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    Welcome to Carnivore Talk! An online community of people who have discovered the benefits of an carnviore-centric ketogenic diet with the goal of losing weight, optimizing their health, and supporting and encouraging one another. We warmly welcome you! [Read More]

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Does anyone n the community have a regular exercise routine?  If so, what do you do?  I do about one hour and twenty minutes, of resistance bands, light weights, and a Jane Fonda type routine.  Plus moving around a lot throughout the day.  I'm not a sitter-like to keep moving! 

  • Solution

I had not been for a lot of years. As of late it is a pretty good upper body work out at Planet Fitness. Then I walk for about 3-4 miles on the walk I try to get in 50-75 pushups and 50-75 squats.

I wish I could do it everyday and in time maybe I will. I work 12 hour rotating shifts that often end up being 13 hours or so. On the work days I come home and take of the animals and such. By then it is too late for me to workout. 

Hopefully as work slows down I can get more regular with workouts. 



I was doing pretty good for awhile but I’ve gotten lazy. I need to get back to my routine of walking 3 miles every other day and hitting my resistance bands every other day. I also want to introduce some chair exercises into my day as well.
The winter kicked me outta the habit and I just haven’t been motivated to get back to it regularly again. Excuses, excuses.
I’m giving up my tea tomorrow so I might just get my motivation that way.

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I'm hoping I can graduate into some of the 'burpee' type exercises in time. From my lesions (autoimmune disease-NMOSD) I have scar tissue on a number of places on my brain and stem. It has been a few years since they were active but old folks don't heal up like young folks. One of the only remnants is that when I change levels quickly there is a certain amount of dizziness. 

I can go down to one knee and then to a push up position but if I were to spring up doing a military type bodybuilder exercise I might be there on the ground for a few seconds or so. 

Hoping I can get there but really happy with the progress so far. So much so, I sometimes kick myself in the ass for not going this route years ago. LOL 

Pretty much no complaints here, I'm on the 'only positive experiences with carnivore/exercise train' right now. 





I was sprinting up until school got out. I get out of all regular routines from July -September. I enjoy sprinting. I also try to hang from jungle gymn whenever we are at a playground, I saw somewhere that it helps strengthen the rotator cuff muscles. 


I workout in a weekly cycle. Daily is not a must, as muscle growth happens when you recover. I have a set amount of workout I want to have done but allow at least three rest days in between. I also make sure I split my exercises, push, pull, legs split. A workout lasts no longer than 40 minutes, it needn't last any longer. Keep it simple. I do slow moving heavy weight lifting, in a controlled manner. The key is knowing what you want. Don't do everything together, cardio or HIIT, if that is what you want, pick a different day for that. 

You workout in a way, that you can do eat forever, much like your diet. Jumping jacks and burpees are all fine but they are just a risky form of cardio. A slow jog/brisk walk will do the same for cardiovascular health. No need to get injured over cardio. Keep it simple and you'll be able to do it for years. You really only need 4 compound exercises per workout, from there only consistency matters. 



I don't have a set routine at the moment. It's my busy season for my business, which is a physical job. And then when I get home I am still constantly doing stuff around the house, taking the dog for long walks, etc. 

In the autumn we will hit the trails to participate in the local counties Fall Hiking Spree. 

For the winter, I bought a treadmill.

9 hours ago, Bob said:

I don't have a set routine at the moment. It's my busy season for my business, which is a physical job. And then when I get home I am still constantly doing stuff around the house, taking the dog for long walks, etc. 

In the autumn we will hit the trails to participate in the local counties Fall Hiking Spree. 

For the winter, I bought a treadmill.

The infamous treadmill... 


Thank you, Orweller, for those ideas!  I should try focusing on one area at a time.  Have been doing pretty much the same routine for years, which works the whole bod every day.  Perhaps I would see better results if I focused intensely on one area at a time .

Scott, it's amazing to me that you manage all of that with your condition!  You are a trooper!! 



I have been lifting weights 4 times a week, treadmill (walk nowadays, used to run) 6-7 days a week for 40+ years. I have added restorative yoga once a week for a couple of years. I run three or four 5Ks a year since 1999. The 50-59 female age group is pretty small, so I usually come in first. Exercise has never made the slightest impact on my weight, I do it to stay healthy and mobile as I age. 

21 hours ago, Laura said:

Thank you, Orweller, for those ideas!  I should try focusing on one area at a time.  Have been doing pretty much the same routine for years, which works the whole bod every day.  Perhaps I would see better results if I focused intensely on one area at a time .

Scott, it's amazing to me that you manage all of that with your condition!  You are a trooper!! 


Maybe, but more than likely not. It was a rough stretch in 2018 until diagnosed. Once diagnosed and got started the infusions every six months I have been basically healthy. When my immune system is low and can catch a cold or flu from miles away. I have had Covid three times officially and once where the symptoms were the same but a negative test. Other than the multiple trips down the Covid road I have been basically healthy (if that makes sense).

My infusion is about six hours long. Sounds rough but I see so many others there in a far rougher situation than me, so sometimes I think my health can be relative. Again, if that makes sense.


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  • Our picks

    • "Marching into March with Much Motivation"

      For this months challenge, we are going to support each other in our efforts to get up and move. Spring is in the air. The weather is getting better. Get out there and MOVE! Go for walks, hike some trails if they aren't too muddy. Or just make a goal to get on the treadmill or lift some weights more than usual throughout the month. Get in the habit now, and we just might have beach bodies when summer officially hits, lol. 


      Just like before, we encourage you to check in daily, and share what you have eaten, perhaps a weigh-in if you're willing, and enjoy in some small talk. 

      The March drawing will be for a 4-pack of Carnivore Bars!

      Every Reply in this topic will count as an entry for this month's prize drawing. Back-to-back posts count as 1 entry as a counter to spamming.

      Attending Monday night zoom also counts as a bonus entry. Being a supporter of our YouTube channel also gives you an entry.

      Let's keep our resolutions going strong!
      • 32 replies
    • Today is February 1st and marks the first day of "National Fasting February" - and yes, this is a thing. Google it!

      For this month's challenge, we are going to support each other in our efforts to practice various forms of fasting throughout the month. The type of fasting you wish to do is entirely up to you. We are going to encourage INTERMITTENT FASTING, that is to put it simply, skipping a meal so that you are only eating 2 meals a day instead of the traditional 3 meals a day. The goal is to enjoy these meals within an 8 hour "feasting window" and then no food in the remaining 16 hours "fasting window" (in which 8 of those hours you should be sleeping).

      An example is waking up at 7am, but waiting until 11am-noon for your first meal, and then having dinner at 6-7pm for your 2nd meal. Other people prefer to eat a breakfast, then a mid-day lunch, and skip dinner. 

      If you want to throw in a 24, 48, or 72 hour fast just to show off by all mean do so, lol. 

      Just like before, we encourage you to check in daily, and share what you have eaten, perhaps a weigh-in if you're willing, and enjoy in some small talk. Every Reply in this topic will count as an entry for this month's prize drawing. Attending Monday night zoom also counts as a bonus entry. Back-to-back posts count as 1 entry as a counter to spamming. 

      Let's keep our resolutions going strong!
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    • "World Carnivore Month" January Challenge!
      January is World Carnivore Month! Participate in our challenge topic for your chance to win!
      • 193 replies
    • What is your favorite way to eat/prepare eggs?
      Vote for your favorite way to prepare eggs!

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    • This Month's Giveaway
      Enter to win! We're giving away a copy of The Carnivore Diet by Shawn Baker or The Carnivore Code by Paul Saladino.
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