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Do You Eat Meat and Meat Products Everyday?

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Well, I do not eat meat and meat products every day, I eat meat 3-4 times a week. When I eat meat, I combine meat dishes with plant-based foods (vegetables, rice, bread, etc.). While I enjoy meat and I feel very good on the day when I eat meat, however, eating too much meat also causes constipation. Therefore, I always eat a lot of veggies when I am eating meat. Do you eat meat every day?

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Yes, I’m a carnivore therefore all I eat are meat and meat products.
I do this because meat is all the human body needs for optimal health. Meat is the most nutrient dense food there is and it is all bioavailable to our bodies whereas vegetables and grains are not.
I eat strictly for nutrition therefore I avoid sugars in all forms, seeds, seed oils, grains(which are also seeds) nuts (another seed) and vegetables.
Meat, animal fats, eggs, cheese and water. That’s all I want and all I need.

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Currently I eat meat exclusively on most days. Maybe once a month, I and the guy that works for me will go out for lunch together and he likes Chipotle so we will go there and I will have a salad with double meat and none of the starchy carby bits. I usually make dinner, which means the wife gets the same meat I do. Every once in a while she wants a side of steamed broccoli or asparagus or brussel sprouts, and I will have a small side of those as well.

For these very rare occasions, I call myself "mostly carnivore" or "97% carnivore". I rarely eat off plan, and if I am gonna "cheat", I cheat with keto or something 100% found in nature. I'm not averse to plants mainly because I have zero reactions to them. But for now, I choose to stay away from them. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, I do.  I started out on Atkins, which I learned is possibly now called keto?  I did that for months and lost 15 pounds.  But, it stopped.  After watching some things from Dr. Berry on youtube, I decided to try his BBB & E diet.  I've been doing it for about a week.  So, I basically only eat meat and eggs.  Plus cream in my coffee.  I've noticed the scale is finally going down.  Yay!  🙂

I'm starting to believe meat is healthy.  Although, I feel like I've been brainwashed my entire life to believe the opposite.  Ha.

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3 hours ago, Sherry said:

Although, I feel like I've been brainwashed my entire life to believe the opposite.

We all have. We're basically told meat is just fat and protein, but it's actually a whole lot more. It's LOADED with vitamins and minerals that are bioavailable and in abundance.

We are also told that vegetables are packed with nutrition, but that isn't exactly true. Sure, some vegetables have SOME nutrients, but nowhere near the quantity that meat has. Plus, there are anti-nutrients that bind them, making them not very bioavailable, and then there are toxins, that may not affect you after eating, but may after years and years of eating the plant over and over.

Atkins was definitely on the right track. Atkins allowed for seed oils, artificial sweeteners, and believed in fiber and supplementation. But had he lived longer, he probably would have changed his tune as more information about how bad these things are became abundant.

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Atkins allowed for seed oils, artificial sweeteners,

And that’s why I failed on Adkins.
I was successful for ten years on Adkins but it just allowed too many triggers in that were eventually my downfall.

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My problem was always trying to come up with recipes that imitated foods that were forbidden. Eventually your just like "Forget this, gimme the real thing" and then next thing you know you are off plan for weeks and can't button your pants anymore, lol.

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  • 3 weeks later...
16 hours ago, Henrywrites said:

That is how I have been able to work on eating enough protein that doesn't include taking red meat as my doctor advised.

Unfortunately, doctors only repeat what they have heard in a traditional school of medicine. The truth is red meat has been a staple for humans for almost forever. Only in recent times has it been condemned, but condemning red meat doesn't have a solid foundation. It has it's roots in the "Diet Heart Hypothesis", which is the concept that diet, serum cholesterol and cardiovascular disease are causally related. However, this has been debunked by several studies, like this one for example. And then there is the plant-based/vegan agenda that is being foisted on people these days. Fatty red meat is a nutrition power house, and saturated fat is actually good for you, and too low of levels of cholesterol will have long term consequences.

Now don't get me wrong. Chicken is also fantastic, and some people actually prefer other meats to red meat, and that is okay. 

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eating enough protein that doesn't include taking red meat as my doctor advised.

Why would your doctor advise you against red meat? Medical reasons or just general health?
Red meat is the most nutritious and bioavailable food humans can eat and unless you are allergic to it I just can’t fathom why you would not eat it.
For me, chicken is at the very bottom of my protein choices. Since being carnivore I’ve just lost my taste for it. I have to drown it in butter to make it palatable.

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I just wish I'd known all this years ago, so I could have raised my children differently.  😞  I was trying to talk to my oldest son today about how healthy meat is.  I told him how they've lied to us all these years and that I'm learning that meat is the most nutrient dense food there is.  I think he believed me, so that's a start.  Now if I could just get him off of his mountain dew addiction.  🙂

I've also been talking about this carnivore diet with my 2 youngest.  Maybe some day, they'll try it, because I do worry about their health.

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I just wish I'd known all this years ago, so I could have raised my children differently.    I was trying to talk to my oldest son today about how healthy meat is.  I told him how they've lied to us all these years and that I'm learning that meat is the most nutrient dense food there is.  I think he believed me, so that's a start.  Now if I could just get him off of his mountain dew addiction. 
I've also been talking about this carnivore diet with my 2 youngest.  Maybe some day, they'll try it, because I do worry about their health.

I’m right there with you Sherry. I wish I’d have known and understood this way of eating a long time ago but if I had, would I have listened? Sometimes we’re just not ready for it yet. It took me to hit rock bottom before it was able to change my lifestyle.

For your family all you can do is be a good example. Only keep whole foods in the house. No highly processed stuff. No sugar’s. No seeds or seed oils. You probably won’t stop them from eating bad foods when you’re not around but you may be able to start a foundation that they may grow from. You can control what they eat in the home so try to make it enjoyable for them.

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Same here @Sherry & @Geezy. I'm still looked at like I am a little bit crazy, lol, even though I have lost 50 pounds and have the sustained energy to do anything. My wife boasts that she "can eat whatever she wants" but is on a zillion pills and after work is glued to the chair. She always played short-order cook for my son, making him something special that he would eat that was different from what the other three of us were having. Now this kid subsists completely on cereal, spaghetti, Slim Jim's, and Wendy's cheeseburgers plain with meat and cheese and bun only. At least he gets some meat, and he will have some fruit occasionally.

I was really trying to set the example for my daughter who is morbidly obese. She pays attention once in a while, and sometimes I think I am making some headway. I watch carnivore videos in front of her all the time and she does take notice sometimes. But she is addicted to the standard American diet, and makes claims that she has mental issues and that "food is her comfort". She's not a fan of red meat though and burns out quickly since I make it all the time.

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It's tricky when you've been raised a certain way.  My favorite foods have always been in the bread and fruit food groups. Also dairy.  Meat and vegetables were my least favorite.  I had no problem with that until 6 years ago.  My health and weight started changing and nothing worked to change that.  Until I tried carnivore.  I think our kids and family members are going to have to come to a point where they really want it and then they'll change.

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6 hours ago, Sherry said:

My health and weight started changing and nothing worked to change that.  Until I tried carnivore.  I think our kids and family members are going to have to come to a point where they really want it and then they'll change.

Yes, I completely agree. It was the same with me. I was a yo-yo dieter, on and off keto for most of my adult life. Then as new medical issues and conditions started to pop up, that's when I knew I had to make a change and make it permanent, and hope it wasn't "too late". Fortunately, besides my kidneys, everything else has gone away almost like magic. 

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