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Posts posted by Bob

  1. 14 hours ago, Orweller said:

    What is a CAC? And should I care? 

    Coronary Artery Calcium score...


    Basically, a diagnostic test to determine how much calcium buildup you have on your arterial lining. The higher the number, the narrower your pipes are, and the higher risk you are of having a clot block an important passageway to your heart (heart attack) or brain (stroke).

  2. 18 hours ago, Joolz said:

    Three weeks in and I’ve just noticed an itchy red rash on my neck. 

    What was your diet like before starting your carnivore/carnivore-centric diet? Did you switch from the standard American diet to carnivore overnight?

    Sounds like you are experiencing prurigo pigmentosa, which is the scientific name for this rash which basically just means "itchy skin".

    18 hours ago, Joolz said:

    Having done some digging this evening,  think I may be having too much protein and not enough fat.

    I would agree that this is a good place to start. Although it doesn't sound like you are eating too much protein. But it could certainly be that you are not getting enough fat. How do you have your eggs? How do you cook that steak? Are you sure there aren't carbs in the meatballs (a typical meatball recipe does call for breadcrumbs)?

    64kgs is 141 pounds. Typically, you want to eat 0.8 to 1g of protein per pound, unless you are trying to build muscle at the gym and then you could increase that to 1.2g or more. If you are currently at your goal weight, that would be 112-140g per day (about 560 calories). You want at least a 1:1 ratio of protein to fat, which means if you eat 140g of protein per day, you also want to eat 140g of fat per day (1260 calories). This works out to be 70% calories from fat and 30% calories from protein. Some people like to strive for even higher fat:protein ratios.

    If you have been skimping on the fat, your body, being used to running on glucose, might work hard to break down that protein and convert it to glucose. The by-products from protein breakdown accumulate in your blood and give you the rash. By bumping up the fat intake, you will teach your body to become fat adapted -> when it learns to have a preference for fat and ketones over that of sugar and carbs. But this adaptation takes time, and it takes generous consumption of fat. 

    Other possibilities that come to mind is an intolerance towards the eggs or a histamine intolerance towards the beef, but if you have ate these things all your life anyway this is probably not the case. I think you are on the right track.

  3. 2 hours ago, ImCharlieBruh said:

    and I'm not going to have a heart attack as long as I cut out sugar and carbs

    This is exactly what I am banking on now. I wish I didn't spend my first 48 years living on processed and fast food though. Hopefully I've intervened in time. 

  4. 18 hours ago, Mikemike said:

    i also have been driving for a living and had to stop for months becuase i went temporarily blind for a fee seconds while on the highway...my vision came back after a few minutes.  But happened a few more times...ive always felt this strain in my eyes like it was going to happen again.  So i stopped driving for a while.  Eye doctor and cardiologist says my eyes look healthy and had nothing to do with my heart.

    There's probably half a dozen things or more that could have caused that - inflammation, athlerosclerosis, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, temporary blood clot blocking the flow of blood to the eye, migraine, stroke, etc. Not a direct cause of the food you eat, but another issue or issues caused by years of eating sub-optimal food. 

    18 hours ago, Mikemike said:

    So do you guys use olive oil or advocado oil?  They are technically seed oils correct?  Or do you guys use only butter and tallows?

    Actually they are not seed oils. Olives, avocados, and coconuts are fruits and the oils from all three could be made at home using the flesh and pulp of the fruit. These oils are high in saturated fat and have been used by humans for thousands upon thousands of years and are safe for consumption. I still use these oils on occasion myself, although I mostly use butter, tallow, and ghee.

    Seed oils are a post 1900 invention as a result of the industrial revolution, made from the crushed seeds of various plants - safflower, sunflower, soybeans, grapeseeds, etc. And remember what @Geezy said about seeds, not to mention that the chemical processes these have to go through to become oils that aren't cloudy, gross looking, and smelling rank is pretty scary.

  5. Another good book worth reading is "The Big Fat Surprise" by Nina Teicholz. It details the history of how certain individuals ignored the science and used their personal ideals to shape the governments current food recommendations. People were generally healthy, and diabetes, obesity, and heart disease were virtually unheard of until well into the 1900's after the invention of processed foods. As these diseases began to rise, scientists began looking for the cause, and lobbyists from Big Food companies influenced them to blame saturated fat and cholestero from meat and butter - foods we had been eating without issues since for thousands of years.

    Generally speaking. Your body runs best on fat and ketones. I've heard even the heart performs better when you are fat adapted and burning ketones for energy. You can also run on carbohydrate for survival. But if you depend solely on carbohydrate you will begin to fall apart after a couple years due to nutritional deficiencies. A diet of meat and organs will not have these deficiencies. So which one sounds optimal?

    Most vegetables (roots, stems, leaves, and seeds) and nuts (most of which are seeds) contain toxins. Some of us can handle these. Some of us cannot. Some of us think we can but they are actually causing cumulative damage that doesn't manifest itself for until years or decades later. I can technically eat anything. Nothing upsets my stomach, but when I hit my 40's I started to fall apart. I've reversed most of my ailments in the last 10 months by eating a carnivore-centric diet. 

    At a minimum, increase your meat intake and remove processed foods as well as grains, added sugar, and vegetable seed oils. This would still allow for fruit and vegetables that are actually fruits. Most people will fair well by eating these whole foods alone.

    Think of it this way, if you can hunt it, milk it, or pluck it off a vine or branch and consume it without having to cook it, then you can eat it (this rules out nuts and legumes as they will kill you or make you very sick if you eat them raw). Sugars and grains are grasses. We are not designed to eat grass.

    The closer to all-natural, whole-foods you can get, the better you will feel, and for many carnivore makes them feel the best.

  6. 3 hours ago, louis said:

    When I bought the buffalo I just said to the butcher that I wanted it to be fatty. I did not even think about which part of the animal I wanted to buy. I have little knowledge about things like that. I could have researched before buying.

    I would try searing both sides on medium heat. I prefer my red meat with some pink still in the middle when you slice it. We call that Medium around here. Some others prefer Medium-Rare and still others like Rare. Usually if it still doesn't have some red or pink in the middle, it's gonna feel like shoe leather, lol. 

    Your used to cooking chicken which has to be cooked thoroughly well done. This isn't the case with red meat.

    Refer to this chart for reference....



  7. 3 hours ago, Mikemike said:

    Was leaning towards trying vegan or mediteranian for a couple of months but started feeling weak and weird... Started eating more beef and started feeling a bit better. Doc says no red meat..i dont believe him from all of my research.

    And now in addition to your research, you have your own personal N=1 experiment. Experience is showing you that you feel better with meat in your diet.

    3 hours ago, Mikemike said:

    im just really sceptical that humans are carnivors becuase of our teeth mostly, theyre so similar to coes and deer, primates which mostly eat fruits,veg grains. 

    It's not as black and white as carnivore vs herbivore. Mainstream science would categorize us as an omnivore (eater of everything), but we believe we should be considered "facultative carnivores" - those with a preference towards meat but can also eat non-animal food in addition to animal food. A dog is an example of facultative carnivore - they prefer prey, but will eat some plants as well.

    Humans are primates, and so we have features in common, such as our teeth. While most primates eat plants, there are some that will kill and eat meat as well. Since we don't have teeth and claws, humans used their brains to hunt in packs and forge weapons. Our lack of hair and ability to sweat to dissipate body heat allowed us to pursue prey until the prey were overheated and exhausted.

    3 hours ago, Mikemike said:

    Can anybody make this make sense?  .....im human but looking for motivation.

    From a scientific standpoint, all the essential nutrients your body needs can be found in a carnivore diet, AND in higher quantities, AND in more bioavailable forms than in plants. When you eat a carnivore diet, you eliminate anti-nutrients found in vegetables, oxylates, lectins, gluten, mold, processed food chemicals, and more. It's the purest form of eating which is why literally everyone will feel so much better. 

    3 hours ago, Mikemike said:

    1.  What about all of the healing properties in fruits and veggies.  Lies?
    2.  Herbs and spices?  Becuase they're mostly from fruits and veggies?  Lies?  So herbalism is a scam?

    Not lies, per se. But it's your body that heals itself when given what it needs, and most of that is obtained in it's purest form in animal products. You can derive some nutrition from certain fruits and certain fruitages of vegetables, but they are in much lower doses, in a state that need converted to a form our body can use, and you are competing with anti-nutrients and plant toxins. Plants do have medicinal value. Many drugs today come from plants.

    9 hours ago, Mikemike said:

    3.  Anybody here actually heal conditions on carnivore?  

    I have reversed prediabetes, ulcerative colitis, hypertension. Those are my big three. I no longer get skin tags, my gums stopped bleeding, and I don't fall asleep at the wheel anymore (literally). I used to have bloating and gas that could even make a skunk run and hide, and now I never pass gas at all.  

    9 hours ago, Mikemike said:

    4. Anybody treating heart issues with carnivore?  Results?  


    9 hours ago, Mikemike said:

    5.  Looking at some posts was very discouraging.  People eating bacon, waffles, sausages, lots of processed foods.  How is that ok?  Why go through the trouble to follow such a rigid diet and then eat junk regularly?  What am i missing becuase i go to a diner and have french toast, eggs and bacon and was counting that as a bad meal day.  Does carnivore really mean just have meat with your meal?  Becuase ive been doing that forever and honestly ran into some issues.  Please make me understand.

    It's not ok. Junk is junk. Everyone should abstain from the processed foods as well as the unholy trinity of grains, refined sugar, and seed oils. Some members here just haven't brought themselves to commit to a proper human diet yet. I've seen them post about English muffins and rice too. But they registered so there must be some interest.

    I endorse a Carnivore-centric, Meat-based diet for everyone, which I personally define as being one of the following 4 tiers. Which tier is best for you depends on your current metabolic health...

    4. Low Carb, Animal-Based, 100g of carbs or less per day, may include fruit.
    3. Keto, 25 carbs or less per day, non-starchy veg, but nix the fruit, save for maybe some berries.
    2. Ketovore, less than 10 carbs per day. Mostly carnivore, very minimal or very occasional veg.
    1. Carnivore, just animal products and the trace carbs that might be in them.*

    * - some individuals will still drink coffee or use spices. 

    The more weight you have to lose, or the most healing that needs to be done, then the closer to #1 you want to move. I usually recommend starting at the top with #4 and spending 2 weeks in each tier as you work your way to pure carnivore. This can help you avoid and withdrawals and adaptation issues from making extreme, rapid changes. The Keto Flu doesn't have to be a thing.

    Hope this helps! And welcome aboard!

  8. 13 hours ago, toucansam said:

    but not at the cost of muscle mass like last time I did true carnivore

    This is interesting. I figured with all the protein consumption our bodies hold onto their muscle mass, at least most of us. But I know you hit the gym and workout so maybe you had more than the usual muscle mass. I know you said your gym performance took a hit when you did carnivore.

  9. I've had one root canal, because I broke the tooth on a tongue piercing I had when I was a young punk, and then the bacteria was able to quickly bore a hole towards the root and infect it. I've had maybe 3 cavities filled too. But I still have all of my teeth.

    I had bleeding gums and deep pockets and was referred to a periodontist for possible scaling. I never went. But since I have adopted this carnivore way of eating 10.5 months ago, my gums have stopped bleeding. I can't get them to bleed no matter how hard I brush. They use to bleed just barely touching them. 

  10. 9 hours ago, LesW said:

    I think carnivore is definitely a lifestyle

    Exactly. It should be thought of as your new lifestyle, your new identity. That will help you to not backslide back to the standard Western/American lifestyle, put the wieght back on, and see the return of your diseases. If you occasionally eat something non-carnivore, you carry on and keep living a carnivore or carnivore-centric lifestyle. 

    Back when I was trying to "low carb" it with keto torillas, keto breads, keto treats, etc, I would just get derailed and next thing I know I am saying "I'll start again tomorrow", "I'll start again Monday" and then never start again. Months would pass and the weight would be back.  

    But now this is my new adopted lifestyle, and not a "diet" in today's typical sense of the word, there is no going back. It's not me anymore.

  11. On 4/1/2024 at 10:05 PM, Geezy said:

    Welcome to my world Bob. Love some good lamb.


    On 4/1/2024 at 10:36 PM, ImCharlieBruh said:

    lamb is where it's at lol

    Is every cut of lamb called a chop? What I had in the picture I shared, I have no idea what part of the animal that was. But there were also "lamb chops" that were clearly ribs with meat attached. It was double the price though so I picked up these. 

    Then there was a boneless leg of lamb that was pretty cheap, but I would have to cut it into steaks myself.

  12. 17 hours ago, Mattyaff said:

    I had eggs, bacon, and an english muffin. Today's snack though, is homemade beef jerky from a bottom roast I picked up at Costco and dried in my toaster oven. Such a great snack!

    Welcome aboard Matt. 

    I want to make homemade beef jerky myself. I've heard you can use a regular range oven, but I am wondering if it would be better or easier to use a countertop unit myself. 

    Give me your opinion and we will let the English muffin slide :lol1:

  13. Welcome aboard Jorik!

    For starters, could it be that your previous carefree diet was the cause of your memory loss, brain fog, and other issues, and not necessarily the anti-depressants alone? Notice how you said that you felt great, and then as you added back carbs, and the started slipping down that slope of adding more and more carbs, your issues returned. Are you taking anti-depressants now? Did you quit cold turkey or did you wean yourself off them slowly. 

    Flat out quitting certain medications can send you in a tizzy for a bit. It may be better to work with your doctor and gradually lower your dose. Cut it in half for a couple weeks, then cut that in half again for a couple more, then take that smaller dose every other day for a couple more, and eventually quit. 

     Outside of that, the advice above to make sure you have adequate vitamin D levels and electrolyte levels is a good one. Salt your food to taste, and then supplement with magnesium and potassium. You will want to get blood labs every once in awhile to check your vitamin D levels and if you have kidney issues you will want to check your electrolyte levels as well if you choose to supplement. 

    But I would stick to it. You know it works because you've experienced it yourself. 

  14. 1 hour ago, atlsrt44 said:

    Well ive been hardcore since Jan 1 (0 sugar 0 carb). I had dropped from 272 down to 239 but had plateaued for the last couple weeks.

    Congrats on the weight loss, Will!

    1 hour ago, atlsrt44 said:

    2. I felt sick the rest of the day.

    3. Weighed myself at the gym this morning and i dropped 2lbs down to 237.

    I've had this similar experience countless times back when I did keto/low carb and even now that I am mostly carnivore. I would plateau for several weeks, get frustrated, eat a pizza, and weigh less the next day. And yes, I would feel pretty lousy.

    Since i've started carnivore, I have vowed never to eat grains or sugar (basically, anything that's a grass) ever again. So to live up to my vow I cannot throw caution to the wind and eat a pizza or any processed junk. But... a large apple will do the same thing for me by breaking the plateau - which is a much healthier alternative. 

    If I am going to cheat, I cheat with something natural.

  15. 5 hours ago, Goldy said:

    Bob it is criminal in my mind that children should have this poison in their mouths and told not to rinse.

    My son is almost 18. But yes, I was sitting in the room - and if I recall his teeth were in pretty good shape. I can't remember the reason behind the prescription strength toothpaste. 

    But apparently the proper method is to spit out as much toothpaste as possible without actually rinsing with water and we've all been doing it wrong, lol...


    Of course, if you eat a proper diet and especially if you brush regularly, even with flouride free toothpaste, your mouth is going to be just fine.

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