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Posts posted by Bob

  1. Welcome aboard Jorik!

    For starters, could it be that your previous carefree diet was the cause of your memory loss, brain fog, and other issues, and not necessarily the anti-depressants alone? Notice how you said that you felt great, and then as you added back carbs, and the started slipping down that slope of adding more and more carbs, your issues returned. Are you taking anti-depressants now? Did you quit cold turkey or did you wean yourself off them slowly. 

    Flat out quitting certain medications can send you in a tizzy for a bit. It may be better to work with your doctor and gradually lower your dose. Cut it in half for a couple weeks, then cut that in half again for a couple more, then take that smaller dose every other day for a couple more, and eventually quit. 

     Outside of that, the advice above to make sure you have adequate vitamin D levels and electrolyte levels is a good one. Salt your food to taste, and then supplement with magnesium and potassium. You will want to get blood labs every once in awhile to check your vitamin D levels and if you have kidney issues you will want to check your electrolyte levels as well if you choose to supplement. 

    But I would stick to it. You know it works because you've experienced it yourself. 

  2. 1 hour ago, atlsrt44 said:

    Well ive been hardcore since Jan 1 (0 sugar 0 carb). I had dropped from 272 down to 239 but had plateaued for the last couple weeks.

    Congrats on the weight loss, Will!

    1 hour ago, atlsrt44 said:

    2. I felt sick the rest of the day.

    3. Weighed myself at the gym this morning and i dropped 2lbs down to 237.

    I've had this similar experience countless times back when I did keto/low carb and even now that I am mostly carnivore. I would plateau for several weeks, get frustrated, eat a pizza, and weigh less the next day. And yes, I would feel pretty lousy.

    Since i've started carnivore, I have vowed never to eat grains or sugar (basically, anything that's a grass) ever again. So to live up to my vow I cannot throw caution to the wind and eat a pizza or any processed junk. But... a large apple will do the same thing for me by breaking the plateau - which is a much healthier alternative. 

    If I am going to cheat, I cheat with something natural.

  3. 5 hours ago, Goldy said:

    Bob it is criminal in my mind that children should have this poison in their mouths and told not to rinse.

    My son is almost 18. But yes, I was sitting in the room - and if I recall his teeth were in pretty good shape. I can't remember the reason behind the prescription strength toothpaste. 

    But apparently the proper method is to spit out as much toothpaste as possible without actually rinsing with water and we've all been doing it wrong, lol...


    Of course, if you eat a proper diet and especially if you brush regularly, even with flouride free toothpaste, your mouth is going to be just fine.

  4. 6 hours ago, louis said:

    I am finding it a little challenging to understand how much fat to eat. 1) I have no scales

    Generally, just eat until you are comfortably stuffed, i.e. full, but not stuffed to the point of agony. And then only eat when you are hungry. Different people prefer to do it in different ways, such as 3 modest sized meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), or 2 larger meals a day (brunch and dinner), or just one giant meal per day. 

    6 hours ago, louis said:

    2) I cannot comprehend eating double the weight in fat as the amount of meat that I am eating.

    I've never heard of this before. And I am not sure exactly what you mean. When I read this, it implies that if I eat 1 pound of chicken, then I should also eat 2 pounds of butter. There is NO WAY I am going to do that, lol. 

  5. On 3/31/2024 at 9:39 AM, Miranda said:

    I drank close to a quart of creamy decaf Now I am gassy and having to spend extra time in the bathroom

    Have you had the same reaction to milk in the past? There is some lactose and carbs in heavy whipping cream. Not as much as milk. Those who are lactose intolerant and cannot drink milk can sometimes tolerate some HWC, but it should still be avoided if you are severely lactose intolerant.

    In the past, if I overindulged in ice cream, I would experience the same bloated gassy and track-n-field sprint to the bathroom too.


    Dr. Fernald of Dental School Has Casts Taken by MacMillan


    By means of some 90 models of Eskimo teeth, Dr. Adelbert Fernald, Curator of the Harvard Dental School Museum, has proved that eating a strictly meat diet is the ideal way in which to keep the human mouth in a healthy condition, and that it is due to the fact that civilized people do not eat enough meat that they as a rule have decayed teeth.

    Commander Donald B. MacMillan, the noted Arctic explorer, obtained about 90 impressions of the teeth of the Eskimos of Smith Sound, "the meat eaters," who live the farthest north of any human beings. He did this at the request of Dr. Fernald, who desired the models for the Dental School Museum. The impressions were made on one of MacMillan's most recent Artic expeditions. From the impressions, models have been constructed. Commander MacMillan said that "the Smith Sound Eskimos average about four ounces of vegetable matter each year per capita."

    Only one tooth of the 616 contained in the models is deformed. All the models represent mouths and teeth wonderfully developed. A more definite proof of the efficacy of a meat diet in maintaining healthful teeth could not be desired.

    Out of the 616 teeth only seven are missing, while Dr. Fernald states that of the same number of teeth in the mouths of New England people, he would expect to find more than 100 missing.

    In connection with the securing of the Eskimo teeth models from Commander MacMillan, Dr. Fernald arranged with Professor Hooton of the Peabody Museum at Harvard to secure impressions of the teeth of Yucatan natives during a southern expedition. These people are famous as vegetable eaters. Most of them eat no meat whatever. It was found that their teeth were very much decayed. At a surprisingly early age, their teeth lost all semblance of even a normally healthy condition, and most of them, when middle aged, had practically no teeth, whatever. It has been the experience of most dentists that those people who have the healthiest teeth are those who eat the most meat, which points to the same conclusion as Dr. Fernald's researches.

    Many of the models of the Eskimo teeth are perfect in every way, not having the slightest defect either of form or condition. Dr. Fernald states that is the 32 years of his dental practice he has seen only one set of teeth which were perfect in every respect.

    Dr. Fernald says "Studying the models of these peoples' mouth in the interest of anthropology and ethnology, as well as from an orthodontic standpoint. I consider extremely valuable, as much more data, can be obtained from models of a living person than from skulls. For instance, if the models show that the gums are apparently firm and tight around the teeth and have not receded that alone indicates to some extent a healthy mouth. From the fact that the arches are so even and well developed I should say that these people with so large arches are not mouth breathers, and therefore are not suffering from adenoids, enlarged tousils, and so forth.

  7. Agriculture is the bedrock of civilization but created a nightmare for our teeth

    Apr 5, 2016, 11:41 AM EDT
    DNA from a 37,000-year-old skeleton found at the Kostenki archaeological site in Russia supports recents findings and offers new ones about the history of human evolution. Peter the Great Museum

    The agricultural revolution changed everything, and it's tough to overstate this fact.

    No longer tethered to roaming animal herds, or reliant on foraged berries, learning to grow our own food some 10,000 years ago allowed (and forced) us to settle down.

    But that crucial Neolithic shift came with a cost that haunts humanity to this day: It devastated our teeth.

    Farming grains and other carbohydrate-rich foods freed up a lot of time for our ancestors. In turn, this helped spur the development of culture, art, trade, science, and all the other things that go into complex human civilization (like news sites you read on the internet).

    Yet this flood of carbs made our mouths — long-adapted to a more complex diet — a fertile breeding ground for one type of bacteria called Streptococcus mutans.

    Dr. Richard Facklam/CDC (PHIL)

    S. mutans is most commonly associated with cavities and tooth decay. It feeds off the carbs, including sugars, that get stuck in our teeth, metabolizing them into lactic acid. This acid then eats away at dental enamel and rots our teeth.

    The bacteria is basically built for the human mouth, and is passed down from mothers to children during infancy.

    However, our teeth hadn't really evolved to deal with it in large numbers, and researchers used genetics to discover that, around 10,000 years ago, S. mutans started to grow exponentially — right in time with the rise of agriculture.

    After that first Neolithic bump for S. mutans, bacterial diversity in the human mouth pretty much remained consistent through the Middle Ages.

    Our initial switch to farming wasn't the only time we gave a boost to S. mutans, though. During the Industrial Revolution 150 years ago, another major agricultural shift occurred: We introduced an enormous amount of processed flour and sugar into our diets.

    This lit the powder keg we'd built for S. mutans, helping it crowd out other bacteria species to become the dominant dental bacteria, form stubborn and gnarly plaques of biofilm, and more rapidly chew away at our teeth.

    ARTICLE SOURCE: https://www.businessinsider.com/growing-crops-human-cavities-increase-2016-3

  8. I just want to interject and say that my response above related to the illegal use of steroids. If it's legal in your area and you have the benefit of working with a doctor, whatever kind of drugs or therapies you want to try is a personal choice indeed.

    On 4/1/2024 at 6:47 PM, Orweller said:

    That and small nuts. Can you live with small nuts?


    On 4/1/2024 at 9:56 PM, ImCharlieBruh said:

    my wife said I don't use your nuts I need the other thing lol

    This reminds me of a comedian I saw, oh, probably back in the 90's. One of his humorous skits was about body building - and the comment/joke that stuck with me is that you can make every part of your body bigger, except one. And in turn, it makes that one look smaller, lol.

  9. So there is a lot of crap and propaganda out there that yes, I think it's just conspiracy theories. As for an example, I am not going to name one just in case a member here believes it. Many people invest a lot of feelings into their "conspiracy theories" and that will quickly turn into a debate and undermine the community. I would rather not have that.

    I will say that what I have learned about the food and healthcare industries probably makes me sound like a conspiracy theorist to the average person who lives life day to day eating whatever they want and obediently filling their prescriptions. But my faith in Big Food and Big Pharma is forever shaken.

  10. Welcome aboard @Adam. It sounds like you are having fantastic results. You can live just fine on beef, water, and salt - it has just about everything you need. Sounds like your body is currently prioritizing healing over weight loss, and that is okay 🙂

  11. So for the first 2 months, I oscillated between hard as rocks constipation or faucet-on pouring liquid stools. I also would only go once a week, maybe twice. I went 10 days once without going at all. Eventually, things returned to my new normal, which is normal stools about twice a week. Cheese will stiffen things up, so if you are liberally enjoying cheese, maybe back down a bit and choose a different fat, like butter, the fat on steak, tallow, etc.

    Magnesium citrate is also known to help. 

    My hemorrhoids have improved tremendously with carnivore, probably because I am not constantly sitting on that toilet several times a day anymore (I used to have ulcerative colitis)

  12. What do you mean by "grease reflux"? If you feel like the hamburger grease coated your mouth, just rinse it out. @Miranda's recommendation for hot water or @Geezy's about hot bone broth is a good suggestion because hot temperatures helps liquefy fat and wash it away. I still drink carbonated beverages, whether water or sugar free sodas, and this usually neutralizes and leftover tastes for me.

    But when I hear "reflux" I think of vomit, wet burps, or just burps that taste like your last meal. If this is the case, maybe you need to NOT drink carbonated beverages until several hours after eating.

    @Orweller's comment on maybe it's keto-breath is also a good point to ponder. Did this gradually become a problem after several days? Is it a metalic taste of sorts. A lot of people experience this when they first start burning fat/ketones for energy after all the glucose stores have been depleted. The funky taste/breath sticks around for a few weeks at best and then goes away.

    If it's keto-breath, the only thing you can do is brush regularly and pop a sugar free mint in emergency situations, lol

  13. On 3/30/2024 at 3:49 PM, Miranda said:

    No fat or salt. Thankfully she is trying to eliminate processed foods and sugar. 
    I feel unsure about being adamant of going against doctors orders. 

    That's a start. If she can at least eat all natural whole foods, she will be starting off on the right foot. As time goes on and she adjusts, she can learn about what other things she may, or may not, want to cut out.

    Regarding fat and salt, we know that we thrive on fat and have no problems salting to taste. It might be worth pointing out that by cutting out processed food, she is actually reducing her sodium intake. There is so much sodium in processed junk. When you eliminate the junk, you can salt to taste and probably still not be ingesting as much sodium as you used to when you ate the standard American diet.

    And with fat, much of the fat we got in processed foods were harmful fats in the form of seed oils. We simply swap unhealthy seed oils for healthy animals fats like butter, tallow, and ghee (and coconut oil, olive oil, and avocado oil are acceptable as well).

  14. On 3/30/2024 at 11:58 PM, Goldy said:

    fluoride’s primary mechanism for preventing tooth decay is through topical contact with the outside of tooth enamel, not by ingesting it — a fact acknowledged by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in deposition footage shown in the documentary.

    Interesting. Then there is no need to fluoridate water then, as this implies it's basically ineffective and accomplishes nothing.

    My son recently had a dentist appointment and was prescribed an "extra strength" toothpaste that is pharmacy only, not over the counter. The instructions were to brush and not rinse, but to go to bed with the toothpaste still sitting on the teeth. I questioned this and the dentist said that is how you are supposed to use flouride toothpaste or fluoridated mouth rinse.

    I never heard of such a thing, and definitely makes me question how you can not help but to ingest some in your sleep this way. 


  15. 9 hours ago, kayfab said:

    i been having regular colonoscopy since 34.

    Same here, due to the ulcerative colitis that I previously had (but has resolved with carnivore and quitting coffee).

    9 hours ago, kayfab said:

    I recently switch to a more Mediterranean base diet plan of eating, but its always the same, I just ate a bowl of oat bran, and some plain Greek yogurt and i am bloated silly.

    But if i eat vegetable like broccoli, cauliflower, kale, spinach i am fine no bloat and i feel great, same as berries, pomegranate, kiwi fruits.

    It's the grain. In the Carnivore <- Keto -> Animal-based spectrum, we all want to avoid grasses of any kind. No grains, no refined sugar, and no seed oils.

    If you are going to eat plants, stick with keto friendly options if you are trying to lose weight or manage blood sugar levels, and then fruits are a safe option if you are currently metabolically healthy.

    9 hours ago, kayfab said:

    From reading this study its seems that the carnivore diet is not that bad


    I know its an elimination diet from the start but from some of the food i eat i seem to have develop some allergies as i get older. Anything from milk product cottage cheese oats does it for me.

    We're strong proponents/advocates of the carnivore diet, meat-based keto, and animal-based diets here. Most of us are strict carnivore or mostly carnivore and have had fantastic results. Since you have weight to lose, we recommend you eat as low carb as possible, more towards the carnivore/ketovore end of the spectrum. 

    Definitely stay away from the oats. You will have to test if you are lactose intolerant (milk sugar/carbs) or if you are sensitive to the milk proteins. If you can have butter or hard cheeses and do just fine, it's probably the lactose that is upsetting you.

    Welcome aboard!



  16. 4 hours ago, Miranda said:

    Out the oxalates! I can relate to avocado addiction but spinach smoothies -blech🤢🤮

    Right. Back when I used to think spinach was super healthy, I would eat it in preference to lettuce. I don't think I will intentionally touch spinach ever again now knowing what I know. I am not opposed to the occasional avocado if I am in a situation where I have to dip my toes back into keto for an odd meal dining out. 

  17. I haven't cared much about toothpaste. When I was diagnosed with periodontitis before I started carnivore, I was using "Gum Detoxify" because it has stannous flouride, and I wanted to kill that bacteria that got into my gum pockets. I also started using a water flosser. Since then, my gums no longer bleed, which I do attribute more to my diet than my toothpaste and irrigation choices, but the combination of all three probably helped.

    I sometimes think about getting Dr. Squatch products, but soap is another thing I haven't really paid much mind to. 

  18. 23 minutes ago, louis said:

    I am wondering if it would be best to eat egg yolks only. 

    There's no reason not to eat the whole egg, including the whites, unless you thought you were having some sensitivity to the eggs.

    Some people that have issues with eggs find that the problem is with gain fed caged chickens. If they choose pasture rasied (chickens that roam free and can eat bugs) or just eat the yolks, they do just fine.

  19. 13 hours ago, Miranda said:

    Just wondering how many have spouses that are not remotely interested in joining carnivore lifestyle and or make faces at your plate on the regular.

    That would be me, lol. My wife wants her sugar, and admits she's addicted, and has even said she would rather keep taking her medications as long as she can eat whatever she wants. My daughter is morbidly obeses and the health complications are starting to roll in. I took off 50+ pounds right in front of their eyes last year to prove that it could be done. I've reversed a host of medical issues. But they still think I am the crazy one, lol.

    I don't flinch or feel any pressure. I am in this for the long haul. Hopefully when they see the contrast between someone who eats a proper human diet and one who doesn't, it's not too late for their health and wellness. I had to reach a certain low before I realized I needed to do something about it myself.

  20. On 3/27/2024 at 7:34 AM, Miranda said:

    Just get some Redmond's salt crystals and suck on that instead 

    This is a great and obvious idea. I have a coarse salt grinder. I will take the top off and grab a large crystal and do just that. They even sell these crystals that are huge, almost like the ring pops we had a children.

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