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So yesterday I went to a concert and had 2 beers. Mind you, I have NOT had a beer for probably 14-15 months or more. But I bring this up because I couldn't believe what the scale said this morning. 

I usually clock in at 175.5 on a daily basis. This morning, I stepped on and it said 179.5. Seriously! FOUR pounds from 2 beers?

Anyway, it will be forever and a day before I touch another one, and I am sure tomorrow morning it will read 175.5 again. 

I fully expected a slight increase. Beer in particular is known for interfering with your body's ability to burn fat. Plus, it is a grain and contains carbs. BOTH the carbs and the alcohol must be metabolized first before you return to ketosis. And most people when they drink beer, they gorge on other unhealthy carby foods to boot. 

Now imagine someone who does this on the daily, and how bad they are wrecking their health and developing that beer belly. I was never that kind of drinker back when I was a [regular] drinker.


Posted (edited)

Hello Bob,

Aside from ketosis interruption many things account for at least 3 pounds of daily variation. So we're really looking at maybe 1-2 pounds gained as a consequence of drinking 2 beers. The moon effects ocean tides and the water portion of our bodies. Aside from the vehicle of delivery, in this case the ingredients which make up beer, alcohol can have an influence on efficient digestion and sleep. Sleep alone can make a difference on weight gaining, retaining or losing a few pounds overnight. You can gain weight being active yet lose weight merely sleeping well. When you are not well rested your body sort of believes it needs to help you survive and holds onto everything. A big eye opener to me was realizing that you also need to do nothing to lose weight, and to be healthy, happy and productive. 

Edited by Another Meat Head

As an old kraut I really like my beer. I used to drink it like an athlete drinks water. I especially loved a good ale or stout and then a bourbon barrel ale takes it over the top.
But…when I became carnivore I quit drinking for about six months and will only now on occasion drink a little whiskey. I tried some wine, a Cabernet but it affected me for three days. Never again. Because of it grains and a little fear of what it might do to me I have decided that I just don’t need it in my life anymore. Whiskey and I prefer an Irish or scotch, doesn’t seem to bother me. I don’t put on any weight and I feel no side effects. When I do have one now it’s usually a very special occasion or when I’ve been working really hard and want one to relax. Even then, about two fingers in the glass and I’m good. No desire for any more.
It’s really something how my mind works these days since becoming carnivore. Desires have become polar opposite of my old self.

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22 hours ago, Geezy said:

when I became carnivore I quit drinking for about six months and will only now on occasion drink a little whiskey... and I prefer an Irish or scotch, doesn’t seem to bother me. I don’t put on any weight and I feel no side effects. When I do have one now it’s usually a very special occasion or when I’ve been working really hard and want one to relax. Even then, about two fingers in the glass and I’m good. No desire for any more.

I still have a scotch or Kentucky bourbon once a month at my cousin's Open Mic night. I might have one also if I go to a concert or out for karaoke. Just one shot, and usually on the rocks. I used to have a shot or two every night to put me to sleep but now that I have been carnivore I don't need it.

22 hours ago, Geezy said:

I tried some wine, a Cabernet but it affected me for three days. Never again. Because of it grains and a little fear of what it might do to me I have decided that I just don’t need it in my life anymore.

I had some red wines on my wedding anniversary, and I did just fine. Beer has been banned from my life for the last year because it is a high-carb grain-based drink (although I think the whiskeys are grain-based also).

I was never a major drinker, and usually just a social drinker. Now I am just a shot a month away from being a non-drinker, lol. 

A brewery representative was giving away free samples at the concert of 4 of their beers. Free stuff is my weakness, lol. So I sampled all 4 (probably the equivalent of half a can or more) and then purchased the one I actually liked just to show my appreciation. 

As predicted, I am back to normal weight today.


It’s kinda funny how there are so many different opinions on this subject as well as many others in the carnivore community.
On another forum there is a guy, and I think you know who it is, that is a big advocate for drinking alcohol on a regular basis for a ketogenic diet. He sites several studies that promote this but then again he provides many studies that tend to go against the norm in the carnivorous diet.
I find that it all boils down to doing what works best for each individual.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


If I were to eat a piece of pizza and there happened to be a beer available, I would drink the beer while eating the pizza. Wine gives me headaches. And hard liquor is just too dangerous for me. Vodka and gin go down like water and cause some unwanted and unpopular opinions to exuberantly exit my mouth. 

On 5/13/2024 at 9:41 AM, Geezy said:

On another forum there is a guy, and I think you know who it is, that is a big advocate for drinking alcohol on a regular basis for a ketogenic diet.

One of these old books I uploaded to the Downloads Library was written by a guy that swore by eating meat and drinking liquor and nothing else, lol. 

On 5/13/2024 at 2:27 PM, Miranda said:

Vodka and gin go down like water and cause some unwanted and unpopular opinions to exuberantly exit my mouth. 

LOL! My wife has to stay away from tequila. Too much tequila and she's balling her eyes out talking about her terrible childhood and how she's trying to be a good mom to our kids. It's a bit over dramatic. Other drinks don't do this to her. Just tequila.

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