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  • Bob

    Carnivore For Life, Despite Complications

    I have been doing a Carnivore Diet for the last year, and it's been amazing, despite some complications that almost scared me into quitting. But I am glad I didn't. I have lost 55 pounds, and reversed ulcerative colitis, hypertension, skin tags, prediabetes, and what might have been narcolepsy. Due to one particular condition that hasn't gone away, my lab work and blood testing doesn't always net the good results many others reap on this meat-based ketogenic way of eating. I've learned to manage it though, and I will never give up my carnivore-centric dietary lifestyle.

    Join me and my keto-carnivore friends over at https://www.CarnivoreTalk.com

    Have YOU had success with a meat-based keto, ketovore, carnivore, carnivore-centric, or animal-based diet? Let's do a video together! Drop me a line using this Contact Form...



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    Thank you for sharing, I've just subscribed too! What's your plan for the channel? Interviews, or mostly you chatting to camera? 

    If it's just you talking to camera, my honest feedback would be to add visuals - in this video, before/after, childhood photos as you mentioned you were a fat kid... That's what most YouTubers are doing these days. And if you'll just talk, without extra visuals, that'll probably be more suited to a podcast rather than video... (and I'm way more into podcasts than videos because I can multitask!)

    Hope this is helpful, no offense meant!

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    3 hours ago, Geezy said:

    Excellent Bob. Very professional, authoritative and well spoken. You are definitely a natural.

    I was into Speech & Debate in high school, and in my adult life I have done a lot of public speaking. 

    1 hour ago, SusanneUK said:

    What's your plan for the channel? Interviews, or mostly you chatting to camera? 

    Both. I have about 15 video ideas in the works, but I do really want to do interviews with others who have had success with a carnivore centric diet, whether that's a meat-based keto or ketovore diet, an animal-based diet, or a strict carnivore or lion diet.

    1 hour ago, SusanneUK said:

    my honest feedback would be to add visuals - in this video, before/after, childhood photos as you mentioned you were a fat kid... That's what most YouTubers are doing these days. And if you'll just talk, without extra visuals, that'll probably be more suited to a podcast rather than video... (and I'm way more into podcasts than videos because I can multitask!)

    Yes, one of the video ideas I have is to actually show past pics of myself next to current ones. I spent some time the other day hunting for some and found some good ones. Well, fat ones I should say, lol. 

    I'll be pushing this in audio only as well. My current thinking is to create with a view to video first, and then crosspost it to a podcast platform. I'm a little on the fence whether I want to crosspost everything or hold back some content to be unique to YouTube.

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    This was a great intro. My only observation is that the cadence of your speech could tik up just a bit faster. I listened at double speed where I usually listen at 1.5-1.75 and I felt I could have sped you up to 2.25 if it were possible and still understood you. IDK if this makes sense, but when listening like a podcast, slower cadence puts me to sleep and leaves room for ADHD mind to go off on it's own tangents.

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    3 hours ago, Miranda said:

    My only observation is that the cadence of your speech could tik up just a bit faster.

    That's interesting. My public speaking experience is mostly in a teaching/preaching setting where you want to slow down to let the points sink in. But now that I think about it, many of the YouTubers and Podcasts I listen to they seen to talk at a faster pace.

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    Here in the rural areas, fast talkers are usually salesmen or someone from not around here. I think you did just fine. But that's just me. You do whatever you want. 

    I sometimes think the faster pace on youtube comes from lots of editing. Either to cut out the mistakes and/or to make it fit a certain timeline. 

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    5 hours ago, Bob said:

    My public speaking experience is mostly in a teaching/preaching setting where you want to slow down to let the points sink in. B

    And that makes perfect sense for those situations, the advantage of YouTube or a podcast is that I can go back a few seconds if I missed something and some videos I noticed will show the most replayed part of the video, IDK if that is a feature that the content creators control.

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    3 hours ago, Bob said:

    Thank you.

    I was MIA yesterday because I'm editing the next one 😉

    I'll see if YouTube sends me a notification. Sometimes they tend to not for carnivore channels it seems. I've also heard of certain carnivore channels being shadow-banned or forcibly unsubbing people from their channels. It's happened to Professor Bart Kay and Harry Serpanos. 

    The agenda against our channels is clear as day, unfortunately. 

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