4 or 5 hour window. I also do extended fasting of 36-72 hours. There again I go by how I feel. Extended fasting for me is kind of magical. The energy I get on days 2 and 3 are crazy high. just recently I made the commitment to do extended fasting once per week. We will see how that goes. I usually start my fasts on Sundays after a 5pm meal, and then just go as long as I can. 


Great testimony Terry.
I have a friend whose son has MS and I’ve talked to him about getting his son on carnivore but his son doesn’t seem interested.
I’m so glad that you were encouraged to come over to Carnivore Talk. Your experience will be very valuable to us.
Have you done any interviews?
I think you’d be a good candidate for Bob here on Carnivore Talk to put your story on Utube.
And just to let you know, we do a Zoom meeting among members every Monday at 7:00 pm central time. Come check it out. Bob will post the announcement that day with the link.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


We have similar stories. I was diagnosed with NMO/SD in 2018 which is basically the same thing as MS but also attacks the optic nerves and the eyes. Symptoms and medical issues with lesions, motor control issues, pain and inflammation are pretty much the same. I started carnivore because my son did, and it just sounded like an easy way to lose weight. The weight peeled off quickly and the pain and inflammation I had experienced sort of disappeared. I stumbled upon videos of other MS patients claiming all the positive results from Carnivore and I didn't really think it would be all that. (Dr. Chaffe has a couple good ones) Then it dawned on me I had been a week without taking gabapentin/Neurontin or prednisone. Then another week without it and within 6-8 weeks of being on a carnivore diet I was no longer using the pain and inflammation medicine. My immunoglobulin numbers indicated part of my immune system that should react was completely overactive causing the lesions as it attacked proteins on the myelin and the other part was just hanging out not reacting to anything. In the last ten months both the overactive AQ4's/Img/Iga numbers have moved their need back toward the middle and the lay around parts are more active.

I did a couple 72 hour fasts and the last one left me with crazy amount of energy. Like the ketones were on super charge. I'm currently on another fast about 32 hours deep. I feel great and was able to get in a fairly good workout this morning and then got in some solid sleep today. 

Do you feel a difference between 72 hours and 96 hours? I have read say there are some diminishing returns after 72 hours. Depending how I feel this time around I may stretch it out to 96.

I think I am going to start using my TUES-WED-THURS night shift rotation as my monthly 72-96 hour fast. 

Welcome. Congrats on your progress. Thoughts and prayers with your continued success with MS.



Welcome Terry. Glad to have you here!

12 hours ago, Scott F. said:

We have similar stories. I was diagnosed with NMO/SD in 2018 which is basically the same thing as MS but also attacks the optic nerves and the eyes. Symptoms and medical issues with lesions, motor control issues, pain and inflammation are pretty much the same. I started carnivore because my son did, and it just sounded like an easy way to lose weight. The weight peeled off quickly and the pain and inflammation I had experienced sort of disappeared. I stumbled upon videos of other MS patients claiming all the positive results from Carnivore and I didn't really think it would be all that. (Dr. Chaffe has a couple good ones) Then it dawned on me I had been a week without taking gabapentin/Neurontin or prednisone. Then another week without it and within 6-8 weeks of being on a carnivore diet I was no longer using the pain and inflammation medicine. My immunoglobulin numbers indicated part of my immune system that should react was completely overactive causing the lesions as it attacked proteins on the myelin and the other part was just hanging out not reacting to anything. In the last ten months both the overactive AQ4's/Img/Iga numbers have moved their need back toward the middle and the lay around parts are more active.

I did a couple 72 hour fasts and the last one left me with crazy amount of energy. Like the ketones were on super charge. I'm currently on another fast about 32 hours deep. I feel great and was able to get in a fairly good workout this morning and then got in some solid sleep today. 

Do you feel a difference between 72 hours and 96 hours? I have read say there are some diminishing returns after 72 hours. Depending how I feel this time around I may stretch it out to 96.

I think I am going to start using my TUES-WED-THURS night shift rotation as my monthly 72-96 hour fast. 

Welcome. Congrats on your progress. Thoughts and prayers with your continued success with MS.


Scott: Thanks for the welcome to the group. My last MRI showed my optic nerves to be clear, which was good to hear but my entire spine and brain light up like a xmas tree with the contrast added. I will probably repeat a brain MRI this year before I go on Medicare in December. it's been a few years since I've had an MRI. I am currently on Copaxone and will probably be stopping that this year also. I feel it has never done anything for me personally. it only has about a 30% success rate in patients and after age 65-70 is has very little effect for most patients. I can't use anything stronger because of the cancer risk. 5 years ago I had bladder cancer, which is now clear (Thanks to carnivore?).

MS fatigue is one feeling that just brings me down. That lack of energy when you feel okay otherwise is depressing. I do get tons of energy on a fast after 24 hours and for me it just keeps going until I decide to end the fast. Haven't noticed much difference between 72 vs 96. Thats around the "end zone" for me anyways. Next time I may go for 100 hour "century fast", never done one of those. Fasting is like magic to me. I can tell you that they get easier to extend as you do more and more of them. I usually start my fast on a Sunday night at 5pm and go as long as I can, but I also check before how much meat is in the fridge so nothing goes to waste. I've already had to put stuff in the freezer when fasts go super long, LOL.

 My wife and I both eat OMAD 90% of the time, but I've recently started going to a 36 hour fast once a week or more. There again fasting gets easier as you do them.

 I will say that after almost 4 years on carnivore right now I'm feeling in one of my better shapes and moods than anytime in the last 10 years.

 GOOD Luck with everything on you end. Wishing you all the best in your life, and as always "Eat your Meat!" 

10 hours ago, Joanna said:

Welcome Terry. Glad to have you here!

Thank You for letting me join. So glad I saw Geezy on Dave Macs YouTube channel which pointed me in this direction.

13 minutes ago, Terry said:

I'll watch the ZOOM meeting on Monday, right after Dr. Berry's live . I've never done anything with ZOOM before so that will be another skill to learn, LOL.

There is a slight learning curve but if this technology deficient old man can figure it out anyone can. 
Bob, our leader l, will probably also be on Berry’s live steam. 


I understand the fatigue. I had the same symptoms for several years but they would come and go. By the time I got to the doctor they were gone and diagnosing an autoimmune disease is difficult enough and trying to do so with symptoms that go away is even more difficult. I had loss of motor skills in my left arm that sent me into stroke protocol what felt like a hundred times. Explaining the issue and then trying to convince a doctor I am not having a stroke was always quite difficult. 

In Sept 2018 I woke up on Labor Day and I was as blind as a bat. I was freaking out. I tried to get out of bed and my left arm was just hanging there and then the pains in my neck and spine started. It was like nothing I had ever experienced. After a few hours my vision started to return but the pain and lack of mobility remained. Soon after that my right thigh and right shoulder felt like my skin was on fire. I am not sure a cutting torch would have been any hotter.

The cat scans started, followed by MRI's, visual evoked testing, spinal taps, bloodwork, etc., etc, and I got a diagnosis in late December. Those three-four months were a tough go. 

I do a rituxin/rituxamab infusion every six months. Other than my right forearm always tingles with a burn sensation I have been OK. Fatigue and lack of energy was on again off again and it sort of happened regardless of my approach or whatever I had going on with work/life. I was basically always either tired or getting tired. 

My son tried carnivore and lost 12-14lbs or so rather quickly so I saw carnivore as another hack to lose weight. I am a boring eater so 'just meats' sounded easy. I didn't read anything or research or ask, I just started eating meat. The weight started falling off almost immediately. After three or so weeks I started watching videos and reading carnivore articles, and I will admit I was thinking most of them were quacks or hacks because they all stopped mid-stream and asked me to either subscribe or buy something. There is a lady from England who stopped all her MS medicine and as I was not believing her it dawned on my I had missed my taking my medicine. (I took the pain and inflammation medicine as necessary because the gabapentin made me zombie like). I chalked it up as a coincidence. Then a few days later I realized I had not needed it again, and again being a nay-sayer at heart, I thought coincidence. By week 5-6-7 I had not taking any of the gabapentin-Neurontin or prednisone. And from there I have not taking any of the medicine since late May/early June of last year. I still do the infusions but since Carnivore my immunoglobulin number are inching back toward normal. Really low on one test and really high/overactive on another since 2018 and the last couple show signs both needles are moving back toward the middle. 

I try not to say what I am going to do tomorrow, as inevitably the intentions crash, but I don't really see me coming off carnivore, even to a lesser carb/sugar diet. I ate a trash diet my entire life and I am not sure exactly what built up/did enough damage to trigger the onset of NMO/SD. I am sure there are any number of things I could re-introduce and be OK. Finding out which ones is a bigger gamble for me that I am willing to take right now. I am hanging out on the carnivore side of the fence and choosing not to rock the boat. LOL

I'm glad the good Lord showed me this light.


2 hours ago, Scott F. said:

I understand the fatigue. I had the same symptoms for several years but they would come and go. By the time I got to the doctor they were gone and diagnosing an autoimmune disease is difficult enough and trying to do so with symptoms that go away is even more difficult. I had loss of motor skills in my left arm that sent me into stroke protocol what felt like a hundred times. Explaining the issue and then trying to convince a doctor I am not having a stroke was always quite difficult. 

In Sept 2018 I woke up on Labor Day and I was as blind as a bat. I was freaking out. I tried to get out of bed and my left arm was just hanging there and then the pains in my neck and spine started. It was like nothing I had ever experienced. After a few hours my vision started to return but the pain and lack of mobility remained. Soon after that my right thigh and right shoulder felt like my skin was on fire. I am not sure a cutting torch would have been any hotter.

The cat scans started, followed by MRI's, visual evoked testing, spinal taps, bloodwork, etc., etc, and I got a diagnosis in late December. Those three-four months were a tough go. 

I do a rituxin/rituxamab infusion every six months. Other than my right forearm always tingles with a burn sensation I have been OK. Fatigue and lack of energy was on again off again and it sort of happened regardless of my approach or whatever I had going on with work/life. I was basically always either tired or getting tired. 

My son tried carnivore and lost 12-14lbs or so rather quickly so I saw carnivore as another hack to lose weight. I am a boring eater so 'just meats' sounded easy. I didn't read anything or research or ask, I just started eating meat. The weight started falling off almost immediately. After three or so weeks I started watching videos and reading carnivore articles, and I will admit I was thinking most of them were quacks or hacks because they all stopped mid-stream and asked me to either subscribe or buy something. There is a lady from England who stopped all her MS medicine and as I was not believing her it dawned on my I had missed my taking my medicine. (I took the pain and inflammation medicine as necessary because the gabapentin made me zombie like). I chalked it up as a coincidence. Then a few days later I realized I had not needed it again, and again being a nay-sayer at heart, I thought coincidence. By week 5-6-7 I had not taking any of the gabapentin-Neurontin or prednisone. And from there I have not taking any of the medicine since late May/early June of last year. I still do the infusions but since Carnivore my immunoglobulin number are inching back toward normal. Really low on one test and really high/overactive on another since 2018 and the last couple show signs both needles are moving back toward the middle. 

I try not to say what I am going to do tomorrow, as inevitably the intentions crash, but I don't really see me coming off carnivore, even to a lesser carb/sugar diet. I ate a trash diet my entire life and I am not sure exactly what built up/did enough damage to trigger the onset of NMO/SD. I am sure there are any number of things I could re-introduce and be OK. Finding out which ones is a bigger gamble for me that I am willing to take right now. I am hanging out on the carnivore side of the fence and choosing not to rock the boat. LOL

I'm glad the good Lord showed me this light.


You really should let Bob do an interview with you Scott. You have an interesting testimony. 

2 hours ago, Scott F. said:

I understand the fatigue. I had the same symptoms for several years but they would come and go. By the time I got to the doctor they were gone and diagnosing an autoimmune disease is difficult enough and trying to do so with symptoms that go away is even more difficult. I had loss of motor skills in my left arm that sent me into stroke protocol what felt like a hundred times. Explaining the issue and then trying to convince a doctor I am not having a stroke was always quite difficult. 

In Sept 2018 I woke up on Labor Day and I was as blind as a bat. I was freaking out. I tried to get out of bed and my left arm was just hanging there and then the pains in my neck and spine started. It was like nothing I had ever experienced. After a few hours my vision started to return but the pain and lack of mobility remained. Soon after that my right thigh and right shoulder felt like my skin was on fire. I am not sure a cutting torch would have been any hotter.

The cat scans started, followed by MRI's, visual evoked testing, spinal taps, bloodwork, etc., etc, and I got a diagnosis in late December. Those three-four months were a tough go. 

I do a rituxin/rituxamab infusion every six months. Other than my right forearm always tingles with a burn sensation I have been OK. Fatigue and lack of energy was on again off again and it sort of happened regardless of my approach or whatever I had going on with work/life. I was basically always either tired or getting tired. 

My son tried carnivore and lost 12-14lbs or so rather quickly so I saw carnivore as another hack to lose weight. I am a boring eater so 'just meats' sounded easy. I didn't read anything or research or ask, I just started eating meat. The weight started falling off almost immediately. After three or so weeks I started watching videos and reading carnivore articles, and I will admit I was thinking most of them were quacks or hacks because they all stopped mid-stream and asked me to either subscribe or buy something. There is a lady from England who stopped all her MS medicine and as I was not believing her it dawned on my I had missed my taking my medicine. (I took the pain and inflammation medicine as necessary because the gabapentin made me zombie like). I chalked it up as a coincidence. Then a few days later I realized I had not needed it again, and again being a nay-sayer at heart, I thought coincidence. By week 5-6-7 I had not taking any of the gabapentin-Neurontin or prednisone. And from there I have not taking any of the medicine since late May/early June of last year. I still do the infusions but since Carnivore my immunoglobulin number are inching back toward normal. Really low on one test and really high/overactive on another since 2018 and the last couple show signs both needles are moving back toward the middle. 

I try not to say what I am going to do tomorrow, as inevitably the intentions crash, but I don't really see me coming off carnivore, even to a lesser carb/sugar diet. I ate a trash diet my entire life and I am not sure exactly what built up/did enough damage to trigger the onset of NMO/SD. I am sure there are any number of things I could re-introduce and be OK. Finding out which ones is a bigger gamble for me that I am willing to take right now. I am hanging out on the carnivore side of the fence and choosing not to rock the boat. LOL

I'm glad the good Lord showed me this light.


I worked in a silk screen printing plant for 30 years and was around a LOT of nasty chemicals everyday. That may be what gave me the bladder cancer. Who knows. As far as the MS, thats the biggest mystery in my life. I'd love to know the source of causing it. Well either way I got it and Carnivore helps it for sure. Nothing provable but you just know when you know.


Dr. Chaffee has a couple good videos on it, and I think Dr. Berry talks about it as well. There are a number of videos on YouTube about carnivore and MS. 

I will try to find it, but it went into detail on the L-Arginine and L-carnitine and how the immune system gets fooled by the molecular make-up between a plant and a protein. The body then mistakes one for the other and attacks the protein on the myelin causing the lesions. The lesions can be anywhere on the brain or along the spine. Diagnosis is always hard because the symptoms can be all over the place and can actually come and go during the diagnosis period. 

I was put on a cholesterol medicine in August of 2018 and within a few days the symptoms were mounting. I stopped taking the medicine because I checked all the boxes of the possible side effects. From there the symptoms worsened to the point I was in the bed for days on end with no real relief other than pain medicine, which left me even more zombie like. 

Carnivore seems to help so many different auto immune issues because it helps remove inflammation and most auto immune issues stem around some sort of inflammation. Some refer to it as leaky gut, but a lot of inflammation comes from food leaving the stomach not completely digested. Inflammation is the natural reaction. At the same time on the 'not so good' diets we need all these vitamins and mineral and anti-oxidants and the oxidants usually stem from the plants. The plants have evolved as well and the very things they developed to survive are the things that negatively affect our gut. Vicious cycle from there. 

I end up spending some dead time at work surfing the net. I will type in CARNIVORE + ______________ and then fill in the blank and see what pops. Stanford and St. Mary's are doing studies on the carnivore approach. I have read mostly because so many people are reporting the positive effects and some members of the scientific community are digging into the possibilities.

The benefits seem endless.


6 hours ago, Geezy said:

You really should let Bob do an interview with you Scott. You have an interesting testimony. 

If my story would interest anyone I'd be happy to talk about it. The fact I went in with zero expectations other than weight loss and then considering where I am at now is sort of ironic. 



Well I sure as heck am late to this party, but welcome Terry!  This is a fantastic place to be.  Enjoy yourself.

Funny how we all come to this way of eating via slightly different paths, but stay for the same reason.  "I am NEVER going back!!" seems to be the general consensus.

I have a friend that has recently begun fighting with MS, and I have long suspected the carnivore diet would be the way to victory for him.  I will be staying tuned!

19 minutes ago, Skeptic said:

I have a friend that has recently begun fighting with MS, and I have long suspected the carnivore diet would be the way to victory for him.

There are many stories of success out there. 

1 hour ago, Skeptic said:

Well I sure as heck am late to this party, but welcome Terry!  This is a fantastic place to be.  Enjoy yourself.

Funny how we all come to this way of eating via slightly different paths, but stay for the same reason.  "I am NEVER going back!!" seems to be the general consensus.

I have a friend that has recently begun fighting with MS, and I have long suspected the carnivore diet would be the way to victory for him.  I will be staying tuned!

My NMO/SD and MS are basically the same with the biggest difference being Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder attacks the eyes and the optic nerve. It derives from an extremely overly active immune system. I was on pain and inflammation medicine from 2018 til 2024, six/seven weeks into Carnivore. Just six or seven weeks and although the foods were carnivore strict, I was still using drink mixers to get in the water, I no longer needed the medicine. As far as the auto-immune disease NMO/SD I have been pain and inflammation free for the last ten months or so. My immunoglobulin numbers, some were way low and other were way high, the low meaning my immune system was just not doing anything and the high meaning it was attacking both good and bad tissue, have inched back toward the 'green' or normal. I have blood tests coming in May and if the trend continues, I may be in the green and normal again.

Some put it off on it is the weight that is lost and that there are better ways to lose weight. That may be true, but for me, I lost a bunch of weight on a couple different occasions and the pain and inflammation continued to persist. Six/seven weeks of Carnivore and it disappeared/stopped/no longer an issue. 

Carnivore has been life changing for me. I doubt I ever eat any other way. I am worried if I go to another way of eating and flare up, maybe Carnivore will not be as effective the next time. I don't feel comfortable with that type of gamble. 

I know as soon as we tell people who we eat everyone becomes a doctor/medical nutritional exert. I don't know enough to recommend Carnivore to people with other medical issues and I probably have passed the point of telling people about it for weight loss. For NMO/SD and MS I know what it is like to be on the downside of those two and it is not pretty. Really rough. Not to be funny but I have ended up pain free because I threw the bun, mustard, mayo and ketchup off my hamburger and just ate the hambuger.

So true, but so hard to sell.


9 hours ago, Skeptic said:

Well I sure as heck am late to this party, but welcome Terry!  This is a fantastic place to be.  Enjoy yourself.

Funny how we all come to this way of eating via slightly different paths, but stay for the same reason.  "I am NEVER going back!!" seems to be the general consensus.

I have a friend that has recently begun fighting with MS, and I have long suspected the carnivore diet would be the way to victory for him.  I will be staying tuned!

I really enjoy this way of eating and have no plans of changing. I wish more people would use it for the benefits it gives, but then our stores may run out of meat 🤔. I hope your friend can give it a go. It sure helps me. Nothing so far will cure the MS, but then you have to do whatever you can to feel your best. Good luck to him!


If either @Terry or @Scott F. would like to do an interview-style YouTube video and share their stories and successes, I think that would be fantastic.

I have a couple friends with MS. One of them has a very bad form of it, and it's debilitating. He's had to quit work and file for and fight for disability, and lost a lot in the process. He's on several daily pills, suffers brain fog, and has put on a chunk of weight. He hasn't really wanted to hear about my diet while his hand is in a bag of chips. But a video - he could watch that in his free time, privately, and not feel like he's being lectured to, lol. 

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  • Our picks

    • "Marching into March with Much Motivation"

      For this months challenge, we are going to support each other in our efforts to get up and move. Spring is in the air. The weather is getting better. Get out there and MOVE! Go for walks, hike some trails if they aren't too muddy. Or just make a goal to get on the treadmill or lift some weights more than usual throughout the month. Get in the habit now, and we just might have beach bodies when summer officially hits, lol. 


      Just like before, we encourage you to check in daily, and share what you have eaten, perhaps a weigh-in if you're willing, and enjoy in some small talk. 

      The March drawing will be for a 4-pack of Carnivore Bars!

      Every Reply in this topic will count as an entry for this month's prize drawing. Back-to-back posts count as 1 entry as a counter to spamming.

      Attending Monday night zoom also counts as a bonus entry. Being a supporter of our YouTube channel also gives you an entry.

      Let's keep our resolutions going strong!
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    • Today is February 1st and marks the first day of "National Fasting February" - and yes, this is a thing. Google it!

      For this month's challenge, we are going to support each other in our efforts to practice various forms of fasting throughout the month. The type of fasting you wish to do is entirely up to you. We are going to encourage INTERMITTENT FASTING, that is to put it simply, skipping a meal so that you are only eating 2 meals a day instead of the traditional 3 meals a day. The goal is to enjoy these meals within an 8 hour "feasting window" and then no food in the remaining 16 hours "fasting window" (in which 8 of those hours you should be sleeping).

      An example is waking up at 7am, but waiting until 11am-noon for your first meal, and then having dinner at 6-7pm for your 2nd meal. Other people prefer to eat a breakfast, then a mid-day lunch, and skip dinner. 

      If you want to throw in a 24, 48, or 72 hour fast just to show off by all mean do so, lol. 

      Just like before, we encourage you to check in daily, and share what you have eaten, perhaps a weigh-in if you're willing, and enjoy in some small talk. Every Reply in this topic will count as an entry for this month's prize drawing. Attending Monday night zoom also counts as a bonus entry. Back-to-back posts count as 1 entry as a counter to spamming. 

      Let's keep our resolutions going strong!
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    • "World Carnivore Month" January Challenge!
      January is World Carnivore Month! Participate in our challenge topic for your chance to win!
      • 193 replies
    • What is your favorite way to eat/prepare eggs?
      Vote for your favorite way to prepare eggs!

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    • This Month's Giveaway
      Enter to win! We're giving away a copy of The Carnivore Diet by Shawn Baker or The Carnivore Code by Paul Saladino.
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