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Posted (edited)

Hey folks!
I hope all of you are well!

Has anyone here ever actually looked into which kind of salt is best?
I'm pretty sure table salt for example is generally deemed to be at the bottom of the list due to it essentially just being sodium.

Which brings me to Sea Salt or that pink Himalayan stuff supposedly with extra minerals.
I could be wrong but I seem to recall seeing that the minerals in the pink stuff is so negligible that it's just not worth the mark up in price.
Can anyone confirm?

So I would assume that any old sea salt is probably almost as, if not JUST as good as the next sea salt?
Any opinions? Specific brand recommendations?
Are any more prone to having significantly more microplastics maybe?

Edited by Nowler

Any particular reason why you prefer Redmond's, Miranda?
Or is it mainly just a geographical thing with it being domestic for you?



I prefer Redmonds because it’s mined here in America rather than Tibet.
I also really like Maldon’s flaked sea salt especially for topping on steaks, both the regular and the smoked.
Then my special one I like for cooking is my truffle salt. It’s a sea salt with dried bites of truffles. Decadent.
Stay away for table salt. Not because it’s just sodium, we need sodium, but because it has additives in it such as sugar. Yep, that’s right. Table salt has sugar in it.

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Smoked salt is a thing!!??
I definitely need to get me some of that!
I love the smoked flavour on the streaky bacon I get, and any other smoked meats I have had over the years.

I've just ordered a baking tray with rack for my fridge after I picked up the tip from Dr. Chaffee's YT short.
- Cover a number of steaks in salt
- Pop em onto the tray, leaving enough room for air to circulate all around the meat
- Put em in the fridge and eat over the coming week.

Up to now all my beef remained packaged until an hr or so before I was going to eat it. It was only then that I would season it.

Apparently I should see a noticable different in taste/texture as the days go by when they are salted and left on the rack in the fridge...
Let's find out!

On the topic of seasoning, I've ordered 2 types of beef rub also to try out.
I like beef just as it is, or even with some garlic butter, but no harm having some other flavouring on hand in case I fancy something a little different some day

Smoked salt is a thing!!??
I definitely need to get me some of that!
I love the smoked flavour on the streaky bacon I get, and any other smoked meats I have had over the years.

I've just ordered a baking tray with rack for my fridge after I picked up the tip from Dr. Chaffee's YT short.
- Cover a number of steaks in salt
- Pop em onto the tray, leaving enough room for air to circulate all around the meat
- Put em in the fridge and eat over the coming week.

Up to now all my beef remained packaged until an hr or so before I was going to eat it. It was only then that I would season it.

Apparently I should see a noticable different in taste/texture as the days go by when they are salted and left on the rack in the fridge...
Let's find out!

On the topic of seasoning, I've ordered 2 types of beef rub also to try out.
I like beef just as it is, or even with some garlic butter, but no harm having some other flavouring on hand in case I fancy something a little different some day

Yes smoked salt is a thing…a very good thing.

I always try to dry brine my meats at least overnight before cooking.

I have found that the longer I’m eating carnivore the less I desire seasoning other than salt.
Be careful about using commercial seasonings. Read their labels carefully to understand what you are eating. Most of them that I’ve looked at, including the ones in my cupboard had sugar or some derivatives of sugar and some had soy products and chemicals that I couldn’t pronounce.
So it all just depends on how strict you want to be.

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Posted (edited)

My tray arrives today, so looking forward to trying some dry brine steaks over the next week!

Regarding the seasonings, I don't suspect I'll be using them much.
I picked them up more as a precaution after buying so much beef - just in case I have a day where I'm not feeling having the same thing but all I have is beef.
Prior to April I was struggling with my eating and was ordering takeaway food many times per week.~
Part of the reason I have been so consistent with Carnivore since is because apart from beef I always have something I deem tasty in the fridge/freezer (salmon, prawns, chicken, cheese).

Of course a significant reason for my consistency is also the low and stable insulin/glucose levels in my body also, but knowing I have a carb addiction I figure it's better to be safe than sorry - so for that reason I try to have some tasty alternatives to the baseline of beef.

The rub I have ordered says it's 100% natural, and after making a mistake in buying some Biltong with MSG in it recently, I am now conscious of checking for that.
The MSG Biltong might not really have any carbs in it, but MSG will and did spike my insulin levels - I had the thirst that I get after reintroducing carbs after a long time off them, my skin developed warm red blotches, and I felt weird too.

I guess I am not as strict as some because occasionally I will have olives with my steak, or Franks Hot sauce with chicken breast (which recently I have lost the taste for). Hell, I might eat a spoonful of peanut butter in the late evening if I am peckish.

I made a big batch of chicken soup lastnight as I had some chicken breast which was going to go bad.
I checked the chicken stock powder (Knowrr brand) for MSG and carbs but it was only this morning that I remembered that the bit of maltodextrin might be an issue.
I'm ok with it on a rare occasion if it's just a sugar - if the carb numbers are very low of course.
But if it's an insulin spiking ninja like MSG then I'll bin the big batch of soup.

I dont feel the same after eating some compared to how I felt after eating the MSG laced biltong, so we might be ok to eat it sparingly since I am ok with deviating slightly from pure carnivore occasionally.

EDIT: I am definitely going to pick up some non-MSG biltong soon though! What a great snack! Those and Droëwors!

Edited by Nowler
My tray arrives today, so looking forward to trying some dry brine steaks over the next week!

Regarding the seasonings, I don't suspect I'll be using them much.
I picked them up more as a precaution after buying so much beef - just in case I have a day where I'm not feeling having the same thing but all I have is beef.
Prior to April I was struggling with my eating and was ordering takeaway food many times per week.~
Part of the reason I have been so consistent with Carnivore since is because apart from beef I always have something I deem tasty in the fridge/freezer (salmon, prawns, chicken, cheese).

Of course a significant reason for my consistency is also the low and stable insulin/glucose levels in my body also, but knowing I have a carb addiction I figure it's better to be safe than sorry - so for that reason I try to have some tasty alternatives to the baseline of beef.
The rub I have ordered says it's 100% natural, and after making a mistake in buying some Biltong with MSG in it recently, I am now conscious of checking for that.
The MSG Biltong might not really have any carbs in it, but MSG will and did spike my insulin levels - I had the thirst that I get after reintroducing carbs after a long time off them, my skin developed warm red blotches, and I felt weird too.

I guess I am not as strict as some because occasionally I will have olives with my steak, or Franks Hot sauce with chicken breast (which recently I have lost the taste for). Hell, I might eat a spoonful of peanut butter in the late evening if I am peckish.

I made a big batch of chicken soup lastnight as I had some chicken breast which was going to go bad.
I checked the chicken stock powder (Knowrr brand) for MSG and carbs but it was only this morning that I remembered that the bit of maltodextrin might be an issue.
I'm ok with it on a rare occasion if it's just a sugar - if the carb numbers are very low of course.
But if it's an insulin spiking ninja like MSG then I'll bin the big batch of soup.

I dont feel the same after eating some compared to how I felt after eating the MSG laced biltong, so we might be ok to eat it sparingly since I am ok with deviating slightly from pure carnivore occasionally.
EDIT: I am definitely going to pick up some non-MSG biltong soon though! What a great snack! Those and Droëwors!

Ok, that’s fine if you can handle it. I’m not the moderation type. I have to abstain from things like sugars and even artificial sweeteners.
My wife is a moderation type but I just don’t have that kind of discipline.
Franks hot sauce isn’t too bad in my opinion as long as you don’t have a sensitivity to the peppers and spices. It’s one of the few that are clean in my opinion because it doesn’t have any sugars or soy. I use it myself on occasion.
I’m with you on the chicken. I used to love chicken until I became carnivore but it turned out that what I liked was fried chicken. It was the breading I was after not the meat.
I still will eat some roast chicken now and again but when I do I have to drown it in butter to make it palatable.

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Yeah, it's funny how what we desire when on carnivore changes just like that!
I tend to just want fatty meat now... I can't get enough steak man! haha, It's so good!
My tray arrived and I have 5 steaks dry brining as we speak 😉

I might just pick up 3 breasts to have in the freezer, just in case I ever crave some.
Actually, I'll grab a whole chicken with my next food shopping - I love a roast chicken just out of the oven with the skin crispy (plenty of fat in the skin too).



Damn, look at me being basic using iodized table salt. In the cheap white can from Walmart. I do have sea salt in the cupboard somewhere, any reason why I use that too? 

Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, Orweller said:

Damn, look at me being basic using iodized table salt. In the cheap white can from Walmart. I do have sea salt in the cupboard somewhere, any reason why I use that too? 

Table salt tends to have other ingredients of the undesirable kind, like anti-caking agent for example.
It also tends to not have the minerals which sea salt would typically have


Edit: Sorry, I misread your message. I dont know much about iodized table salt.
When I see "Table salt" I avoid

Edited by Nowler
15 minutes ago, Nowler said:

Table salt tends to have other ingredients of the undesirable kind, like anti-caking agent for example.
It also tends to not have the minerals which sea salt would typically have


Edit: Sorry, I misread your message. I dont know much about iodized table salt.
When I see "Table salt" I avoid

I've heard it somewhere to mix both iodized salt and sea salt. Best of both worlds. I'm going to be honest, I do not worry about salt too much. Table salt or iodized salt, I use them interchangeably (That a word?), English is my second language, I could be wrong in terminology sometimes. Welcome to the forums and good luck on your journey. I've had over 30 years of chronic pain due to an auto immune disease that supposedly would put me into a wheel chair. Fun times. 


Yup, interchangeably is the correct word bud 😎
Thanks for the welcome.

For me I wouldn't even consider eating table salt to get the iodine from iodized table salt.
You can easily get iodine from your food, unless you are a picky eater.

Dairy, eggs, sea food are just some sources of it

2 hours ago, Nowler said:

Yup, interchangeably is the correct word bud 😎
Thanks for the welcome.

For me I wouldn't even consider eating table salt to get the iodine from iodized table salt.
You can easily get iodine from your food, unless you are a picky eater.

Dairy, eggs, sea food are just some sources of it

I do eat a lot of eggs, seafood scarcely, not much fresh sea food here in Ohio. Used to eat the herring straight out of the North Sea. Not a picky eater, fortunately. 


Table salt is out for me ever since I discovered it has sugar in it.
Now when I go out to read I carry a little bottle of Redmonds salt with me so I don’t have to use what they have in the restaurant.

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6 hours ago, Geezy said:

Table salt is out for me ever since I discovered it has sugar in it.
Now when I go out to read I carry a little bottle of Redmonds salt with me so I don’t have to use what they have in the restaurant.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That made me chuckle!

Gotta do what you gotta do! 

That made me chuckle!

Gotta do what you gotta do! 

One of these days I’m going to learn to proofread. I meant to say “eat”.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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    • "Marching into March with Much Motivation"

      For this months challenge, we are going to support each other in our efforts to get up and move. Spring is in the air. The weather is getting better. Get out there and MOVE! Go for walks, hike some trails if they aren't too muddy. Or just make a goal to get on the treadmill or lift some weights more than usual throughout the month. Get in the habit now, and we just might have beach bodies when summer officially hits, lol. 


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      An example is waking up at 7am, but waiting until 11am-noon for your first meal, and then having dinner at 6-7pm for your 2nd meal. Other people prefer to eat a breakfast, then a mid-day lunch, and skip dinner. 

      If you want to throw in a 24, 48, or 72 hour fast just to show off by all mean do so, lol. 

      Just like before, we encourage you to check in daily, and share what you have eaten, perhaps a weigh-in if you're willing, and enjoy in some small talk. Every Reply in this topic will count as an entry for this month's prize drawing. Attending Monday night zoom also counts as a bonus entry. Back-to-back posts count as 1 entry as a counter to spamming. 

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