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Posts posted by Bob

  1. I let this one through because I was unable to determine if this is legit or not, but I have some reservations. Be aware that DocSallyND.com is a parked domain. There is no website there. There is also no online presence or Google Map location for any business called "Mountain Apple Medicine". 

    There is a "Dr Sally Daughtrey ND" on this page...


    ... but our member named has the username SallyB.

    And some final thoughts....

    9 hours ago, SallyB said:

    The test costs $200, and while we are looking for funding to cover test costs, (anyone have an idea?) at this time lab test cost is the responsibility of the subject and is paid directly to the lab

    What is being tested, and what lab is being used? Several key labs are actually very cheap at the lab services we typically recommend.

    9 hours ago, SallyB said:

    We simply want to know objectively if either or both of these diets provide the baseline nutrients (vitamins, minerals, amino acids) needed to maintain a healthy human body.

    There is a plethora of information on the internet, from nutritionists, doctors, MD's and DO's, etc who have already done this research.


    My apologies for my skepticism in advance if this is legit, but I have a responsibility to protect the community.

  2. On 8/4/2024 at 9:51 PM, Angela Little said:

    Does anyone have a good recipe for chicken tenders, I am meal prepping and that's one of my meats. Any ideas!!!!!!!!

    I would have to look it up, but in the past I dipped them in egg and then pork rinds before frying them up. That seemed to work and is carnivore. 

    If you're just doing keto, I bet you there's an almond flour version out there somewhere.

  3. On 8/4/2024 at 3:38 PM, Geezy said:

    I personally don’t consider honey as carnivore because it isn’t meat. Just because it comes from an animal doesn’t mean it’s fit to eat. Manure comes to mind.


    True, lol.

    I make a carnivore ice cream on occasion with honey as a sweetener. I actually didn't like it so much, so now I cut it in half with some allulose.

  4. On 7/31/2024 at 10:32 PM, Laura said:

    Is raw honey carnivore?  Would medicinal herbs be ok?  

    Whether raw honey is "carnivore" is a debated topic. It's not *directly* made from plants, although bees use plants to make it. Some call or bee vomit, lol. 

    Since I aim to be ketogenic with my diet, this rules out honey most of the time. 

    I think the medicinal use of plants is just fine. Almost all medicines are plant derived. 

    The "challenge" is just a fun way for us to keep ourselves motivated and to hold each other accountable. 

  5. I don't have a set routine at the moment. It's my busy season for my business, which is a physical job. And then when I get home I am still constantly doing stuff around the house, taking the dog for long walks, etc. 

    In the autumn we will hit the trails to participate in the local counties Fall Hiking Spree. 

    For the winter, I bought a treadmill.

  6. There are some things I miss. I was a food lover, and could eat just about anything. I certainly had my hyperpalatable favorites.

    I am tired of yo-yo dieting and gaining back the weight, and when chronic diseases started to be an issue and now they are gone - well - I just can't go back, no matter how much I would love to binge on a pizza or have my favorite burrito, or my favorite dish at the chinese restaurant. 


  7. 17 hours ago, Scott F. said:

    I mean the carnivore diet is the miracle cure for everything. I saw that on the internet, so I know it is true.\

    Lol. Be careful. We have a guy on here that heard the same thing but has been letting us know for months he hasn't seen any miracles yet - but at the same time he has nothing to cure.

    17 hours ago, Scott F. said:

    Just sort of caught me off guard. I think I will test this week before working out to see if there is a marked difference. 

    I'll be curious to see your results. 

    Here's a video I found. I haven't watched it all the way through yet, but it seems relevant here...


  8. 18 hours ago, Nowler said:

    Do they taste fishy?

    No. And the place where I get them serves them with lemon slices and hot sauce and horse radish so you can modify the taste or spice it up if you like. 

    Raw on the half shell is the way to go. The only other oysters I've had came out of a can ready to eat, like sardines, and they were putrid. 


    NY Strip last night.

    This morning, eggs and sausage. 

    ^ my staples, lol

  9. On 7/27/2024 at 2:55 PM, Andre said:

    1- How long should I extend my experience with the Carnivore diet to be able to lose the excess bodyfat  I still have?(at least 12-15lbs of fat)

    As long as you want. Beef and eggs are some of the most nutrient dense foods you can put in your body. You can live on meat alone, OR eat a carnivore-centric/meat-based diet that incorporates some more variety from the plant kingdom if you choose, whether that's ketovore, keto, or animal-based.

    On 7/27/2024 at 2:55 PM, Andre said:

    2- What can i do to lose the excess bodyfat i still need to lose, with[out] being hungry(if it is posible)

    Exercise and weight lifting, which you say you have been doing. Maybe intermittent fasting, which can be done without being hungry by increasing the size of the meals you do eat. Fat and protein can satiate you for hours and hours on end. Learn the difference between feeling hungry and feeling empty. You can try 2 meals a day, or one meal a day, making those meals count. The longer you can fast, the more time your body has to metabolize what you did consume AND burn some of your own body fat.

    Don't eat before sleep. Don't snack between meals.

    On 7/27/2024 at 2:55 PM, Andre said:

    3-Is CICO necessary to lose bodyfat even when you are eating only meats and eggs?

    Maybe. You CAN overeat meat and eggs and you CAN gain fat by doing so. It's difficult, because your satiety hormones SHOULD start functioning properly, sending signals to your brain to stop eating. But if someone put a gun to your head and made you eat and eat and eat even beef, bacon, and eggs, then yes it would be possible to gain weight. 

    Calories can definitely be a factor when you get down to those last few pounds. We tell someone who is 400 pounds that calories don't matter, because for them it won't. They just need to learn to eat right, and let their satiety hormones reset, and the weight will start melting off of them. But you on the other hand, have considerably less fat storage AND you work out, so you are bound to feel hungrier more often than such a morbidly obese person. 

    On 7/27/2024 at 2:55 PM, Andre said:

    4 - What is the minimum time you should maintain a Carnivora diet when it is not working for you?(how many weeks or months)

    This is your personal choice. If something isn't working, it's time to shake things up. But only you can figure out what it is you need to do.

    Do you need to intermittent fast? Do you need to get more sleep? Do you need to workout more? Do you need to up for fat macros? Do you need to eat less? Do you need to carb cycle?

    On 7/27/2024 at 2:55 PM, Andre said:

    5-Is the Carnivore diet effective for those who are aldreay healthy and just need to improve body composition?

    Define "effective". If you are already healthy, the carnivore diet will keep you healthy. Eating meat doesn't make you unhealthy. 

    Can you miraculously change your body composition using a carnivore diet? Define "miraculous"? If you're 400 pounds and you lose 220 and reverse disease, then you just might feel it's "miraculous". If you're 180 with a little spare tire around the abdomen like myself and want to be 165 with 6 pack abs, that's going to take some work and dedication. No miracles are gonna happen. 

    On 7/27/2024 at 2:55 PM, Andre said:

    6- How to trasition from a Carnivore diet to a less restriclty way of eating.

     I would stay all-natural, eating like a human would back in the beginning. If you can hunt it, milk it, pluck it from a branch or vine, then it's probably going to be fine. For me, this rules out grain and sugar, but would allow for fruits and vegetables that are in fact, fruitages themselves. 

    If you are looking for more variety, you should look into Dr. Berry's Proper Human Diet, particularly, the keto/low-carb side of the spectrum, or Dr. Paul Saladino's Animal-Based Diet, or some combination of the two.

  10. 3 hours ago, Miranda said:

    When September rolls around I want to try 30 days of just bbbe.

    We should plan a group challenge for September. I will have just returned from vacation then.

    On 7/28/2024 at 3:11 PM, carnivoreg said:

    sticky poop sticks to bowl

    So I have never had that problem. I've had it stick to me from time to time, but not the bowl.

    When I started, it would oscillate back and forth between the runs and nearly impossible to get out. But now it is normal most of the time, but can vary depending on what I eat.

  11. Mine would flip flop between constipation and diarrhea for the first couple months before things returned to my new normal - which is basically normal stools dropping about twice a week. I still experience both of those from time to time. I can loosen things up using more tallow and butter, and I can thicken things up by consuming more cheese. I don't know why it works that way for me but it does.

  12. On 7/28/2024 at 11:10 PM, Scott F. said:

    Anyone else see a spike in blood glucose while eating carnivore?

    A couple things could be going on here. For starters, when do you measure your blood glucose to get those readings?

    1) Is it in the morning? You might be experiencing what's called the "dawn phenomenon", when a person's body will ramp up glucose levels to help you start your day. You might get a more accurate reading by fasting for a few more hours after waking up before taking your reading.

    2) It is after a meal? Regardless of what you eat, when you eat a meal, your blood glucose will go up. 

    3) Are you eating processed or marinated meats? Look out for "carb creep".

    On 7/28/2024 at 11:10 PM, Scott F. said:

    I'm reading about gluconeogenesis.

    Which brings us to...

    4) High protein consumption. If you are eating a high protein, moderate to low fat diet, your body will convert that protein to glucose for fuel. Your basically not in ketosis or burning ketones. You will want to increase your fat macros and maybe lower your protein macros.

    And finally...

    On 7/28/2024 at 11:10 PM, Scott F. said:

    I'm sure if I counted my protein intake would be pretty high but I'm not sure how much is enough to spike blood sugar.

    This can vary per individual and is very common if you are diabetic. Certain individuals will have a much higher sensitivity to protein and will have a greater glucagon release in response to high protein consumption.

    Fortunately, this is not thought of to really be an issue. 

  13. Pic for attention, lol. This was a few weeks ago. I took my parents out to A Plus Crab in Cuyahoga Falls, which is a seafood boil restaurant. These were the raw oysters I got as an appetizer. My dad got me into these. Totally delicious and chock full of Omega-3's, vitamins, and minerals.




    On Saturday I attended a graduation party. I had a chicken breast and Italian sausages. And then Sunday, a family reunion on my wife's side, where I was able to have hot dogs and hamburger patties. 

    I was able to make it work, but had to put up the palm ✋ when people would say "Aren't you gonna have any cAkE??"




  14. On 7/25/2024 at 10:29 AM, Susyn C_137 said:

    My issue is that I dislike meat, always have. (It was easy for me to be vegan 20 years ago-that lasted 2 years) I've been Carnivore since July 8th. So far my eyesight (far and near) has improved, my panic attacks have gone, my skin is better, my occasional ocular migraines have ceased, and my tinnitus has all but disappeared. I see the benefits, but I still struggle.

    Keep up the fine fight, even when the struggle is real. The clearly visible benefits demonstrate that you are on the right path. 

    I would maybe, at the present time, look at seasonings and garnishes that help make the meat more palatable. Since you have no real health issues, you probably don't have to be super strict. You can be "carnivore-centric" and still reap the benefits if you're not particularly sensitive to certain things.

  15. 17 hours ago, Nowler said:

    Being honest, I did eat 1.5 small slices of my nieces pizza as it was too big for her, but it didnt taste nice to me.
    I ordered a full rack of ribs but it was only when it hit the table that I saw it was swimming in BBQ sauce, which I reckon was full of sugar. I still ate it, but it took me 3 days to feel on top of the world again.

    Just some suggestions....

    1) Eat the pizza toppings but not the crust. I do this often.

    2) Scrape as much BBQ off the ribs as you can, and don't fret the rest.

    Whenever I am thrust into a situation like this, I do my best to compromise and eat as clean as possible. 

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