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Posts posted by Bob

  1. On 6/27/2024 at 5:42 PM, computerwiz said:

    Did you spice it up with salt and/or pepper?

    Yes, I would add a little salt. It was the Swanson (?) broth that comes in a cardboard jug that you just open and pour out.

    On 6/27/2024 at 5:42 PM, computerwiz said:

    Did you ever read about the guy who fasted for 383 days (give or take a few days)?  He was like 500 pounds.  And it was a doctor-supervised fast, of course.  But that was an amazing & encouraging experience!  :twothumbsup:

    Yes, I've read about him. He didn't eat a thing for over a year, but was given vitamins and minerals during that time, which makes sense.

  2. On 6/27/2024 at 5:47 PM, computerwiz said:

    What I need is a list of carnivore approved pre-packaged meals/foods that I can just buy & heat up...cuz nobody in my house is waking up early enough to do that for breakfast.  :lol1:😅  😭

    At Sam's Club (and elsewhere) I get hard-boiled eggs and beef sticks, including grass fed beef sticks, that are ready to eat. You can also get Jimmy Dean pre-cooked sausage like I do. You can also get pre-cooked bacon, like I don't, lol, but it is an option.

    I also found an all beef burger patty that microwaves in 2 minutes and is actually really good. I'm a little excited for this because I had previously bought a brand that was really really bad, lol.

  3. On 6/24/2024 at 11:08 PM, Scott F. said:

    Thoughts? Experiences?

    Some swear by it. I've done a few 24 hour fasts and one 40 hour fast. I'm sorta interested in doing it again, but at the same time, I like food, lol.

    I believe I recall reading that fasting over 72 or 96 hours doesn't benefit you any more.

    People will do this to speed up autophagy. But, autophagy actually is happening all the time. You can just give it a significant boost by fasting or lowering your caloric intake.

  4. 22 hours ago, tatortot said:

    What do you think?

    You'll be fine. Dr. Berry says that if all you can afford is hotdogs, vienna sausages, and Spam, then that's still a million times better than the tens of thousands of ultra-processed junk food products there are.

    If we're talking ground beef and steaks, there is only a slight difference between grass fed and grain fed. The grass fed will have slightly better nutritional content and a better omega-3 profile, but the grain fed beef is adequate enough. 

    It's cheaper to buy from the grocer or warehouse club. But if you can afford to support your local rancher, that's a wonderful thing to do.

  5. On 6/23/2024 at 9:40 AM, Scott F. said:

    I didn't see the point in wasting it so I ate what amounted to a 1/2 to 3/4 teaspoon. It was good and I didn't see any negative impacts.

    1 Tablespoon has 3g of "sugar" from high fructose corn syrup. So at best, you had 1.5-2g of carbs. That won't have any negative impact by itself. 

    On 6/23/2024 at 9:40 AM, Scott F. said:

    But I punished myself by taking on 3 or 4 tenths onto my morning walk. Sort of paying tribute to the carnivore gods. LOL

    Repent and turn around, and you will receive mercy, lol 😄

  6. Hello Kaz and welcome aboard!

    Generally speaking, you want to eat .8g to 1g of protein for every pound of your ideal body weight. Let's assume you want to weigh 180 pounds. That's between 144g and 180g of daily protein. 

    180*4= 720 calories from protein. 

    And then, you want to eat at least a 1:1 ratio of fat to protein. That would be 180g of fat.

    180*9= 1620 calories from fat 

    Together that's a total of 2340 calories per day (180*13). You would probably fare well and lose weight at this mark, depending on your activity level, how often you eat (# of meals/day) and how late you eat. 

    That example uses 1g per pound of ideal body weight. If you go with the .8g per pound of ideal body weight, you get the following (180*.8=144)...

    144*4= 576 protein calories
    144*9= 1296 fat calories
    144*13 = 1872 total calories

    So aim for a around or near 144g of protein (it doesn't have to be exact) and be sure to eat at least a 1:1 ratio of fat grams to protein grams. This will mean you are eating about 70% calories from fat (70/30). You can always add more fat as well. Some people prefer to aim for 80/20.

    Hope this helps and was understandable 🙂 

  7. I can eat beef, butter, bacon, and eggs, for any meal, every day, and never get bored. Ground beef is "ole trusty". Cheap, easy to prepare, and packed with nutrition. I just change up how I prepare it from day to day. Chopped up one day, made into patties the next, then another day rolled into meatballs with a cheese cube in the center, then taco seasoned, then on an Egg Life wrap, then as a meat loaf, etc, etc. It's fairly versatile, lol.


  8. On 6/18/2024 at 3:58 PM, Derrick said:

    For someone who has worked so hard at being trim, this is stressing me out.

    Dr. Berry often refers to the Proper Human Diet (which is a spectrum with carnivore on one end, and up to 100 carbs a day on the other end) as, not a weight loss diet, but a weight optimization diet. For 5'10", is it possible that you could stand to put on a few pounds?

    On 6/18/2024 at 3:58 PM, Derrick said:

    Now I am trying to eat 2lbs of meat a day.  

    My meals look like this:


    • 80/20 Ground Beef 12-14oz (cooked in tallow)
    • 4-6 whole eggs (cooked in butter)


    • 12-14oz Ribeye (topped with butter)
    • Either a 80/20 ground beef patty or 2-3 whole eggs.

    For comparison, my ideal day looks like this...

    Brunch: 4 eggs (280 cals) and 4 Jimmy Dean sauage patties (560 cals) cooked in butter (unknown cals, let's call it 100) = 940 calories.

    Dinner: One 15-20oz New York Strip (620-775 calories if trimmed to 1/8 fat) cooked in tallow or butter (unknown cals, let's call it 100) = 875

    Total caloric intake = 1815 <- I will lose weight if I stick to this.


    Often times, I add lunch in there, whether I pack or grab some fast food burger patties (4 x 220 = 880). This will bring my total caloric intake to 2695 <- I will maintain weight if I eat like this.

    And then, if snack on cheese or beef sticks inbetween meals, I run the risk of gaining weight. 


    @Orweller brings up some good points about water, sleep, and stress. I might ask if you drink any artificially sweetened beverages. For most people this is fine, but for many others this will trigger a cephalic phase insulin response, and raised insulin levels will contribute to weight gain. Also, what time do you eat dinner? If I eat and then go to bed, I will absolutely gain weight. I have to eat at least 4 hours before going to sleep, and better for me if I go even longer.

    On 6/20/2024 at 6:18 AM, Derrick said:

    I used to workout extremely long and hard and totally under eat.  Think my body has been stressed for 10-15 years.

    And this is what your body was used to. Now you are working out less and eating more. 

    You could try amping up your workout routine closer to what it was. This will help you expend that energy AND potentially gain some muscle, which will increase your metabolism. At the same time, you could try OMAD, adjusting your intermittent fasting window, cutting back some on the food, etc.

  9. On 6/20/2024 at 2:58 PM, jeep.works said:

    I’m new to the carnivore diet. I’m 4days in and finally had a movement. A little concerned because there was a noticeable amount of blood in the stool. I’m feeling good and it didn’t hurt. Actually I’m feeling really good. I guess my question is, has that happened to anyone else? Is it normal? Am I doing anything wrong? Thanks 

    There could be a coupe things going on here.

    If it is light red, and ends up on the toilet paper when you clean up, it's likely a hemorrhoid or you just busted a vessel (anal fissure) when passing or wiping. This is more likely to happen if you were constipated and straining. In the first several weeks of keto and especially carnivore, you may notice unpredictable stools - diarrhea one time, and then hard as a rock the next, and vice versa. Eventually this will normalize.  

    If it's a LOT of blood and dark red or blackish, that might signify internal bleeding further up in the digestive tract. This could be from diverticulitis, colitis, gastroenteritis, polyps, upper GI bleed, and more. If the LOTS of dark maroon blood continues to be an issue, you will want to see a doctor to rule out anything serious. 

  10. The initial weight loss is dramatic. A lot of it is the loss of excess water because you are not eating carboHYDRATEs <- get it? After that initial weight loss, it will work itself down to 1-2 pounds a week on average, with occasional plateaus that will frustrate you. But keep doing what you're doing. Oftentimes when you're stalled, your still losing inches, or the body is focused on healing something instead. Sometimes, the rapid weight loss causes the body to go into "conservation mode" because normally rapid weight loss is a negative sign - disease or famine. But eventually your body realizes it's not starving to death and the weight loss resumes.

    If it goes on for too long, we got some tricks up our sleeve. But when you get within range of your ideal weight, the last 10-15 pounds are the most stubborn, and you gotta work for it, lol.

  11. On 6/20/2024 at 12:26 PM, Myishaboo said:

    My doctor tells me I am pre-hypertensive and pre-diabetic. This seems like what I need.

    Welcoem aboard Aisha!


    I think this diet is exactly what you need. For what it's worth, I have successfully reversed my hypertension and my pre-diabetes with my carnivore diet and accompanying weight loss.

  12. Tonight, I made another tomahawk/cowboy ribeye. This one clocked in at 3.25 pounds and fed my wife, myself, and this girl that comes over and hangs out with my kids and has a gluten intolerance - so she couldn't partake in the pizza that the rest of the friend group went to get.

    It was about 3" thick and took an hour to cook on the grill. I made it medium-well to appeal to my wife, and that dang thing kept cooking even after removing it and slicing it up for everyone. That was the only downside. I prefer a medium steak myself.

  13. Well yesterday we had a pool party. In fact, we've had pool parties every evening this week because it has been absolutely ROASTING outside. Afterwards, my kids and their friends wanted to go to Mexican. I was just gonna throw a steak on the grill but then the wife said she was paying, lol.

    So I did have my ribeye, chicken breast, and shrimp meal again. Had a side of sliced avacado and gave the rice to my daughter. 

    Also, my cherry trees are in season (the same tree that broke my ankle this year), so we've been picking at them. Gotta keep your eyes open for worms though, lol.

  14. I got roasted online after posting a picture of the quarter pound patties I got from McDonald's the other day. A whole host of people said it's not real beef, that it's soy, worms, cardboard, or human flesh, even challenging me to look it up online. So, I did. In this video I demonstrate that McDonald's hamburger patties are indeed 100% real beef, and take a little dive into where these crazy rumors come from, and why they still persist.

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