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Hey all, hope you are well!

Anyone here from the UK and want to share with me where you source your meat?


I'm currently getting my food from ASDA supermarket but I want to try (at least for a month) eating high quality grass fed meat.

I've been looking around and there's quite a few places that I can buy meat from online, but I'm hoping someone can save me time by telling me where they have managed to find the best bang for your buck source online.


Thank you in advance!


I found a FANTASTIC place online where I got a great deal on an amount of meat that would make PETA weep 😅

- 4kg/8.8lbs of Ribeye Steaks

- 4kg/8.8lbs of Sirloin Steaks

- 1.8kg/4lbs of Whole Sirloin (because I want to cut some Thicc Boi steaks lol )


I assume I can name the place I got it since nobody has said otherwise since I made this thread...? Sorry if this is breaking rules.

Cost me £150 GBP / $191 USD over at The Fat Butchers website (UK) - crazy daily sales!


Glad you found a place. Do you have any butcher shops in your area? They can be a good source.

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Hey mate,

Yeah, I got a few butchers close to me but would never get the sort of deal I mentioned above!
I struck gold finding the place I found.

I do need to speak to a local butcher to see if they can make me some minced beef with 10% or so organ to boost the nutritional profile.
Anyone here ever tried doing that?
Good? Bad?

I'll be eating natures vitamin tablets (eggs) regularly too and will have salmon and prawns once a week each, so in terms of nutrition I probably dont need the bit of organ added to my mince would I?

  On 6/6/2024 at 10:33 PM, Nowler said:

I do need to speak to a local butcher to see if they can make me some minced beef with 10% or so organ to boost the nutritional profile.
Anyone here ever tried doing that?
Good? Bad?

I'll be eating natures vitamin tablets (eggs) regularly too and will have salmon and prawns once a week each, so in terms of nutrition I probably dont need the bit of organ added to my mince would I?

According to several carnivore doctors and influencers if you are eating enough of the right meats and fats then you don’t need to supplement with organ meats.
It’s mainly just a preference thing. If you like them fine, if you don’t, fine.
Personally I believe they are good for you and boost your nutritional profile but I only eat them about once a month. I raise or hunt many of the animals I eat and I don’t waste the organs. I’m pretty much nose to tail. For me it’s not so much about the nutrition as much as it is just food.
If you want get into organs then having it ground or minced with other meats is a great way to do it, especially if your not fond of the taste. You could also purchase a grinder and do it yourself if you’d like. You could even make it into sausage. Could talk to a butcher about that as well.
What I do is with liver I make a pate or liverwurst. Heart, kidneys, spleen, sweetbreads, testicles, they all get grilled over a wood fire.

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Sounds awesome!
I'd love to hunt my own food!

Back in Ireland I went rabbit/pigeon hunting (shotgun) a few times and that was a great feeling knowing that I was going out to earn my dinner.
Unfortunately it was only a few times and now where I am in the UK I have absolutely 0.
I'm currently trying to figure out what my next move will be in life - I've no missus or kids, so provided I have enough bank roll saved up I am free to wander.
Maybe I should prioritise my next adventure to include easy access to hunting... I've always wanted to go rifle hunting (deer or whatever).


Regarding the organs, I've not tried most but liver is ok on occasion.
It's a bit strong tasting and really I only eat it for the nutrition - but as you said, if I am eating right then I dont need it.
I should try the others at some point soon - part-organ sausages could be a game changer!

I'm one of those that winces at the thought of eating testicles haha
Does it actually taste nice?
Can you post a picture of it next time you cook some up? Show me the inside.
I'd try it for sure, but I'm already tensing up at the thoughts haha

  On 6/6/2024 at 9:49 AM, Nowler said:

$191 USD over at The Fat Butchers website


Nice. That works out to $8.84/lb (USD) which is much lower than you will find in your average store or market.


  On 6/7/2024 at 1:31 PM, Nowler said:

Can you post a picture of it next time you cook some up?


He posted this pick of the testes on the grill the other day...


Posted (edited)

I was quite impressed with the price myself.
Here's a pic of it all when it arrive today (Ribeye steaks on the left, Sirloin (aka NY Strip I believe) on the right and whole Sirloin in the middle).

The whole sirloin needed some tidying up and it was then I discovered I need new knives 😅
Pretty much the whole fat cap was hard fat and I should have just cut it all off there and then (I tried to eat it but no bueno)... I'll know for the next time I suppose if they don't have whole ribeye on sale by then.



Edited by Nowler
  On 6/7/2024 at 1:31 PM, Nowler said:
Sounds awesome!
I'd love to hunt my own food!

I should try the others at some point soon - part-organ sausages could be a game changer!
I'm one of those that winces at the thought of eating testicles haha
Does it actually taste nice?
Can you post a picture of it next time you cook some up? Show me the inside.
I'd try it for sure, but I'm already tensing up at the thoughts haha

If by chance you ever wander to my part of Texas I’ll take you hunting.
Then we will feast from nose to tail. I have yet to eat an organ meat that wasn’t good. I’m not a big fan of liver but like I said when made into liverwurst I love it.
The testicles are very soft and have a mild flavor that I really can’t describe but they are good. Back when I was working cattle during round times I was one of the castraters. The women folk would
Prepare them by removing the outer sheath and the bread them and deep fry then serve them with a white cream gravy. Absolutely delicious.
With these lamb testi I just removed the sheath, sliced then in half lengthwise, seasoned, coated in butter and grilled them over a wood fire. These in the pic were about 2 1/2 inches long.

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Well, riding the Pan American Highway is on my list of things to do, so if I find myself in your neck of the woods then I'll definitely take you up on the offer bud!

Regarding the testi's, in the meantime a buddy of mine said that he cooked some up before and has said the same thing as you. Soft and actually quite nice.
I'll add it to the list of things I need to try then 😎 along with liverwurst

Thanks for the info

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I still have 4.5kg/9.9lbs of the 9.8kg/21.5lbs of meat I bought 2 weeks ago but I got a notification to say that my supplier has restocked enough Ribeye to reactivate the bulk order for that particular item!

To make it even better, they have a sale where I can get an additional 2kg/4.4lbs of Ribeye for £25/$32usd 😎

I ordered today but I had to choose Tuesday as the delivery date so I could make room in my small freezer, lol

Not bad though, 10kg/22lbs for £155/$197usd!
If I bought that at the supermarket where I used to buy it then I'm looking at an extra £74/$94usd

I'm a sucker for a bargain! 🤣


Edited by Nowler
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Finally got around to sourcing an online supplier of Biltong and Droewors! ( https://safarishack.co.uk/ )
NO MSG this time either 🤣

They claim "No Gluten, No Artificial Flavourants, No Artificial Preservatives, No Food Colourants and No MSG."


Edited by Nowler
Added link

I’d like to try those meats some day. Unless I make it myself I don’t eat our American jerky because it all has soy and sugar in it.

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  On 7/8/2024 at 2:17 AM, Geezy said:

I’d like to try those meats some day. Unless I make it myself I don’t eat our American jerky because it all has soy and sugar in it.

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You should search for Biltong bud.
Jerky is similar but not the same thing - jerky is commonly made with sugar, biltong is more often than not made WITHOUT sugar.
Just gotta keep an eye out for the other things like MSG

Droewors are pretty awesome too!
They are made similarly to biltong but in sausage form.
I'm not sure if it's typically made with more fat than biltong but the ones I got last time certainly had more fat - delicious!


I looked up some biltong on Amazon and the ingredients in most of them were much better than what we get with our jerky. The prices were a little out there though.
I’m going to try and find some locally and if I can’t I’ll research it to see about making some.

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Yeah, I had to part with £85gbp/$108usd for 1kg/2.2lbs each of Biltong and Droewors.
Making it is not going to be very difficult if you - as I suspect you do - have the space.
It'll just take longer than it takes you to make your jerky.


  • 2 weeks later...

I usually get mince meat from Aldi. 

Cheap and delicious, especially after fasting. 

If mince gets "too boring" ill' add some chicken mince/turkey mince to help spice it up or I'll just say screw it and get a big daddy 16oz steak which I'll add loads of butter to as it's super lean.

Currently working on the carnivore club blog.

  On 7/20/2024 at 12:46 PM, Carnivore Club said:

I usually get mince meat from Aldi. 

Cheap and delicious, especially after fasting. 

If mince gets "too boring" ill' add some chicken mince/turkey mince to help spice it up or I'll just say screw it and get a big daddy 16oz steak which I'll add loads of butter to as it's super lean.


Why is eating a steak a "screw it" moment?
Would you not consider eating it more often to break up the monotonous nature of mince everyday?


Is there a reason you only eat minced meats?

  On 7/20/2024 at 12:46 PM, Carnivore Club said:

If mince gets "too boring" ill' add some chicken mince/turkey mince to help spice it up


I will say that mixing meats sometimes does wonders.

Mix together beef, bacon, sausage, eggs, chicken, etc, or any combination thereof together and it does make for a tasty dish that breaks the monotony of just eating one thing all the time.

Posted (edited)
  On 7/22/2024 at 1:33 PM, Bob said:

I will say that mixing meats sometimes does wonders.

Mix together beef, bacon, sausage, eggs, chicken, etc, or any combination thereof together and it does make for a tasty dish that breaks the monotony of just eating one thing all the time.



I have fallen victim in the past to relying too much on one type of food.
And sure, if you like it then it great for the first while, but without a doubt it's going to get boring if it's the only thing eaten.

My core diet is Ribeye (buy in bulk) and Eggs but I will also have 2 meals of salmon and 2 of prawns swimming in garlic butter.
Just this alone adds so much variety and I sometimes get excited about doing another food shopping because I know it means another meal of salmon or prawns is coming soon.

I still love eating Ribeye as I have not let it become a bore.
Sometimes I'll have just Ribeye and salt, other times Ribeye and 2-3 fried eggs, sometimes I'll add a nice pepper/coriander etc seasoning, and sometimes I might even treat myself to some peppercorn sauce with it!

Once every 2-4 weeks I'll get some spicy chicken wings (watching for carbs/sugar) as a keto treat for doing such a great job in sticking with the Carn/Keto lifestyle.
Hell, sometimes I'll pick up a pack of cured meat as a treat.

I sometimes pick up some beef mince also, with a low carb bolognaise (I add more garlic) and cheese.

Other things I might get are beef shins (slow cooker) and have myself a salty beef shin broth - magnifique! 

I fully believe variety is one of the keys to sustainability 😎

Edited by Nowler

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    • "Marching into March with Much Motivation"

      For this months challenge, we are going to support each other in our efforts to get up and move. Spring is in the air. The weather is getting better. Get out there and MOVE! Go for walks, hike some trails if they aren't too muddy. Or just make a goal to get on the treadmill or lift some weights more than usual throughout the month. Get in the habit now, and we just might have beach bodies when summer officially hits, lol. 


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      For this month's challenge, we are going to support each other in our efforts to practice various forms of fasting throughout the month. The type of fasting you wish to do is entirely up to you. We are going to encourage INTERMITTENT FASTING, that is to put it simply, skipping a meal so that you are only eating 2 meals a day instead of the traditional 3 meals a day. The goal is to enjoy these meals within an 8 hour "feasting window" and then no food in the remaining 16 hours "fasting window" (in which 8 of those hours you should be sleeping).

      An example is waking up at 7am, but waiting until 11am-noon for your first meal, and then having dinner at 6-7pm for your 2nd meal. Other people prefer to eat a breakfast, then a mid-day lunch, and skip dinner. 

      If you want to throw in a 24, 48, or 72 hour fast just to show off by all mean do so, lol. 

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