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Posts posted by Bob

  1. 12 hours ago, Sherry said:

    I stop and get hot dogs at convenience stores when I'm on the road.  I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing, but I think it's better than the alternative.  Just a hot dog or sausage dog, no bun.

    You're good. You'll never know what's really in that hot dog, but if you check out hot dog packages at the store there's usually 1g of carb snuck in there. I wouldn't worry about it since it's a rare event.


    12 hours ago, atlsrt44 said:

    This was why i went to atl in first place

    Nice ride!

  2. On 3/10/2024 at 7:40 PM, Phyllis said:

    I am on the Lion diet (BEEF,  SALT, (Redmond's) & ELECTROLYTES. Started with Dr Berry PHD (proper human diet) a year ago. Kept having issues with pork (histamine reaction: sneezed all day & runny nose the same day I ate it.) No more PORK bacon for me. Also had reactions to dairy,even butter, & eggs. I found a fantastic BEEF BACON at billydoemeats. com, they ship in dry ice. (Grass fed.) Their chuck eye steak (beef) is more tender than ribeye, 2-1/2" thick, and has a wonderful flavor. They also have goat, lamb & chicken leg+thigh. (Get the beef bacon!) 

    I will have to try beef bacon. 

    I've been avoiding pork for the last 30 days because of my high potassium, so while I have cheated and had some bacon here and there, I haven't indulged as much as I had been.

    Welcome to our corner, @Phyllis 🙂

  3. Wendy's will let you order sides of large beef patties and bacon. McDonald's does too but specify you want the quarter pound patties or else you get the little dinky kids size ones.

    Geoff's suggestion of hard boiled or pickled eggs is a good one. The pickled eggs might have trace sugar with the vinegar and beet juice but I wouldn't worry about that. You can also look for sugar free beef jerky, OR at least make if sugar is listed it's after that "contains less than 2% of..." line in the ingredients. A nice low sugar beef jerky will have a carb or two, but the regular beef jerky has like 6 carbs per serving because brown sugar is like the 2nd ingredient.

  4. 3 hours ago, Dan o said:

    If anyone else has faced this problem,I would be interested to hear how you dealth with it.

    Welcome Dan!

    What you are going to find is that many of us in the keto/carnivore space don't consider it a problem. A lot of new research has shed some light on cholesterol and LDL that sheds light on this not being the issue that mainstream medicine has had us believing since the low-fat craze of decades ago. 

    Bascially, you want your HDL to be up over 40, and if you can get it higher that's even better. You want your trigs to be equal to (a 1:1 ratio) or at least no more than double (a 2:1 ratio) of what your HDL is. For example, if you had an HDL of 75 and trigs at 150, that would be good. The lower the trigs, the better. And then we don't generally care much about the LDL reading.

    Sooooo many factors go into that cholesterol reading. You can literally not eat for several days, go get a lipid panel, and it will have shot up. If you are actively losing weight, it's going to rise because cholesterol is stored in your adipose tissue. They say you should wait until 3-6 months after weight loss has stopped before you can trust your lipid panel results. They just get too skewed when losing wieght.

  5. Welcome aboard Eric!

    2 hours ago, Erik said:

    I was surprised at how very few forums (active ones, anyway) there are

    Right. There are only 2 others. One has gone into inactivity because it's founder abandoned the carnivore diet AND turned around and attacked his former fellow carnivore diet influencers. It's didn't go over so well on YouTube. I actually emailed him to see if he would give me the database and I would merge it with ours, but he never responded. Probably a good thing, as in hindsight we probably don't want to be connected in any manner.

    The other one someone set up in like 2021, and then never promoted it. It's a 3 post ghost town, lol.

    2 hours ago, Erik said:

    One got yanked by a bot because I used the word "cholesterol" and another one got yanked because I referenced Dr. Berry. Go figure.

    I'm over in the Reddit's here and there myself, and have the same experience. Some of those forums have a rigid "auto-mod" set up that automatically hides half the things I try to post in there. And then another one has a mod that is just a plain tyrant. It's weird to have to tread so carefully.

    2 hours ago, Erik said:

    I thought I'd get back into it at least -- or maybe even carnivore at least until I get my next A1C check in May. I've been keto for 3 weeks now, and pretty much carnivore for about the past week.

    Both of these approaches will do the trick, whether you go keto or carnivore. If you do keto, make it a meat-based diet for sure. 

    Remember that the A1C is a 3 month snapshot, so be good from now till then 🙂

  6. Good morning Lisa, and welcome aboard. 

    3 pounds in 6 days is very good. You're right about slow and steady - this will help you cross the finish line, that is, reach your goals. And for many of us, we're quick out of the gate, but we do naturally slow our pace as we keep running, so don't let occcasional plateaus discourage you.

    Are you doing low carb animal-based, keto, ketovore, or carnivore?

  7. Welcome @Bax!

    You want to focus on fatty red meat and fatty fish. When you do eat leaner meats, like chicken, try paring it with a fatty meat like bacon. And remember to count the butter, tallow, lard, bacon grease, or oil you are cooking it in. After plating that food, you can even pour some of the fat from the pan over top of the meal, or add butter. And then there is cheese, heavenly cheese, lol.

    Don't overthink it though. Many of us just eat meat and eggs and don't bother tracking our macros. I also don't think you need to worry about protein poisoning, also called "rabbit starvation". You would have to be eating a lot of protein and depriving yourself of fat and carbs for a long time. You're fat isn't that low, and really you could literally eat a couple tablespoons of butter right off the stick and your fat intake will rise significantly.

  8. 4 hours ago, vincentcarnivore said:

    I think from an evolutionary sense, we did not have access to carbs to go hunt and to high intensity "work outs", we were probably primarily always in a state of ketosis.

    Honey and fruit was seasonal, so it was a rare treat. Not like today where it's "harvest season" year round at the local grocery.

  9. 12 hours ago, vincentcarnivore said:

    I am not promoting the use of carbs outside of an immediate fuel source in a high intensity setting, but could you not quickly go back into ketosis and have the benefit of the fuel source for the workout?  Thoughts?

    In theory, yes. When you reintroduce carbs then your body will immediately turn to burning that off and getting rid of it. Same with alcohol. Have a few shots of whiskey and your out of ketosis, but then a few hours later you are back in ketosis. How soon you would get back into ketosis after carb loading with honey would depend on how much honey you had, how soon and how fast it got processed and made available to you, and how intense you worked out.

    I honestly have not read that much into honey. One thought that comes to mind is that with refined sugar, you experience a rush followed by a crash. I don't know if honey will have the same effect. For some, just having that sweet taste of sugar in the mouth and body again puts them in a state of hyper-craving carbs again for the next day or so, and many of them give in and then backslide on their diet. So there is some caution to be had if you are one of those types of individuals.

    And then there is how a fat-adapted carnivore or keto dieter enjoys a steady stream of energy. So the honey loading could be unnecessary if you are fat adapted. People like Shawn Baker and Anthoney Chaffee will load up on animal protein for their workouts, because even eating meat causes a rise in insulin. On the other hand, people like Paul Saladino advocate fruit and honey and work out intensely as well. 

    When you are overweight, metabolically unhealthy, and have chronic conditions you want to be rid of, carbs and insulin are the devil. But if you are fit and healthy, you have more freedom to experiment with other natural food sources.

  10. On 3/6/2024 at 5:38 PM, Guest Elncnv said:

    I figured out that my liver is weak because :
    - I have most signs of it : fatigue, a bit yellow eyes, skin problems....
    - I sometimes eat a high calories meal with majority of animal fats and proteins, that my digestive system and intestines handle very well, but hours later it becomes very difficult, and I feel crushed
    - one of my parents have liver problems, and I drank lots of alcohol years ago when I was a student, so maybe those could be the causes

    Have you gotten blood tests to check your liver or seen a heptologist?

    Based on what you have said in these few posts, it doesn't sound like your liver is "normal". The fatigue paired with the jaundice (yellow eyes) indicates a problem. Since you mention drinking, you might look into cirrhosis of the liver. 

    Cirrhosis often has no symptoms until liver damage is severe and then you may experience some of the following symptoms...

    • Fatigue.
    • Easily bleeding or bruising.
    • Loss of appetite.
    • Nausea.
    • Swelling in the legs, feet or ankles, called edema.
    • Weight loss.
    • Itchy skin.
    • Yellow discoloration in the skin and eyes, called jaundice.
    • Fluid accumulation in the abdomen, called ascites (uh-SAHY-teez).
    • Spiderlike blood vessels on the skin.
    • Redness in the palms of the hands.
    • Pale fingernails, especially the thumb and index finger.
    • Confusion, drowsiness or slurred speech.

    If this is the case, then there is scarring in your liver, impairing it's function, such as damage/destruction of bile ducts. You may have to experiment with higher protein and lower fat, or having eating more meals that are smaller portions vs fewer meals that are large portions. We normally discuss ketogenic diets and the importance for fat for energy here because meat and organs and it's associated fats are super healthy and beneficial. Your body is well equipped to process other foods as well. And while we encourage everyone to be ketogenic and even carnivore, you might have a health related issue that requires you to lean more animal-based with the inclusion of some fruitage.

    Carnivore and keto can completely reverse fatty liver disease. But it sounds like you are dealing with another issue and i would have it tested and investigated by a professional. 

  11. FDA Clears First Over-the-Counter Continuous Glucose Monitor

    For Immediate Release: 

    Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration cleared for marketing the first over-the-counter (OTC) continuous glucose monitor (CGM). The Dexcom Stelo Glucose Biosensor System is an integrated CGM (iCGM) intended for anyone 18 years and older who does not use insulin, such as individuals with diabetes treating their condition with oral medications, or those without diabetes who want to better understand how diet and exercise may impact blood sugar levels. Importantly, this system is not for individuals with problematic hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) as the system is not designed to alert the user to this potentially dangerous condition. 

    “CGMs can be a powerful tool to help monitor blood glucose. Today’s clearance expands access to these devices by allowing individuals to purchase a CGM without the involvement of a health care provider,” said Jeff Shuren, M.D., J.D., director of the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health. “Giving more individuals valuable information about their health, regardless of their access to a doctor or health insurance, is an important step forward in advancing health equity for U.S. patients.”

    The Stelo Glucose Biosensor System uses a wearable sensor, paired with an application installed on a user’s smartphone or other smart device, to continuously measure, record, analyze and display glucose values in people 18 years and older that are not on insulin and who do not have problematic hypoglycemia. Users can wear each sensor up to 15 days before replacing with a new sensor. The device presents blood glucose measurements and trends every 15 minutes in the accompanying app. Users should not make medical decisions based on the device’s output without talking to their healthcare provider. 

    Data from a clinical study provided to the FDA showed that the device performed similarly to other iCGMs. Adverse events reported in the study included local infection, skin irritation and pain or discomfort.

    As part of the Center for Devices and Radiological Health’s strategic priority to advance health equity, CDRH will continue to support innovation that addresses health equity by moving care and wellness into the home setting.

    ARTICLE SOURCE: https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-clears-first-over-counter-continuous-glucose-monitor

  12. What have you tried with regards to diet? Have you done keto, animal-based, or carnivore for any significant amount of time yet, like 30 days or more?

    People with chronic liver disease can experience fatigue, but you say your liver is normal. So my question is geared towards trying to figure out of you have given yourself ample time to become fat adapted, or if ketosis isn't your goal, ample time for your body to adjust to the increase of meat in your diet.

    There's 3 levels of proper eating, in my opinion, and sometimes it is best to start at "level 1" and gradually work your way to "level 3". The first step you should take is to eliminate the trio of terror -> seed oils, grains, and refined sugar. Basically, this means avoid processed food. This alone will benefit you greatly, and basically puts you automatically on the first level....

    Level 1 -> Animal-based diet. This includes muscle meat of all sorts, with a particular nod towards ruminant fatty red meat and fatty fish, and organs. Although meat is centric, this includes fruit and vegetables and dairy too. If you have health issues, you may want to avoid vegetables that are leaves, stems, and roots, allowing only vegetables that are technically fruitage. Aim for less than 100 carbs per day.

    Level 2 -> Keto diet. This includes muscle meat of all sorts, especially ruminant animals, organs, and dairy. You'll aim for 20-30 carbs per day so a lot of natural sugary fruit is off the table, leaving you with low carb veggies and berries.

    Level 3 -> Carnivore/Ketovore/Carnivorish diet. This is when you are all in, or almost all in, eating only animal products with trace carbs, if any. You might use seasonings or occasionally dip your fork back into keto once or twice a week, but you are trying your best to be a true carnivore. You might even become over-zealous in an almost religious sense about avoiding plants at all costs, which if that is what works best for you, then by all means go for it.

    Sometimes it's best to transition gradually, as jumping all the way from standard American diet to strict carnivore overnight can cause your body to do all sorts of wacky things at first, but in 3-6 weeks on average you adapt and things return to normal, or better yet, your new normal.

  13. 10 hours ago, Matan1262 said:

    My stool is steal dry hard and black, only difference is that now it comes with the fat but seperated, like oil.

    I don't understand what you are saying here. Are you saying that now you have a mixed stool of hard rocklike chunks and runny oily fat?

    This actually could be working, getting the hard stuff out of you. The fat WILL go right through you when you increase it dramatically, because at the time you consume it you have more fat than you do bile to deal with it, so it passes through you. 

    You mentioned black stools in your previous thread and I mentioned like Geoff just did above that this could be sign of blood in your stool. You may have something else going on that is not diet related at all, and it might be time to see a doctor.

    Fat + Magnesium can flush you out, or high doses of Miralax taken with plenty of fluid.

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