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Beings I'm too cheap to order the ready made stuff online and pretty sure if I ordered bulk, that half of it wouldn't get used, I had a hare brained idea. I already buy magnesium and potassium tablets. So I took a mag and a couple potassium and tossed in a stainless spice grinder and turned it into powder. Poured it into a water bottle and WaLa, instant electrolytes. I didn't add salt this time. I already salt everything. May add about a 8th teaspoon of salt in the next bottle. Anyhow, it tasted just fine. Was alil cloudy and a teeny bit of grit in the bottom. Must not of dissolved all the way. 

Figured it wouldn't hurt since it's been kinda hot this week and sposta be next week. And I'm also too cheap to get an AC. 🙂   


I'm on the cheap bus too and did the exact same thing. I bought the ingredients and made my own I still didn't like the taste but I use the electrolyte mix to salt my food to taste. 

More than one way to skin a cat. (bad example on a Carnivore forum)



I watched a video where Mitch on Old Guy Carnivore bout the sodium, magnesium and potassium in bulk and mixed his own. He explains how he came up the proportions he uses.
Me personally I stopped taking electrolytes because they were elevating my potassium levels too high which for someone who has a heart condition can get some bad results. I just use plenty of salt and put a little in my water occasionally and I do take a magnesium complex but I just get my potassium from the meat I eat.

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I watched Mitch's video as well as Dr Berry's video on mixing your own.   I figured if I use the one a day supplement size, there'd be little chance in overdoing anything. But something extra in your water on a 100 degree day wouldn't hurt. 

Or I can refer back to my old deceased doctor that said, "Don't buy into all that crap. Just drink water. " 🙂  The other doctor in the building always promoted gatorade and we all figured he owned stock in it. 😉  

I made a bottle to take with me today to go help an old friend with his mower and yard. This time I used a mortar/pestle and worked much better than turning it into a cloud. 

99 mg of potassium is a long ways from 4700 mg RDA and 250 Mag and salt to taste. 


I hear you on those 100° days. So yesterday when I was work I the heat and sun all day I thought I was drinking enough water but that night, after about three hour sleep I woke up with a bad leg cramp. Man it felt like a tendon was fixin to snap it was drawing up so bad. I jumped out of bed and started waking it off and guzzling water. Took about 10 minutes to get it to settle down.
Now I’m not taking electrolytes anymore but I think on days like that I should probably take some.
I tolerate the heat better than most but age is starting to weaken me in that area. I can still weld on fence all day when it’s 106° out but I gotta take a lot more breaks these days v

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Ouch, that sounds super painful @Geezy

I think too much water on hot days is what worsens the problem. Whenever I made an effort to stay hydrated on hot days outside, I would get terrible headaches. I may have been unwittingly flushing out the electrolytes with too much water.

Carnivore Rabbi just did a video pondering about improved heat tolerance. Has anyone here noticed and improvement?


Heat tolerance is a tough one to describe. I'm in NC where the temperature and the humidity climb together. I have lived all throughout the south, thru Texas for a stretch, in southern California, Washington state and then back to Virginia. Hot is hot, no matter. I can remember growing up priming tobacco as a 12–14-year-old in the beat down heat of August and September. 15-17 the summers were spent with my Pops doing construction work. My hat still goes off to the folks laying shingles when it feels like they melt together faster than you can pull them apart. babbling.

I remember going to the service in southern California and it was 108-110 and the orange 'do nothing' flag was flying. It didn't 'feel' all that bad to me.

Even at 54 I can work outside all day in that beat down sun and have never really had any issue with the heat. Before May I hydrated with Mountain Dew by the five gallon buckets. At the same time if I walked out and the beach and sat down with as my wife 'laid out' in ten minutes I am about to burn up. Sitting still the sun kills me. It is crazy how that works.

I'm not drinking 'electrolytes' per se, now, but I do use the home made electrolyte solution to salt my food to taste. It seems to be working as I have had no real issues since I read the carnivore instructions. 

I think the electrolytes, the heat, the work (energy expenditures) get really individualistic. The most important thing is the ability to recognize heat related issues in yourself prior to them being an issue and the second most important thing is being able to recognize them in others.

The hardest part is us knuckleheads who choose to power thru til the job is done. 


4 hours ago, Scott F. said:

The most important thing is the ability to recognize heat related issues in yourself prior to them being an issue and the second most important thing is being able to recognize them in others.

I've had 3 bouts with heat exhaustion all while working on fire or MVA scenes. Wearing turnout gear is like wearing a thermos. The first time was on a MVA in 100+ heat I got escorted to the ER and had a couple bags of saline ran through me. I quickly figured out how to recognize it. Mine always start with a headache. Then if I work though it cause I got a job to do, that's when the trouble starts. I've also pulled people off the scene for getting too hot. After a bout with it, it takes quite a while to get back where you can take the heat. 

I have a window unit ac but have not turned it on for better than five years. I like to remember what it was like before we had air conditioners. Mom would fix a daybed out in the yard. Now I use a hammock. and enjoy my decaf or tea in the yard at night. And I was telling someone the other day when they were complaining about their car's ac not working, That I've only owned one vehicle that had a working ac. That was a 77 chrysler new yorker that had leather seats and am/fm radio. Dang I thought I had it made then. 🙂 

Just think, six more weeks and some will be complaining that it's too cold. 

12 hours ago, Geezy said:

I woke up with a bad leg cramp. Man it felt like a tendon was fixin to snap it was drawing up so bad.

There's a trick for charley horses that's either hooking your toes over the footboard and pulling, or in front and pushing? I never remember which it is and do both. But one of them ways releases the muscle instantly. I got them so seldom I forget and in a panic just do both. 


Hey Bob, I read on another thread where you got a Fizzy machine. Instead of hijacking that thread, I'll hijack my own. 

I saw somewhere where you can make fizzy coffee. It looked good. But is it good enough to get a fizzy machine? 

Have you tried it? Fizzing your coffee. 

5 minutes ago, ol_hilly said:

Have you tried it? Fizzing your coffee. 

I quit coffee in 2019, lol.

I could try fizzing my tea and getting back to you.

I have a DrinkMate. The bottle says not to put hot liquids in it. So I would have to let the beverage cool, then fizz it, and then warm it back up again.


I think you are only supposed to carbonate water because other liquids have fats and other molecular structures that make a mess. I watched a YouTuber that carbonated a variety of different things like milk and applesauce, to see what  happens and  milk made a huge mess.


I watched several short vids and a couple long ones. Some folks liked it and some didn't. Most all of them used cold brew or least let it cool down. James Hoffman (the UK coffee connoisseur) tried an espresso and a regular strong cold brew. 

I really don't think any of it is probably worth it. Maybe if I want bubbles in my coffee, I should just pour some club soda in my cup. It was just a thought since I saw it somewhere. .... Whipped coffee looks neat, cept I'm pretty sure there's something else in there besides coffee to make it stand up. 

6 hours ago, ol_hilly said:

I watched several short vids and a couple long ones. Some folks liked it and some didn't. Most all of them used cold brew or least let it cool down. James Hoffman (the UK coffee connoisseur) tried an espresso and a regular strong cold brew. 

I really don't think any of it is probably worth it. Maybe if I want bubbles in my coffee, I should just pour some club soda in my cup. It was just a thought since I saw it somewhere. .... Whipped coffee looks neat, cept I'm pretty sure there's something else in there besides coffee to make it stand up. 

Sometimes I mix coffee with plain seltzer. It's good.

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