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Here's the question.... Who of you Carnivores would consider purchasing beef off a ranch, rather than out of a grocery store?


Last year the wife and I purchased 1/2 a beef from a local rancher.  It was processed nicely and it has taken us a year to eat it all up.  This year, due to us going Ketovore and eating so much more Beef, we opted to purchase a whole calf.  The Angus calf just went to the processor, is 16 months old and weighs 1,100 live weight.  It was completely milk/grass raised until the last 30 days, when it was given a diet of Meadow Hay and Cracked Corn, which will boost the fat content.  

After processing and paying for the calf, it will cost me $5.45 a lb for everything.  Yep, that is a lot of money up front, but everyone on this forum knows the cost of Beef at the store these days.  

Sam's Club Pricing this week.........

Tenderloin is $20 a lb

Ribeye is $15 lb

Sirloin is $10 a lb

Hamburger is $4.79 a lb for Organic, non-Antibiotic.

Oh... my Ranch raised steer is Organic, non-Antibiotic.... So check those prices at Whole Foods!!!!!!

Also, when you buy a beef and have a local processor kill and package your meat, you get to choose the cuts you want.  And you get to choose the fat percentage of your hamburger.  We opted for 85/15 for our hamburger.

Like I said, we have to pay north of $3,500 for a full beef, but there is two of us and that only amounts to about $150 a month per person for a year.  

And here is the BIG DEAL... We know how that calf was raised and fed and processed.


PS... the other cool thing is... you can request all of the big bones and you can make your own Bone Broth.



We are in this current discussion. My wife just did a 30 day carnivore stint and for now, it is just not her cup of tea. My son does it on and off and his wife is not interested. We live next door to one another and share a common freezer. 

We are looking into going in halves between the household for a 1/2 cow and then go from there. We did the math and ours worked out to be in the $5.70 a pound range. I am sure that is dependent upon location. 

I agree with all the points you made and I feel like we will be heading that way soon. 

Our two households are 3/4 non-carnivore but we go thru a boat load of red meat. 



In my opinion, anyone on the carnivore diet that has the means to do so should be buying their beef this way.  Its not about the quantity, its about the quality.  Store beef tastes and acts nothing like what we get back from our local butcher.  Cost savings is also huge, and not to be overlooked.

We have been raising beef at the farm for a lot of years now, and sadly the prices have skyrocketed over the last 5 or so.  Last year's rangy looking little feeder calves were going for $2.50 to $3.00/lb at the auction, so $5.45 a lb all done up nice for freezer camp isnt too bad from what Ive been seeing.

We put a whole beef in the freezer every fall now, and it doesnt last the year.  Gonna have to pony up and buy another upright unit (or a walk-in haha)


It’s the second best way to go for sure. 
If you have the means then this is my preferred way. 


raising my own. 
It isn’t cheaper but I love doing it and I know exactly what’s in my meat. That goes for my lambs as well and my chickens and eggs. 
And you are absolutely correct about the custom processing. I get my burger 70/30. 
I keep all fat trimmings and suet that isn’t used in the burger so I can make tallow. Bones go to the dogs and bone broth. Steaks cut to preferred size. Heart, liver and kidneys kept. 
Raising your own or buying one and having it processed is the best, healthiest and cheapest way to eat. 


You know... back in the day (1960's) my family was cross breeding Bison with Domestic Cattle.   They claim the steaks were awesome. 


You know... back in the day (1960's) my family was cross breeding Bison with Domestic Cattle.   They claim the steaks were awesome. 


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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    • "Marching into March with Much Motivation"

      For this months challenge, we are going to support each other in our efforts to get up and move. Spring is in the air. The weather is getting better. Get out there and MOVE! Go for walks, hike some trails if they aren't too muddy. Or just make a goal to get on the treadmill or lift some weights more than usual throughout the month. Get in the habit now, and we just might have beach bodies when summer officially hits, lol. 


      Just like before, we encourage you to check in daily, and share what you have eaten, perhaps a weigh-in if you're willing, and enjoy in some small talk. 

      The March drawing will be for a 4-pack of Carnivore Bars!

      Every Reply in this topic will count as an entry for this month's prize drawing. Back-to-back posts count as 1 entry as a counter to spamming.

      Attending Monday night zoom also counts as a bonus entry. Being a supporter of our YouTube channel also gives you an entry.

      Let's keep our resolutions going strong!
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    • Today is February 1st and marks the first day of "National Fasting February" - and yes, this is a thing. Google it!

      For this month's challenge, we are going to support each other in our efforts to practice various forms of fasting throughout the month. The type of fasting you wish to do is entirely up to you. We are going to encourage INTERMITTENT FASTING, that is to put it simply, skipping a meal so that you are only eating 2 meals a day instead of the traditional 3 meals a day. The goal is to enjoy these meals within an 8 hour "feasting window" and then no food in the remaining 16 hours "fasting window" (in which 8 of those hours you should be sleeping).

      An example is waking up at 7am, but waiting until 11am-noon for your first meal, and then having dinner at 6-7pm for your 2nd meal. Other people prefer to eat a breakfast, then a mid-day lunch, and skip dinner. 

      If you want to throw in a 24, 48, or 72 hour fast just to show off by all mean do so, lol. 

      Just like before, we encourage you to check in daily, and share what you have eaten, perhaps a weigh-in if you're willing, and enjoy in some small talk. Every Reply in this topic will count as an entry for this month's prize drawing. Attending Monday night zoom also counts as a bonus entry. Back-to-back posts count as 1 entry as a counter to spamming. 

      Let's keep our resolutions going strong!
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    • "World Carnivore Month" January Challenge!
      January is World Carnivore Month! Participate in our challenge topic for your chance to win!
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    • What is your favorite way to eat/prepare eggs?
      Vote for your favorite way to prepare eggs!

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    • This Month's Giveaway
      Enter to win! We're giving away a copy of The Carnivore Diet by Shawn Baker or The Carnivore Code by Paul Saladino.
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