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    Welcome to Carnivore Talk! An online community of people who have discovered the benefits of an carnviore-centric ketogenic diet with the goal of losing weight, optimizing their health, and supporting and encouraging one another. We warmly welcome you! [Read More]

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Hi everybody!

My name is Steven. In the last couple of days I have been looking at the carnivore diet (one that I had never heard of before) so it interested me. It sounds a lot like the Adkins diet which I did for a couple of years when I was still in the military. I'm all retired now and pushing 70.

I think I am psyched up for this as I was able to do the Adkins regimen with no problem in the fast-paced lifestyle of the military. I'm sure I will have questions I hope I can get advice for as well as give contributions of my experiences. My goals are mainly weight loss but will welcome all the ancillary benefits as well. I'm 6'4" and my current weight is hovering around 280. I need to lose.

Looking forward to this and from what I have read and watched so far, looking forward to some great results.

2 hours ago, Steven2023 said:

Looking forward to this and from what I have read and watched so far, looking forward to some great results.

Welcome aboard Steven! We're glad to have you here!

Yes, if you did Atkins with success, you should do well with carnivore. Carnivore builds on the principles that Atkins taught, namely, to keep your carbohydrate intake low enough to enter ketosis and burn fat for energy instead of carbohydrates. Probably the benefit of carnivore is that you don't necessarily have to track anything because it's naturally going to be zero carb, trace carb, or low carb, since you are just eating meat and eggs and maybe some cheese.

A lot of us like it over other ketogenic diets for it's simplicity. We're not constantly trying to come up with fancy recipes and dishes that emulate foods that we can't have any longer. We just thow some meat on the fire, lol.


Welcome to the tribe Steven.
Former soldier here.
I did Adkins for ten years and was very successful with it as long as I could workout but after I hurt my back things started going downhill.
I was at about a 60 carb level but when I tried to go back down to 20 grams it was just too though. I was weak and not determined enough. I now know that one of my problems was that I had gotten trapped in eating all the trendy “Adkins snacks and treats”. Those things were just triggers that kept me wanting more and sure enough, I started giving in over time and finally just quit.
I started carnivore to help fix my health after the fourth time my AFib put me in ICU and it was time for a change.
It’s the best thing I’ve done in a long time. My body has been healed of so many issues and ailments that it’s miraculous.
My weight loss has been a side benefit but in the last 6 months I’ve lost 50 lbs and an overall total of 26 inches.
It all affects us differently depending on what our physiological needs are.
Remember, while you can and will lose weight, if you need to, this is not just a diet but a lifestyle that is first and foremost a metabolically healing diet first and a weight optimization diet second.
Good luck and good health.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

1 minute ago, Bob said:

Welcome aboard Steven! We're glad to have you here!

Yes, if you did Atkins with success, you should do well with carnivore. Carnivore builds on the principles that Atkins taught, namely, to keep your carbohydrate intake low enough to enter ketosis and burn fat for energy instead of carbohydrates. Probably the benefit of carnivore is that you don't necessarily have to track anything because it's naturally going to be zero carb, trace carb, or low carb, since you are just eating meat and eggs and maybe some cheese.

A lot of us like it over other ketogenic diets for it's simplicity. We're not constantly trying to come up with fancy recipes and dishes that emulate foods that we can't have any longer. We just thow some meat on the fire, lol.

Thank you, Bob.

I am looking forward to trying many things that are going to go along with some of my hobbies. I own a pellet smoker/grill that I haven't been using as much as I had intended to. But now, it appears that I will be using it a lot more. In concert with that, I have also taken up making my own sausages recently with the recipes I enjoy. Some I stuff and some I just package and freeze till I use them. 

I will be able to smoke my poultry, fish, and 'regular' meats for added flavor. Many sausage recipes call for a binder that many use something soy based. However, I will be able to use eggs for a binder instead. With me doing the 'processing' I will be able to control the overall ingredients. 😋

Overall, I think I will have fun as well as get healthy!

3 hours ago, Steven2023 said:

I have also taken up making my own sausages recently... With me doing the 'processing' I will be able to control the overall ingredients.

That's pretty cool. So-called "processed" meats (I don't think of centuries old curing as a "processed" food) can stir up some debate among dogmatic carnivores, lol. Being able to control the ingredients is great. Especially since at the supermarket, anything sugar free is considered a novelty and costs more than the meats slightly laced with sugar or starch.

I'm pretty processed meat dependent for my lunch packings. I want to get a small microwave to for my truck/trailer so I can heat up food that I have prepared myself.

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