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I finally got around to watching this all the way through. I will say that I am going to have to rewatch it, especially the first half, so I can fully grasp some of the more techinical aspects of the presentation. But some easy points to pick up on were....

1) Low carb diets often show improvements in kidney function.
2) A low carb diet is just as safe as a Mediterranean diet on kidney function.
3) Improvements in kidney function is likely mediated by weight loss, which improves insulin sensitivity and blood pressure.
4) A low protein diet does NOT protect the kidney, and in fact may lead to sarcopenia in older individuals.
5) Higher protein intake was associated with lower all cause mortality.
6) Modern medical advice for managing kidney disease is contradictory and confusing, lol.

I do like the suggestion that all these individual diseases need to be though of as one single disease with multiple symptoms or expressions. CKD, DIabetes, Cardiac diease, and high blood pressure, can all be thought of as CKM - Cardiac Kidney Metabolic Syndrome.


I was hoping you might find it useful.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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