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Posts posted by Bob

  1. There's a handful that pop-up if you type "carnivore cookbook" in Amazon. Paul Saladino's book looks interesting, although I think there is going to be some keto and animal-based options in there also since he published it in 2022. The air fryer cookbook looks interesting. And I see Courtney Luna has a book coming out on October 1st, and she's also a trusted name in the community.

    And don't forget about Chris Cooking Nashville on YouTube...


  2. On 5/30/2024 at 2:52 PM, dvillamor said:

    Everything I have read so far states that when on carnivore you have a feeling of being full and not hungry.

    This depend. If you are VERY new, and you are used to a lifestyle of snacking, then you have some habits to break. Then there is also WHAT are you eating? Low fat certainly won't cut it. I can eat a chicken, and be starving 2 hours later. Or I can eat 16-20oz of New York Strip, and I'm good for 6-8 hours. 

    If you are used to moderate meals and snacking inbetween, turn those into meals with fatty red meat, eggs, bacon, and butter, and work on stopping the snacking. Then the next step would be to combine your 3 moderate meals into 2 very large meals and intermittent fast.

    You can do it!

  3. On 5/30/2024 at 10:30 AM, Kristin said:

    How long does the approval process normally take?

    Welcome aboard! Once you have just ONE post approved, you're out of moderation. I keep the spammers at bay this way. You just have to wait until I've checked the site, since I'm the only one with the keys.... for now, lol. 

    On 5/30/2024 at 10:29 AM, Kristin said:

    I had HORRIBLE pain and a lump by my gallbladder.  Now when i try to search up healing a gallbladder, everything says eat, vegetables, fruits and fiber?!?!?!?!  and Stay away from FATS!!! 

    Well, if you don't consume fat, the gall bladder won't get much use. BUT, this is why you might have gall stones after all. You may need some time. As you you increase your fat intake, the gall bladder will ramp up production. If Geoff posted the video I think he did, Dr. Berry explains it very well.

  4. Welcome Dom,

    Keep doing what you're doing. The diet is nutritionally rich, anti-inflammatory, and it can take a long time to heal everything. Your back problems could stem from a non-diet related issue or injury so do follow through with the various tests to try and narrow down a reason.

    I hurt mine back in 2006/7 tearing out a tile floor. Then, it was easy to reinjure or reinflame and it bother me for years and years. Sometimes I couldn't get out of bed without sliding to the foot of the bed, letting my legs drop to the floor, and very very slowly raising myself to a standing position. It was agonizing just to striaghten up. 

    I eventually got a water bed, and it made all the difference in the world. After some time, I realized I hadn't suffered from back pain in who knows how long.

  5. On 5/30/2024 at 3:33 PM, Andre said:

    Simple: Because you are not looking to find results that negate you assumed assumption, as a Carnivore.
    All around the world there are people eating whole food witch include fruits, and being healthy and lean. 

    Just to recap, I've made the following statements to you repeatedly over the last few months....

    • "Humans always ate berries and seasonal fruit, even way back in the beginning. (from this post)
    • "A proper human diet is a low carbohydrate, meat-based diet that generally ranges from zero to 100 carbs per day. It does not necessarily have to be 100% carnivore. If you cut out processed food and stick to natural meats, dairy, fruit, and vegetables and avoid processed food, you will likely thrive." (from this post)
    • "If you can hunt it, milk it, or pluck it from the branch or vine, it's probably fair game, depending on your personal physiology and what your personal goals are. (from just a few comments above)

    If you haven't figured out that we're a reasonable bunch, who are not dogmatic about the type of carnivore-centric diet you want to adopt, whether that's full of keto friendly low carb veggies, fruit & honey, or all of the above, then isn't it you who are making assumptions?

  6. On 5/30/2024 at 3:31 PM, Andre said:

    That sound more like a Cult than i rational attempt to find what is a better way of eating.

    But what is irrational about trying a carnivore diet? Mankind has been eating meat for ages. Ultra-processed foods, seed oils, refined sugars and grains, and genetically modified crops are all recent phenomena that also coincides with the sudden rise in several chronic and auto-immune diseases. We simply don't think that is a coincidence, and are willing to go out of our way to eat like our great grandparents ate, or like humans ate centuries or millenia ago. 

    We reverse disease and suddenly find ourselves winning the weight loss game that we had been losing at all our lives. How is that irrational?

    Now granted, there are some people who live for being labeled. They just eat meat, salt, and water, and will jump at the opportunity to tell you your seasonings, beverage, or occasional plants "aren't carnivore" as if they are better than you. That's the cultish mentality, basically a meat-eating vegan, lol. Just brush it off. 

    What Dr. Berry refers to as a Proper Human Diet is a spectrum. Pure carnivore is simply at one end. You may function best somewhere in the middle.

  7. On 5/30/2024 at 3:27 PM, Andre said:

    Crazy. I was Carnivore for more than 6 months and yet i stopped losing body fat after the first 7 weeks. I was stalled for over 3 months!  Maybe it is just not for everyone! Bad luck for me

    Well for what it's worth, I've been stagnant and maintaining since November. I did achieve my goal weight of 175, but still have a little belly. My son, 17, and an inch taller than me, weighs 149 now so I would like to push for another 15 lb loss and reach 160. But like I said in the video, I think I am going to have to work for it with weights, my treadmill, and some intermittent fasting thrown in.

    After my ankle healed, I returned to work, and working makes me hungry, so now I am back to 3 meals a day and some snacking. It's all carnivore, but it keeps my insulin and blood sugars elevated all the time which will inhibit the weight loss. It was easy as pie to intermittently fast when my ankle was broken, because I just sat around in the recliner, not burning much energy at all. 

  8. I may have mentioned this in another thread. I got the Ninja Creami, and so I have been experiementing with trying to make a decent carnivore or keto ice cream. So far the batches I have made have been decent, but not spectacular. It's basically heavy cream and egg yolks. I've tried one batch sweetened with raw honey and another with allulose. It was again, good and satisfies, but certainly makes it clear just how much SUGAR must go in regular ice cream. It's similar but not the same.

    I recently found a connection to get raw milk, raw cream, and raw cheese from a farm nearby. I might try a combination of milk and cream instead of heavy cream alone, and see if that improves it any.

  9. Yeah, I've got 4 comments so far. Geoff and my reply, plus 2 vegans, one wanting to debate live, lol.

    The YouTube algorithm is tricky, hard to train, and the "competition" is fierce. It actually takes a long time to get the ball rolling. I worked on my other channel for years and SLOWLY grew a small following. 

    I do think this one will do better. I just need to make more content and make more noise.

  10. .
    A vegan propaganda film called Christpiracy makes the bold, yet false claim that Jesus was a vegetarian and was against eating animals of all sorts. In order to perpetuate this misinformation on Piers Morgan Unscensored, they misquote the Bible, twist Jesus words, mistranslate Koine Greek, and cite non-biblical texts, spurious texts, and documents that don't even exist. In this video I scrutinize their claims and show you the obvious - that Jesus ate lamb and fish among other meats and loved every last bite.


    SUBSCRIBE to the channel!

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    Have YOU had success with a meat-based keto, ketovore, carnivore, carnivore-centric, or animal-based diet? Let's do a video together! Contact me using this form...

    DISCLAIMER: The Carnivore Talk website and its audio and video content is for general informational purposes only. The use of the information found within our content or from materials linked to from our content is at the user’s own risk. The content published by Carnivore Talk is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should seek the assistance of their health care professionals to obtain medical advice and to diagnose or treat any condition.

    View full episode

  11. On 5/26/2024 at 9:57 PM, Miranda said:

    Btw a yellow jacket 🐝is trying to build it's nest in our grill.

    They might rethink this after you fire it up, lol 😄

    10 hours ago, Miranda said:

    I can feel the brain fog lifting today!

    Glad you are feeling better.

    I've yet to succumb to any processed junk food. I'm striving to maintain my vow never to eat refined sugar or grains ever again. If I cheat, it's with single-ingredient whole foods, whether it be a fruit or vegetable. 

    I will say that sometimes even that will make me feel drained for a few hours, typically if I ate a salad. I need to test whether it's the plants or the dressing, but I suspect it's the dressing. It's literally the only time I might consume a seed oil, about once in any given month.

  12. There can be a balancing act here. Too much fat will produce looser stools because you don't have enough bile on hand in your gal bladder to help digest it, so it passes through you and out the back door.

    ON THE OTHER HAND, a diet that is high protein with very little fat will also result in diarrhea. 

    You may need to track your macros for a while to find your personal perfect balance.

    So yes, give the sirloin a try. Or trim *some* of the fat from your striploins and ribeye's. If you grill them you can lose a bunch of fat through the grates. But remember, most people try to eat high fat, even adding butter to their steaks, especially if they lose a lot of fat from grilling.

    I tried to cut the fat way down last autumn and I also started having chronic diarrhea (vs. occasional diarrhea). I stopped minimizing fat and added cheese back to my diet and things stiffened up. I've since heard that dairy, particularly cheese, can be a natural constipator.

  13. 10 hours ago, Miranda said:

    I hope this isn't required reading 

    No it isn't, lol. But the article is written by Nina Teicholz, who authored "The Big Fat Surprise". She's a good person and is on our side 😉

    Her article is quite lengthy, so much so that I didn't feel comfortable copying and pasting the whole thing. It's more of a long-winded blog entry and isn't likely to go anywhere soon, unlike some of these media stories that disappear after a while.

  14. 2 hours ago, Geezy said:

    I’ll give you three guesses and the first two don’t count.

    1) White bread? 2) Chocolate? 3) EGGS! :lol1:


    I had eggs this morning for breakfast. Beef bologna with pepper jack cheese in an Egg Life wrap for lunch, and probably 20oz of NY Strip for dinner. 

    I might comment on my lack of variety once in a while, but truthfully I am quote content eating eggs and beef 95% of the time.

  15. Carnivore is a fanatical right-wing, male diet, right?

    The media shoehorns carnivore into a culture-war narrative, far from the truth.



    MAY 17, 2024


    To read the stories on carnivore is to learn that the diet is the domain of toxic right-wing, muscle-obsessed men, aligned with “hustle and gym bro culture.” A typical introduction to meat-eating in these articles might be an image of a cowboy or grill-happy dude in a red state where “[S]erving beef at your cookout is as a patriotic as buying a gun” (New Yorker2019).  Carnivores who eat mostly meat, we’re told, come “tauntingly close to…toxic, alpha-male culture (Bon Appetit); they’re “stoking a rising wave of toxic masculinity online” (Rolling Stone) and represent a “stomach-churning embrace of [the] hypermasculine” (The New Republic).  Veins bulging out of their oversized arms, carnivore men who would have previously been “outcast[s], living on the fringes of society” can now use social media to inflict themselves on our attention, causing us to be “pulveris[z]ed by the worst cunts alive” (Vice).

    This florid, dehumanizing language is, shockingly, the norm. Journalists have worked themselves into a frenzy of hyperbolic descriptions, which is alarming given that—can we agree?—discussions on food and health should not, as a starting point, be heavily politicized. People select what they eat often for health reasons, and as we’ll see, the choice of meat is no different.



    The above is just a snippet. Read the whole article here....

    ARTICLE SOURCE: https://unsettledscience.substack.com/p/carnivore-is-a-fanatical-right-wing

  16. In the elementary years, I think it's good to expose children to the various arts. This way we can see if any of them might resonate with students. I personally loved my art and music classes and elected to take them in later years. 

    Mandatory? Like you need so many art credits in order to graduate? No, this should not be the case.

  17. Sorry it took so long to approve this post. I was at work today, and then afterwards I was recording and editing in a video.

    When you say bloating, are you talking about gas, or a swollen stomach? Your diet should not be producing any gas. 

    You could try eliminating the eggs. They can be a food sensitivity for certain individuals. It's rare, but you can acquire sensitivities later in life. 

    You might want to make an appointment with a doctor to check for any possible medical condition. Constipation, irritable syndrome, heart failure and kidney issues, as well as fluctuating hormones during menstruation can cause bloating.

  18. 4 hours ago, srichards77 said:

    I’m going to try and cut out the ground beef and take a DAO supplement

    If it's histamine intolerance, that combination should bring notable improvements.

    In the meantime, you can focus on...

    • Fresh meat (cooled, frozen, or fresh)
    • Chicken (cooled, frozen, or fresh)
    • Bison
    • Beef (only if unaged and not ground)
    • Chicken breast, boneless
    • Duck
    • Eggs
    • Goose
    • Lamb
    • Ostrich
    • Pork (only if unaged and not ground)
    • Alligator
  19. 2 minutes ago, srichards77 said:

    I’ll also see if I can get fresher meat. Wish I could do grass fed but I can’t afford it. 

    It's slightly more nutritious but since you eat some liver on the side it's a non-issue for you. Those multi-chamber ruminant stomachs prevent toxins from the grains from getting into their flesh.

    I don't go out of my way to get grass fed, although Sam's Club sells 85/15 grass fed burger at a reasonable price so I do get those to eat a few days a week.

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