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After 5 weeks my clothes are already fitting better and in the case of my m pants a little loose.  I am back to 2x shirts and I feel a ton better.  As of this morning I am down 24lbs. 

The only thing that is not quite right yet is my energy level.  Before I started this BBB&E I was riding 50-75miles a week on my bike.  In the 5 weeks since I can only manage one 16 mile ride a week and it's rough to even do that.  I am a little bummed about that with fall coming up and that being my favorite time of the year to ride.


On a side note, I brought home an amazing 11 week old Golden retriever yesterday!  I lost my most recent dog last February and I could not wait any longer.  I wanted a lively but yet slightly lower energy dog since I have had 3 GSPs and my last one was a lab.  He is very well behaved and surprisingly has had no accidents so far.

I would add a Pic if I could figure out how.

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Congrats on the progress.

I hit some energy issues early on but for me it was fats and electrolytes. The weight was falling really fast as I was on a pound a day stretch for a hair over 30 days. My guess is as became more and more fat adaptive I needed more electrolytes, maybe more fat and not as much lean protein. Since I didn't read any instructions early on I stumbled through the first month or so. 

I'm much heavier on the fats now and I use the electrolyte solution to salt my food, sometimes sort of heavy. Since, my energy levels have been far above where they were pre-carnivore. 

Congrats on the new pup. We lost our English Bulldog after 16.5 years just this past week. I had a recliner, not sure of the brand, but it was called the beast. She would jump into the recliner, wedge herself in and the three of us, me, her and the recliner, would totally ruin a Saturday. Good times. At some point the innocence and energy of a new puppy will be a good thing for us too...

Best of luck and congrats.


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Your body is probably still adapting to burning ketones for energy rather than glucose. It can take several months for the transition to complete. I’ve heard of some cases take 4 months but those are rare.
You can also look at your fat intake. Since you now get your fuel from fat you need plenty of it. Mineral deficiency’s, especially sodium, can also affect our energy.

I miss my GSP. She was a great bird dog. I had her retrieving ducks at six months old and she loved to quail hunt. I sure could have used her on my last pheasant hunt.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/8/2024 at 5:23 AM, Scott F. said:

We lost our English Bulldog after 16.5 years just this past week... At some point the innocence and energy of a new puppy will be a good thing for us too...

My sincere condolences. I've had to go through this twice. The last one was 2 years ago and it was devastating. After about 30 days for some grieving and a vacation to get our minds off of it, we did get a puppy and started over. What a lot of work that was, lol.

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