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Posted (edited)


My name is Robert...I've been doing Carnivore for almost 3 weeks now and a question popped up that you might be able to help me with.

I did Atkins Low carb for 5 years...I lost 80 lbs and kept it off without a blip on the radar....but a bite of pie derailed that...then 5 years of gaining weight...and then calorie counting and doing a LOT of bike riding and working out; weight came back down....then covid hit and my momentum died...I don't do a lot of exercise now...it's hard to get going.

I noticed one thing about me....when I have the option to eat crap....the urge frequently wins....a handful of (even low carb) chips or other treat turns into a lot more ...the whole bag of chips...etc. I do better when there is a clear line that isn't to be crossed.

So here is my observation/question:

I frequently eat something sweet at the end of the day...sugar free jell-o with some reddi-whip (sugar free) on top or something similar, I have a craving for something sweet after all my meals.
I also think that this isn't a good thing...somehow it's derailing me. I've gained a few lbs while doing carnivore and suspect that this might have something to do with it though I really don't know.

Is it BEST to cut out all "sweet tasting" things while on carnivore? Does that inhibit ketosis and fat burning even though it's sugar free?


Edited by rpavich

I am new to carnivore but not keto or low carb diets.  I have failed at them all and I truly believe it was the sweeteners that caused my derailment.  This time I am cutting everything with any type of sweetener.  I always ignored the talk that even zero carb/calorie sweeteners can cause your brain to crave sugar, this time I am going cold turkey.  Only on day 3 so I can't give much advice but I think the answer to your question is yes.


Per the Carnivore rules (LOL) it should be cut out altogether. 

I started on May 8th but had 6-8 Mountain Dews and several small cups of ice cream. I didn't waste them. From that point forward I have been all meats-butter-eggs. I have had all positives thus far so I would think going 'not at all' is the right way to go.

The flip side is that I think there are so many things that go into a lifestyle change success is found by what works for you.



I find that sweeteners make me hungrier and give me GI issues. It's best to ditch them. I have gotten to the point that if I'm going to cheat it's going to be something that my great grandparents would've had. I just eat the sugar. I think sweeteners are just as addictive as sugar is anyway. Try switching to plain yogurt with berries at first, then you won't feel super deprived. If you drink soda switch to club soda. If you drink sweet tea, pick up some peppermint tea instead.


Robert, you are an addict. An addict must abstain from their drug of choice. It don matter if it’s alcohol, heroin, tobacco or sugar.
I once quit dipping snuff for two years but I though just one dip wouldn’t hurt. Bam! I was hooked all over again. It was nine years before I tried quitting again. I’ve been clean of tobacco for 18 years now but I know that I can never allow tobacco in any form ever touch me again or I’ll be hooked all over again
There’s no such thing as moderation. An alcoholic can’t just have a beer. A heroin addict can’t just smoke a joint.
You are a sugar addict so you should abstain from not just sugar but everything that’s sweet including all artificial sweeteners and milk products.
Be aware that there are 75 different names for sugar so read your food labels carefully for those hidden sugars.
There are those who are not addicts and can moderate but if you can’t then you must stay away from it.
I can drink one beer and not touch another one for several years. It doesn’t bother me but I’m not an alcoholic. I just choose not to drink anything that is loaded with carbs.
Make your choice what is best for you and your health. My choice was no sweeteners whatsoever. I don’t need the temptation.
If you’ll give it at least 30 days I think you could kick the addiction. I’ve heard some do it in two weeks.
Who’s stronger, you or the sugar?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thanks very much Miranda and Geezy!
I think I am an addict...starting today...I go cold turkey...no sweet things of any kind...I'll report back on the forum after a week or two.

We are here to support you any way we can. Don’t wait so long to check in. Hold yourself accountable by checking in with us everyday until you’ve got this thing beat. Let us know your struggles and failures and victory’s. We will support you no matter what.

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1 hour ago, Geezy said:

We are here to support you any way we can. Don’t wait so long to check in. Hold yourself accountable by checking in with us everyday until you’ve got this thing beat. Let us know your struggles and failures and victory’s. We will support you no matter what.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Challenge accepted! 🙂

I had my regular lunch/dinner, all good....then at bed I had 2/3 C unflavored yogurt with a dose of cinnamon on top...no sweeteners and nothing sweet to drink...I drank water with a splash of lemon in it.
So far so good.

4 hours ago, rpavich said:


Hey, sounds like a great day, and I certainly don't mean to be a killjoy, but I just learned that the cinnamon in my pantry had significant (IMO )amounts of lead. I chucked it and ordered some 365 brand because I like to dash some into my decaf and yogurt.

7 minutes ago, Miranda said:

Hey, sounds like a great day, and I certainly don't mean to be a killjoy, but I just learned that the cinnamon in my pantry had significant (IMO )amounts of lead. I chucked it and ordered some 365 brand because I like to dash some into my decaf and yogurt.

No problem! I'm 64 and have eating crap most of my life (or at least half) and at this point I'm not going to spend energy worrying about some miniscule amount of lead in something that I use a dash of once or twice a week...I always tell my sister (who does the same thing; worries about minutea but eats MC D's, taco bell, burger king etc every day..."it's like rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic.....that's the least of your worries...the ship is sinking..." 🙂

18 minutes ago, rpavich said:

No problem! I'm 64 and have eating crap most of my life (or at least half) and at this point I'm not going to spend energy worrying about some miniscule amount of lead in something that I use a dash of once or twice a week...I always tell my sister (who does the same thing; worries about minutea but eats MC D's, taco bell, burger king etc every day..."it's like rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic.....that's the least of your worries...the ship is sinking..." 🙂

This is true. I like to follow the see something, say something motto.

5 minutes ago, Miranda said:

This is true. I like to follow the see something, say something motto.

No problem! We are all here to help each other and I appreciate it!

I'm looking forward to day two....weirdly..it seems easier today already...mentally that is.

Posted (edited)

Just a happy update, I had enough excess energy this morning. I took a 5 1/2 mile bike ride.

I haven’t done that in a long time.

I also realized one thing; knowing that I’m not gonna have some sugary snack or some bag of potato chips ready for me at my whim, my snacking has went away.

I gave myself permission to eat anything carnivore anytime, and I realized that most of the times I eat it’s out of boredom or something else, but definitely not hunger

Edited by rpavich

rpavich you are doing great. You are really starting to get into the groove. It only gets better from here.
One cautionary note though, while yoghurt is good and I make my own it can also be addictive. The lactose in dairy is just another sugar and can sneak up on you. I love my homemade yoghurt but I had to stop eating it for a couple of months because I found myself craving it after every meal. I can eat it again but I now will only eat it once a week.
If you don’t find that it’s affecting you that way then carry on. You’re doing great.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

2 hours ago, Geezy said:

rpavich you are doing great. You are really starting to get into the groove. It only gets better from here.
One cautionary note though, while yoghurt is good and I make my own it can also be addictive. The lactose in dairy is just another sugar and can sneak up on you. I love my homemade yoghurt but I had to stop eating it for a couple of months because I found myself craving it after every meal. I can eat it again but I now will only eat it once a week.
If you don’t find that it’s affecting you that way then carry on. You’re doing great.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thanks for the warning...I suspect the same will happen with me...
Last night I didn't snack on yogurt...just some buddig meat and a cheese stick...

Posted (edited)


it may be a coincidence, but I just realized that my beardruff and my flaky scalp is gone.

I might not have already mentioned that my blood pressure is now mostly in the normal range, it was HIGH (200/100) and i was on BP meds, i’m not taking any blood pressure meds and my blood pressure goes from either acceptable or just barely above. (it was 117/72 yesterday morning)


im feeling very optimistic…

Edited by rpavich

I hope you can kick your sweetener and dairy addictions.

I quit all sweeteners for 6 weeks and that managed to put a stop to a 20 year Diet Pepsi addiction I had.  What used to be an irresistibly delicious beverage for me turned into a disgusting chemical cocktail.  Now I don't crave sweet drinks and enjoy unsweetened, naturally flavored sparkling water.

Excellent blood pressure!  I am still struggling to get mine down.


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