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The Type A-Type B Weight Loss Book by H. L. Newbold

The Type A-Type B Weight Loss Book by H. L. Newbold is a book that discusses two principle causes of obesity, namely, binge eating and food addiction. It presents an program for losing weight that eliminates carbohydrates from the diet and limits food consumption to meat, fish, and raw fruits and vegetables. Newbold was a physician and researcher who treated thousands of overweight patients with his low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet, and is considered to be one of the original low carb thinkers

The value of his book lies in the insight it offers to people with food and environmental sensitivities and intolerances. He observed initially in himself, and then in his patients, that certain foods and chemicals caused uncontrollable cravings for carbohydrates and subsequent disordered “addictive” or “binge” eating. Through trial and error, he came to the conclusion that some people simply cannot tolerate what he termed “new foods” that became a major part of our diet after the Agricultural Revolution. His solution was to return to the foods of our pre-agricultural ancestors, namely meat, but more specifically beef, as well as reduce our exposure to the many chemical poisons that surround us in our modern environment.

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Sounds good but where does the Type A, Type B come in?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

On 1/13/2024 at 9:52 PM, Geezy said:

Sounds good but where does the Type A, Type B come in?

It's basically what kind of overweight eater are you? You are either a (A) binge eater or (B) food addict, usually triggered by certain carbs or carbs in general.


It's basically what kind of overweight eater are you? You are either a (A) binge eater or (B) food addict, usually triggered by certain carbs or carbs in general.

I think I’m both.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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