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Well ive been hardcore since Jan 1 (0 sugar 0 carb). I had dropped from 272 down to 239 but had plateaued for the last couple weeks.


I decided to cheat on easter when we went to brunch at a friends.


I ate everything. (Even had coldstone after)


Couple observations.


1. Theres way too much sugar in everything and it doesnt taste as good anymore. (Including the coldstone)

2. I felt sick the rest of the day.

3. Weighed myself at the gym this morning and i dropped 2lbs down to 237.




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1 hour ago, atlsrt44 said:

Well ive been hardcore since Jan 1 (0 sugar 0 carb). I had dropped from 272 down to 239 but had plateaued for the last couple weeks.

Congrats on the weight loss, Will!

1 hour ago, atlsrt44 said:

2. I felt sick the rest of the day.

3. Weighed myself at the gym this morning and i dropped 2lbs down to 237.

I've had this similar experience countless times back when I did keto/low carb and even now that I am mostly carnivore. I would plateau for several weeks, get frustrated, eat a pizza, and weigh less the next day. And yes, I would feel pretty lousy.

Since i've started carnivore, I have vowed never to eat grains or sugar (basically, anything that's a grass) ever again. So to live up to my vow I cannot throw caution to the wind and eat a pizza or any processed junk. But... a large apple will do the same thing for me by breaking the plateau - which is a much healthier alternative. 

If I am going to cheat, I cheat with something natural.


I don’t understand cheat days myself but congrats on breaking your plateau.

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I don’t understand cheat days myself but congrats on breaking your plateau.

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I generally dont either but read an article about getting past a plateau.

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I generally dont either but read an article about getting past a plateau.

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I get that then. When I did Adkins 20 years ago that was a common thing to do to shock your system off of the plateau.
Since I’m now carnivore I’ve learned that I don’t need and tricks or gimmicks, I just need to keep eating the way I always eat because this is how I’m always going to eat. I hope that makes sense.
So it doesn’t matter what happens I’m not going to change my diet because I know that this is about eating strictly for nutrition. If my body wants to stall out then fine. It’s got something that it’s trying to adjust to or it’s reached it optimal weight. My goal was never to lose X amount of weight. It was to become healthy and let my body decide what my best weight should be. I ignored plateauing and just kept on keeping on. Eventually it would decide to drop some more pounds. These stalls might last two weeks or even a month. No big deal when your eating for optimal health and nutrition.
For the last three months I’ve been at the same weight of 172 average. That’s lighter than I’ve been since high school over 50 years ago.
So three months with no change I figure that’s it. I’m optimal. This morning I was at 169. Lol, I guess it may not be over just yet.
You see, I am 330 days carnivore and have not strayed from my WOE and never will. I just can’t ever see myself eating and kind of sugar, seed, grain, seed oil or vegetable. They just don’t have any nutritional benefits for the human body so they don’t need to be in my diet.
Now with that all being said, I drink a hot bulletproof tea in the morning and I will sometimes use a spice, onion or garlic for flavoring but it’s in very limited amounts and doesn’t cause my body harm.
I’m not saying any of this to say you’ve done anything wrong or to seem like I’m looking down on you I’m just trying to tell say that you don’t need to trick your body, you just need to be consistent. Be committed to this and try not to treat it like a weigh loss diet but rather a lifestyle.
Good luck on your journey.

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1 hour ago, Geezy said:

Be committed to this and try not to treat it like a weigh loss diet but rather a lifestyle.

I’ve never had a weight problem, so it’s always been about feeling healthier. Whether you choose to be strict or not so much, I think carnivore is definitely a lifestyle. 👍

9 hours ago, LesW said:

I think carnivore is definitely a lifestyle

Exactly. It should be thought of as your new lifestyle, your new identity. That will help you to not backslide back to the standard Western/American lifestyle, put the wieght back on, and see the return of your diseases. If you occasionally eat something non-carnivore, you carry on and keep living a carnivore or carnivore-centric lifestyle. 

Back when I was trying to "low carb" it with keto torillas, keto breads, keto treats, etc, I would just get derailed and next thing I know I am saying "I'll start again tomorrow", "I'll start again Monday" and then never start again. Months would pass and the weight would be back.  

But now this is my new adopted lifestyle, and not a "diet" in today's typical sense of the word, there is no going back. It's not me anymore.


A cheat day is really just old programming being stuck inside of our brains. It's part of our conditioning. We've been trained to consume. Somehow we think its a treat, to have a day where we can put toxins in our body. It's no different than drugs, or the booze. Dopamine flows through your system, you think of times when you had a delicious German chocolate cake... good times. It's addiction. You'll always be an ex addict. 

I am not saying, don't have cheat days. Not saying it's gonna kill you. But know what it is, at least. 

My wife brought Ding Dongs in the house. I did not eat them. But I leered at them. Maybe just one? If it was actual food you'd never think like that. Nutrition and entertainment should not be conflated. There can be both, of course, again, at least know what it is that you're doing. Hot take, probably. 

  • 2 weeks later...

ADF eating pattern can be a plateau buster, no need to ingest garbage. Just fast for as long as you can and then feast. next time try to fast a bit longer. Some people have strict dogma about having to fast for one day and then having an up day following every down day. Some people like Dr Sean O'Mara fast for 72 hours and then eat lots of meat for the next few days. ADF is proven to fix broken metabolism. 

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