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    Welcome to Carnivore Talk! An online community of people who have discovered the benefits of an carnviore-centric ketogenic diet with the goal of losing weight, optimizing their health, and supporting and encouraging one another. We warmly welcome you! [Read More]

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I just discovered this group, so hello to all.

Last year I did carnivore for over 100 days and lost not a single pound. I seemed to put on and lose the same four pounds repeatedly. I slipped back into old habits when it became hot and I craved ice cream. Even if I slip, I never eat wheat as it causes pain in my lower back. 

I'm back on carnivore now because it feels right to me. I'd like to lose 30lbs. 

Posted (edited)

Welcome Bev, I'm just across from Wales, in Bristol! I'm new here too, and haven't lost any weight either (carnivore since 1 Feb '24) but feeling so at peace around food is worth it, even if I never lose any! 

That said, I do hope it happens for you (and me) soon ❤️

Edited by SusanneUK

Hello and welcome to the community! I have attempted carnivore off and on since 2020. This past February I restarted and did as Bart Kay recommends to gradually reduce the SAD foods rather than cold turkey and this time I seem to have hit a good stride. I haven't lost any weight other than post winter holidays fluff, but I feel very encouraged by other things like energy and reduced joint and muscle pain. I am also less bothered by what others think about my plate than I have been in the past. I used let that uncomfortable feeling control my choices. I just love how happy carnivores tend to be and want more of it.


Hi Susanne and Miranda, thank you for the lovely welcome.

It seems we are at a similar stage. I'm hoping to learn lots from you all. 

My worst times for potential slippage is during the evenings. I'm still yearning for chocolate. My strategy is: if I don't buy it, I can't eat it. 

Trying to get my diabetic partner to join me on this adventure - he is giving it a go but I know his heart's not in it. 

Going to read all I can here tomorrow.

Have a good night.



Welcome aboard.

I did lose a bunch of weight, but the scale has remained idle since November. I have to credit it to a combination of carnivore, intermittent fasting, and an actual need to lose weight. In November, I had some blood work that scared me (you'll find the discussion about my triglycerides in the private area) and so I added back a third meal and some occasional snacking to stop the weight loss. Now I want to take off another 10+ but struggling to get back into my old pattern/habit. 

But I feel like a million dollars now, compared to a year ago when I felt like death, so I'm here to say 🙂

I've heard that women lose weight slower than men and it can discourage you. Don't be disparaged. Stick with it. We can toy with macros and fasting schedules and for some they need to get some labs done and see if there is an underlying health condition making it difficult for you to lose weight. 


Welcome Bev, we are glad you could join us.
Bob is correct that women can have a different experience with this WOE than men do. I think I heard Kelly Hogan say in one of her videos that it took her six months before she saw weight loss but like me, neither of us became carnivores for weight loss. We did it to get healthy and heal our bodies.
The weight loss was a side benefit of becoming metabolically healthy.
Without knowing how you are eating it’s hard to try to analyze or give any advice other than to say just eat animal fats, animal protein m, salt and water and as you need to adjust from there. Just staying away from all forms of sugar, seeds, seed oils and highly processed foods can work wonders to heal us. I would include vegetables in that list but while they provide no benefit or nutrition for our health I don’t believe they are that detrimental as long as they are kept to a bare minimum of less that 10 carbs.
Stay with it and make sure you are eating enough fat and protein because you don’t want your body to go into starvation mode otherwise it could be reluctant to lose its fat stores.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

My hard-to-give up is coffee with cream, although I am trying to substitute butter for cream. 

I quit coffee just because I lost my taste for it but do drink one cup of tea in the morning. I make mine bulletproof. That’s one tablespoon of butter and one tablespoon of MCT oil in the tea and then emulsified. It’s creamy, frothy and delicious.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

My taste for seems to be getting more intense. I don't mind a cup of tea now and then but I could easily do without it. I have a frothy butter coffee next to me right now.

5 hours ago, Geezy said:

I quit coffee just because I lost my taste for it but do drink one cup of tea in the morning. I make mine bulletproof. That’s one tablespoon of butter and one tablespoon of MCT oil in the tea and then emulsified. It’s creamy, frothy and delicious.

Out of curiosity what do you use to get it to mix, because in my mind fat and water is going to want to separate.

Out of curiosity what do you use to get it to mix, because in my mind fat and water is going to want to separate.

Out of curiosity what do you use to get it to mix, because in my mind fat and water is going to want to separate.

I emulsify it with a NutraBullet. Any blender would work also.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
On 4/27/2024 at 9:04 AM, BevG said:

I'm back on carnivore now because it feels right to me.

Welcome Bev, this is a great community.

This way of eating feels right to me too. 👍 

11 hours ago, Bob said:

Out of curiosity what do you use to get it to mix, because in my mind fat and water is going to want to separate.

I just whizz it with a small hand held foam whisk. It cost about £3 / $5 from Amazon. I usually do it with the mug half filled as it's a powerful little thing. I then top up to full. It creates a lovely foamy top.

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  • Our picks

    • "Marching into March with Much Motivation"

      For this months challenge, we are going to support each other in our efforts to get up and move. Spring is in the air. The weather is getting better. Get out there and MOVE! Go for walks, hike some trails if they aren't too muddy. Or just make a goal to get on the treadmill or lift some weights more than usual throughout the month. Get in the habit now, and we just might have beach bodies when summer officially hits, lol. 


      Just like before, we encourage you to check in daily, and share what you have eaten, perhaps a weigh-in if you're willing, and enjoy in some small talk. 

      The March drawing will be for a 4-pack of Carnivore Bars!

      Every Reply in this topic will count as an entry for this month's prize drawing. Back-to-back posts count as 1 entry as a counter to spamming.

      Attending Monday night zoom also counts as a bonus entry. Being a supporter of our YouTube channel also gives you an entry.

      Let's keep our resolutions going strong!
      • 34 replies
    • Today is February 1st and marks the first day of "National Fasting February" - and yes, this is a thing. Google it!

      For this month's challenge, we are going to support each other in our efforts to practice various forms of fasting throughout the month. The type of fasting you wish to do is entirely up to you. We are going to encourage INTERMITTENT FASTING, that is to put it simply, skipping a meal so that you are only eating 2 meals a day instead of the traditional 3 meals a day. The goal is to enjoy these meals within an 8 hour "feasting window" and then no food in the remaining 16 hours "fasting window" (in which 8 of those hours you should be sleeping).

      An example is waking up at 7am, but waiting until 11am-noon for your first meal, and then having dinner at 6-7pm for your 2nd meal. Other people prefer to eat a breakfast, then a mid-day lunch, and skip dinner. 

      If you want to throw in a 24, 48, or 72 hour fast just to show off by all mean do so, lol. 

      Just like before, we encourage you to check in daily, and share what you have eaten, perhaps a weigh-in if you're willing, and enjoy in some small talk. Every Reply in this topic will count as an entry for this month's prize drawing. Attending Monday night zoom also counts as a bonus entry. Back-to-back posts count as 1 entry as a counter to spamming. 

      Let's keep our resolutions going strong!
      • 78 replies
    • "World Carnivore Month" January Challenge!
      January is World Carnivore Month! Participate in our challenge topic for your chance to win!
      • 193 replies
    • What is your favorite way to eat/prepare eggs?
      Vote for your favorite way to prepare eggs!

      • 30 replies
    • This Month's Giveaway
      Enter to win! We're giving away a copy of The Carnivore Diet by Shawn Baker or The Carnivore Code by Paul Saladino.
      • 1 reply
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