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Posts posted by Bob

  1. So at Cedar Point yesterday I went to a place called Famous Daves outside the park, at the Marina, overlooking the lake, and they worked with me to stay on plan. 

    I order a burger with pepper jack cheese + bacon + chopped pork + beef brisket and it they even fenagled the price so it didn't break the bank. It did have a squirt of BBQ sauce on top, which I didn't ask for but I am assuming it was in conjunction with the chopped pork, and it was so small it wasn't worth scraping off so I ate it. 

    Earlier that day I had eggs, sausage, and bacon.

  2. 23 hours ago, Miranda said:

    I'm so jealous everyone here is tired of steak and they complain alot.

    That would be my wife, lol. She get's tired of beef, beef, and more beef, lol.


    10 hours ago, Angela Little said:

    So dairy will cause you to itch? I have had an itch problem for years now and my doctors don’t know why. I itch so bad that I just dig my skin really bad.

    You could try eliminating the dairy to see if it improves. The point of a strict carnivore, whether that's Lion Diet or something like beef, butter, bacon, and eggs, is eliminating every possible thing that could be bothersome to you. Then, after 30, 60, or 90 days, you slowly and gradually add back one food at a time - like one new food every 2 week, to test how your body will react to it. Many start with dairy because it's still an animal product.

    The itch could be poor diet, a particular plant or class of plants, dairy, etc. You just have to play this game of trying to figure it out. If you go complete Lion Diet and still itch, then it could be environmental or the detergent you use, etc.


    10 hours ago, Angela Little said:

    Today I had some oven baked beef ribs and sautéed bok choy. I stay clogged up so I have to get some greens in at times, not everyday but I do have to have some. I sautéed my bok choy in bacon grease

    We're cool with those who still want to eat some keto friendly vegetables (keto/ketovore) or even some fruit & honey (animal-based) as part of your carnivore/carnivore-centric diet. 

    We'll only shame you if you eat a Twinkie, lol :laugh: 

  3. Butter, tallow, ghee, cheese, blue cheese, heavy cream, and milk (if you're not concerned about the carbs). What types of meat are you eating? I will say that when I eat meats that are lean, such as chicken and lean fish, I get very hungry again soon. Too much lean protein will kick me out of ketosis too.

    What does "MS" mean in the subject line?

  4. 12 hours ago, MG426 said:

    Strict carnivore..NO CARBS....Thinking adaptive glucose sparing..?

    Possibly. Adaptive glucose sparing is when your muscles become resistant to glucose and instead prefer triglycerides so that the glucose in your system will be spared for the brain, which needs it more. This is actually a good thing.  

    Where are the blood sugars coming from? Gluconeogenesis - your body is converting protein into glucose. This is a natural process. Until you become fat adapted, this process will keep taking place because your cells prefer sugar. So what many people do is keep their protein intake moderate and their fat intake high so that they can become fat adapted faster (fat adapted is when your body now has a preference for fat for energy over that of carbohydrates). 

    Those high readings indicate that you are still diabetic and/or have insulin resistance. You're only 7 weeks in. I would keep doing what you are doing. 

  5. So yesterday I went to a concert and had 2 beers. Mind you, I have NOT had a beer for probably 14-15 months or more. But I bring this up because I couldn't believe what the scale said this morning. 

    I usually clock in at 175.5 on a daily basis. This morning, I stepped on and it said 179.5. Seriously! FOUR pounds from 2 beers?

    Anyway, it will be forever and a day before I touch another one, and I am sure tomorrow morning it will read 175.5 again. 

    I fully expected a slight increase. Beer in particular is known for interfering with your body's ability to burn fat. Plus, it is a grain and contains carbs. BOTH the carbs and the alcohol must be metabolized first before you return to ketosis. And most people when they drink beer, they gorge on other unhealthy carby foods to boot. 

    Now imagine someone who does this on the daily, and how bad they are wrecking their health and developing that beer belly. I was never that kind of drinker back when I was a [regular] drinker.


  6. 3 hours ago, Geezy said:

    Excellent Bob. Very professional, authoritative and well spoken. You are definitely a natural.

    I was into Speech & Debate in high school, and in my adult life I have done a lot of public speaking. 

    1 hour ago, SusanneUK said:

    What's your plan for the channel? Interviews, or mostly you chatting to camera? 

    Both. I have about 15 video ideas in the works, but I do really want to do interviews with others who have had success with a carnivore centric diet, whether that's a meat-based keto or ketovore diet, an animal-based diet, or a strict carnivore or lion diet.

    1 hour ago, SusanneUK said:

    my honest feedback would be to add visuals - in this video, before/after, childhood photos as you mentioned you were a fat kid... That's what most YouTubers are doing these days. And if you'll just talk, without extra visuals, that'll probably be more suited to a podcast rather than video... (and I'm way more into podcasts than videos because I can multitask!)

    Yes, one of the video ideas I have is to actually show past pics of myself next to current ones. I spent some time the other day hunting for some and found some good ones. Well, fat ones I should say, lol. 

    I'll be pushing this in audio only as well. My current thinking is to create with a view to video first, and then crosspost it to a podcast platform. I'm a little on the fence whether I want to crosspost everything or hold back some content to be unique to YouTube.

  7. On 5/8/2024 at 3:14 PM, SusanneUK said:

    I'm staying away from diet sodas, I know you guys are right about that...

    This is a vice that I still haven't been able to shake yet. I even bought a DrinkMate so I could carbonate my own water. But I just buy the diet soda syrup and make my own pop at home now, lol. I've always been a sucker for soda.

    17 hours ago, ol_hilly said:

    Tomorrow I plan on taking my lunch by going to the second hand store and shopping for some 36 inch waist pants. I think I'm about ready to downsize again.  And maybe find a long lost chaffle maker... 

    Downsizing is awesome. Good stuff. And you'll enjoy the chaffle maker too 🙂

  8. I have been doing a Carnivore Diet for the last year, and it's been amazing, despite some complications that almost scared me into quitting. But I am glad I didn't. I have lost 55 pounds, and reversed ulcerative colitis, hypertension, skin tags, prediabetes, and what might have been narcolepsy. Due to one particular condition that hasn't gone away, my lab work and blood testing doesn't always net the good results many others reap on this meat-based ketogenic way of eating. I've learned to manage it though, and I will never give up my carnivore-centric dietary lifestyle.

    Join me and my keto-carnivore friends over at https://www.CarnivoreTalk.com

    Have YOU had success with a meat-based keto, ketovore, carnivore, carnivore-centric, or animal-based diet? Let's do a video together! Drop me a line using this Contact Form...



    View full episode

  9. 11 hours ago, tracker1 said:

    Two big hurdles I have is one, what I have been taught about fat and meat all of my life.

    Yes, this does require making your mind over, because meat and saturated fat has been demonized for so long, and continues to be. But think about it like this. Humans have been hunting and eating meat since time immemorial. Obesity and metabolic disease is only a recent post 1900 A.D. phenomenon. If you are of the mindset to eat only what would have been naturally available to you or your ancestors, meat is at the top of the list. Fruits and vegetables were seasonal, but hunting was done year round. 

    11 hours ago, tracker1 said:

    And secondly, how in the heck can I eat just meat, I just can’t get my mind around that.

    I felt the same way. You get used to it. And now it is my preference. I rarely deviate from this way of eating. I might occasionally have a piece of fruit or a salad, but now that I have experienced majors benefits from carnivore, I pretty much desire to stay pretty true and faithful. I've sworn off refined sugar and grains for life, but I might deviate with some plant matter, especially in social occasions where I don't want to be *that guy* who is making things difficult, lol.

    11 hours ago, tracker1 said:

    My third concern is all of the chemicals and drugs that are used in animals to keep them from being sick.

    Here in the USA, this isn't a concern. There are federal regulations that requires a wash-out period. If for some reason, an animal needs an antibiotic, just like we might when we get an infection, that animal cannot be slaughter for at least 2 weeks after treatment. This is to give the animal time for it's liver and kidneys to detoxify it from the antibiotic that was given it. It's the law. 

    Welcome aboard Chuck! You should check out Duma's Meats 😉

  10. Breakfast was sausage. Lunch I had some beef bologna in an egg life wrap, and for dinner I just had 2 half pound burgers with some shredded cheese.

    The shredded cheese is "carolina reaper and ghost pepper" cheese. My gut has been bothering me all week since I opened it and I am starting to think this is the reason. Thank goodness it's almost all used up. 

    1 hour ago, Miranda said:

    pear ...dinner roll... banana

    Well since we're sitting at the confessional, I did have an apple to hold me over till dinner. I fixed my rear brakes today, and then took the dog to the dog park because she was restless. I was a little hungry but wanted to get the park out of the way first before cooking.

  11. I started falling apart in my mid 30's and it accelerated in my 40's. But I had ulcerative colitis really bad. I was told there was nothing I could do about it, no dietary changes required because diet had nothing to do with it. It was an auto-immune condition with an "unknown" cause - maybe it's genetic.

    After nearly a decade of suffering, I started looking into diet. I was drinking a pot of coffee in the morning, snacking on nuts and almonds throughout the day, and gorging on spinach-rich salads for lunch and sometimes dinner. Basically, I was a 24/7 oxalate imbiber. 

    I quit coffee and my condition improved tremendously, and a couple years later I discovered carnivore and this summer I might legitimately be declared *cured* by my gastroenterologist.

    Needless to say, I have no respect for Big Food anymore and almost no faith in the healthcare system at present.

  12. On my labs, it says the range for "healthy LDL" is capped at 99, lol. Back in the day it used to be 300, then it has been gradually lowered with subsequent "studies" funded by the statin manufactures, from 250, to 200, to 150, etc. Basically, it's just a way to get more people as "subscribers" so they keep getting that residual income, because when you start a statin, you're on it for life.

    Same with blood pressure. Hypertension stage 1 used to start at 140/90. In 2017 several health organizations lowered it to 130/80 being the start of stage 1.

  13. On 4/29/2024 at 8:25 PM, Geezy said:

    Total cholesterol then was 299 and this time it was 269.

    LDL was 225 and now 190.

    Trigs was 87 and now 66. emoji106.png

    HDL was 57 and now 66. emoji106.png

    That gives me a ratio of 1. emoji106.png

    All of the other markers we within the averages

    Excellent. All those results look fantastic!

    On 4/29/2024 at 8:25 PM, Geezy said:

    My sodium was 139 and now 133... My doctor thinks I’m drinking too much water

    Maybe. Mine is always 137 like clockwork. Over the last 5 years, it has never changed. 

    On 4/29/2024 at 8:25 PM, Geezy said:

    my potassium levels were a little elevated potassium was 4.7 and now 5.9

    I would agree with stopping your potassium supplementation. I have a topic on here called "Hyperkalemia" which is what you now have. My potassium levels were high due to a presription drug I take in combination with my CKD. I did Lion Diet for 30 days to get my potassium levels down because chicken breast and especially pork is high in potassium. You probably just need to cut back on the supplement.

    Over 6.0 and you might start noticing symptoms. A level over 7.0 can stop your heart. So, take this one a bit seriously.

    On 4/29/2024 at 8:25 PM, Geezy said:

    Another surprise was my A1c. It was 5.2 but now 5.6

    The theory here is that when you eat a carnivore-centric diet, your red blood cells live longer than the average 3 months, giving you this elevated reading. 

    On 4/29/2024 at 8:25 PM, Geezy said:

    My estimated glucose was also elevated. Was 103 but now 114.

    If you got the blood test in the morning, this could be the dawn phenomenon. Alternatively, since you fasted for 19 hours, you may have started gluconeogenesis (converting proteins into glucose).

    All in all, outside of the potassium, you're in good shape. I would gladly trade labs with you, lol 😄 

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