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Posts posted by Bob

  1. On 7/23/2024 at 9:43 PM, Scott F. said:

    In the past few weeks for me it has the hamburger I grind myself. 

    I'm getting more interested in this. The lady I met down the street does this. She's even offered for me to come down and use her equipment.

    On 7/24/2024 at 6:29 AM, Another Meat Head said:

    charred fat is different to me and it is just a flavorful accent.

    I agree. When I make my NY Strips inside, I will trim a strip of the fat and fry it so that it's crispy. Absolutely delicious!

  2. 15 hours ago, Scott F. said:

    Maybe the only issue is that I am sure they used some sort of vegetable oil on the grill

    Oh for certain, especially at the Mexican restaurant. Or even the Hibachi ones where they grill it in front of you, you can literally watch them squirt the oil on it. 

    I eat out so very little that I don't even ask if they cook in seed oils or butter. I'm personally not that sensitive at the current time, and it's the chronic consumption of these that lead to improper Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratios.


    but I don't think that gets me kicked out of the club.

    Well I hope not, because I did eat the green peppers and onions, lol. 

    But I'm usually strict carnivore. The next potential dates for having to compromise is potentially eating out after an even August 2-4, and then again on my Florida vacation at the end of August.


    Last night was hamburgers. And, my wife is slowly coming around. She has been trying hard to do mostly keto the last few days. 

  3. I got to meet a fellow carnivore the other day. This is Jan. She is also a member in Dr. Berry's community. We are both members at the "Vital Supporters" level. Turns out, she lives within walking distance of me. She contacted me and invited me down to meet in person and made my wife and I some smoked patties consisting of meat she ground herself and mixed with brisket, bacon, and cheddar cheese. We took this picture of our first meeting, and plan on getting together again for some more outdoor cookin' 🙂



  4. Things that Layne missed...

    Seed oils are are not part of a natural human diet, as these heavily ultra-processed oils were not in existence before the 1900's (ish). They are easily oxidized. They are high in Omega-6 and low in Omega-3. They are in everything, which is why our Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio is so out of balance that it leads to an inflammatory state. They are even worse when heated. A little bit in your ranch dressing here and there probably won't hurt you, but when you cook every meal with it, and every baked good sitting on the store shelves has been cooked with it, and every restaurant is deep frying with it, the cumulation of all this leads to inflammation and poor health.

    It's way deeper than just one's fat mass they are carrying around.

  5. On 7/20/2024 at 8:46 AM, Carnivore Club said:

    If mince gets "too boring" ill' add some chicken mince/turkey mince to help spice it up

    I will say that mixing meats sometimes does wonders.

    Mix together beef, bacon, sausage, eggs, chicken, etc, or any combination thereof together and it does make for a tasty dish that breaks the monotony of just eating one thing all the time.

  6. Yesterday I was with my family and some of my wife's extended family and ended up having to eat at a Mexican restaurant that I hadn't been to before. I was able to make things work (ketovore) with a dish that was ribeye, chicken, shrimp, scallops, and chorizo on a sizzling skillet with some peppers and onions. I had that and passed the rice and beans off to another relative.

    This was at like 3 in the afternoon, and I ended up not being hungry the rest of the day.  

  7. On 7/18/2024 at 6:01 AM, Miranda said:

    dos equis

    I remember those. Quite tasty, lol. While I avoid beer 99.9% of the time now (I've had maybe 3 in the last 12 months). I still have some bourbon once a month at Open Mic night, or perhaps some hard liquor with no carbs added to a Diet Sprite or Diet Coke. I've got a lot of bottles of this or that here and home collecting dust, and I even think some of it is going bad.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Laura said:

    My focus right now is reducing inflammation, scalp psoriasis, and weight loss... My current diet is beef (mostly ground, as easier to digest), organic mozzarella, organic whole milk Greek yogurt, with a bit of organic raw green stevia. Eggs, poultry, seafood, lamb, pork, don't work for me.

    Sounds like you are the right track. Dr. Berry says to eat BBBE (beef, butter, bacon, and eggs) and Dr. Kiltz will say to eat BEBBIS (beef, eggs, bacon, butter, ice cream*, and salt). *homemade ice cream thats just cream and egg yolks, no sugar.

    Some people don't do well with dairy. Most people are fine with it and odds are so are you, but that would be the next thing to nix in your personal N=1 experiment.

    If you are based in the USA and there is a Labcorp near you, you can get cheap bloodwork at www.OwnYourLabs.com and check your inflammation markers. Totally unnecessary but I like to geek out on that stuff, lol. 



  9. Also remember that when you are actively losing weight, your LDL will go up. There is cholesterol in your adipose tissue that gets released into the blood stream as you use that stored fat for energy. When you are eating a ketogenic diet, you are relying on fat for energy. LDL is what transports that fat to your cells.

    I would be wary of a lipid panel until you had at least 90 days of being weight-stable. And 180 would probably be better.

  10. If you're approach to eating is keto, then you might be able to make room for a little nut butter here and there. Some causes for concern would be the sugar content, and if it's made with any seed oils. Nuts are seeds, and seeds tend to be high in plant defense chemicals that may, or may not, fuel underlying health conditions. So it depends on what your health goals are? Are you trying to lose weight, reverse disease, or just trying to eat more whole foods and less processed foods?

    Right now in my journey, I am mostly carnivore (with spices) most days, and will rarely, but occasionally, eat a piece of fruit or a vegetable that is actually the fruitage of a plant. I still live under my mantra of refusing to eat roots, stems, seeds, and leaves.

  11. .

    I have Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease and have been eating a Carnivore Diet for over a year now. Am I killing my kidneys with all that protein, or am I healing them? Modern medicine teaches that protein is hard on the kidneys, especially for those with CKD, so am I taking a big risk here? Can a person with CKD eat a Carnivore Diet or meat-heavy carnivore-centric keto diet? Should those with healthy kidneys eat low protein and avoid red meat in order to protect their kidney function? I discuss all these questions in this video.


    JOIN me and my keto-carnivore friends over at

    Have YOU had success with a meat-based keto, ketovore, carnivore, carnivore-centric, or animal-based diet? Let's do a video together! Contact me using this form...

    00:00 Introduction
    00:32 The Protein Myth
    02:06 What does the research reveal?
    04:12 Protein is Vital
    05:06 I have Stage 4 CKD
    07:12 Why the Carnivore Diet?
    09:56 My Results and Bloodwork
    11:56 Why Creatinine goes UP
    14:21 Cystatin C and other Markers
    15:58 What actually caused my CKD?

    DISCLAIMER: The Carnivore Talk website and its audio and video content is for general informational purposes only. The use of the information found within our content or from materials linked to from our content is at the user’s own risk. The content published by Carnivore Talk is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should seek the assistance of their health care professionals to obtain medical advice and to diagnose or treat any condition.

    #carnivore #carnivorediet #ketodiet #chronickidneydisease #ckd #kidneydisease #kidneyhealth

    View full episode

  12. 19 hours ago, Suzanne said:

    Mine is naturally high, but now sits at 7.85

    This is 303.56 mg/dl for us USA folks 🙂

    19 hours ago, Suzanne said:

    My doctor is having a fit because I went off statin a number of months ago. Should I be concerned???

    The general consensus in the keto-carnivore community is No. If you are eating a Proper Human Diet (i.e. carnivore, keto, ketovore, maybe a delicate step towards animal-bases), and all your other numbers are looking good, then LDL is not a number of concern. 

    Mine went up. As I lost weight it skyrocketed into the 500's but now that I have been weight-stable for the last 8 months it has dropped back into the 200's. 

  13. On 7/10/2024 at 8:49 AM, jarrodssc said:

    I always end up developing anxiety and insomnia after a few days

    Some people report not needing as much sleep as they used to. And then others, like myself, have become biphasic - that is, sleep in 2 stages instead of one long 8 hour rest. I sleep from around 11pm or midnight to 2 or 3am, then I get up for an hour, and then I go back to sleep again and then wake up at 7am or so. It's been like this since shortly after starting carnivore and it has never gone away. I don't let it bother me though. I've just accepted it.

    Try not to eat within 4 hours of bedtime. If I eat late, I can't sleep. My body wants to expend that energy. 

    On 7/10/2024 at 8:49 AM, jarrodssc said:

    it MIGHT be that my protein is too high and my fat is too low

    Aim for at least 1g of fat for every 1g of protein. 

    On 7/10/2024 at 8:49 AM, jarrodssc said:

    It's made such a huge positive impact to the health of my body

    I'm glad to hear that. This proves that this is good for you overall.

    On 7/10/2024 at 8:49 AM, jarrodssc said:

    My body feels awful on carbs

    What kind of carbs? If you mean sugar and grain and the standard western diet, then yeah, you'll feel awful. 

    But, if you can stay mostly carnivore and then occasionally eat ketovore or animal-based (i.e. fruit) you should still feel alright, provided you're just getting a small amount of carbs here and there and not binging on fruit all day, lol.

  14. 18 hours ago, johnnypepperoni said:

    the only thing you do is repeat the same shitty advice. take a hike

    Listen, here you are the newbie. We don't know you, nor do we know what advice others have given you over the years. Repeating advice is bound to happen, especially when said advice proves to be beneficial for most people who apply it. We're sorry if it's not working for you, assuming that you are actually honestly applying it. Please understand that we want to help you, and we hope to see you succeed.

    Telling another member who is demonstrating concern for you to "take a hike" is unwarranted. As a reminder, here is an excerpt from the Membership Policy you were required to read and agree to upon joining...

    "Speech & Conduct

    2) Be kind. Do not post statements or materials that are libelous or defame, harass, abuse, stalk, threaten, intimidate or in any way infringe on the rights of others.

    10) No Trolling. Do not post off-topic comments that could cause unrest or disturbances among members and within discussions. This community does not tolerate direct or indirect attacks on another's character, nor does it tolerate deliberate attempts to derail, hijack, troll or bait others into an emotional response. We reserve the right to remove these types of comments if warranted. Individuals who consistently or intentionally post these types of comments may lose their ability to comment permanently."



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