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I took the weekend off. Needed to recover but I’m motivated to get to walking tomorrow.
When my wife and I were walking one of my neighbors stop us to talk and he’s interested in starting carnivore and asked if he could start walking with us. I’m excited about that.

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Too tired to go dancing tonight!


I have been doing mostly full body lifting coupled with the walking and the pushups/air squats along the walk.

I have just worked out on my days off and just recently started working out before work when I am on days.

I may work out/walk three or four days in a row and then three-four-five days of just working. As of late I don't feel like I'm 'getting it done' so I have started to do splits and keep the body parts about 72 hours apart. The big change will be working out before or after shift to maintain that lift/rest rotation. I lifted at from about 5AM til a little after 6AM on both Saturday and Sunday. It was back and biceps on Saturday and chest and triceps on Sunday. Between getting up earlier, the actual lifting followed by a 12 hour shift I am feeling it this morning. 

Maybe it was the more than I am use to per muscle group, or the getting up and going a little earlier, but I'm tight and sore throughout my upper body. 

Today I'm going to catch up on a few things around the house, pick up limbs and what nots from last nights storm and maybe even set the rear end in the 1950 Chevrolet chassis I just built. 

Babbling on, but without the fatty carnivore approach I don't think/would not have had the energy to get to this point at 55. I always add I stumbled onto the health benefits thru ignorance and luck but the way I feel now vs. ten months ago might be lottery like.


4 hours ago, Orweller said:

I challenge you to dance with a weighted vest!

That’s funny you said that. I used to have a dance partner (Argentine Tango) and I would sometimes practice with a weighted vest to feel more grounded. 

12 hours ago, ketomonster said:

it would be good to always have an accountability partner to walk with

For sure!

I was a combat engineer, I had a car to move me around lol. But yeah, basic training...

11 B here. We humped it until we became mechanized infantry. We get to go get shot at quicker that way.

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Had a good walk with my neighbor today. I took it easy on him today since he’s just starting out but we had a good talk about nutrition.
Tomorrow it’s weight day for me.

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Being in Wisconsin puts a crimp on outside stuff for me until about this time of year. The daily walks of a few miles have started up again and now we are just waiting for the heat of summer to arrive. My wife and I both love the heat, which is about a 3 month period between Memorial day and Labor day, LOL. I always sit for several hours directly in the morning sun and being a carnivore I do NOT sunburn at all. I just get a nice tan. It amazing because on a SAD diet I would burn within an hour in the direct sun.


I have never heard a correlation between carnivore and sun burn. I'm ten months in and did carnivore thru the summer last year.

I'm a ginger guy and burn easily. If I were to go out shirtless (beach/lake) I burn, I hurt, I peel and then I think I am a shade whiter afterwards. Been like that since I was a kid. I am a 'shirt all the time guy' now.

As my posts suggests, I like to experiment and find out. I will give it a whirl in a month or two and see if I have the same correlation between carnivore and the sun.

If I show up in pain, with my shoulders hurting from the typing with my fingers, I will know I don't fall into this category. LOL I guess we learn something new everyday. 

Thanks for the input.


7 hours ago, Terry said:

I do NOT sunburn at all. I just get a nice tan. It amazing because on a SAD diet I would burn within an hour in the direct sun.

That is very common and have experienced something similar. 


3 hours ago, Scott F. said:

I'm a ginger guy and burn easily. If I were to go out shirtless (beach/lake) I burn, I hurt, I peel and then I think I am a shade whiter afterwards. Been like that since I was a kid. I am a 'shirt all the time guy' now.

I’m 75% German and 25% Scandinavian so I’m as white as it gets. Heck I’m so white I glow in the dark. 
I’ve always been a burn and peel kinda guy. If I rode my motorcycle home from work, 45 minutes, I had to put sunblock on. 
All of that changed with carnivore. I can now work all day in the Texas sun and I don’t burn like I used to. I’ll get a little red for a day and then it just turns brown. That’s in areas that where my skin is almost alway exposed to the sun. In areas that normally don’t see any sun I can still burn but it’s nothing like it was. Before I’d blister and peel and I’d have a skin reaction that would last for a week or more. Now it’ll turn red, not hurt, not blister and not peel. Goes away in a couple of days and that’s it. It’s amazing. I didn’t wear any sunblock at all last summer. I’m getting my shirt off and wearing shorts in the sun every chance I get this year. 
I’ve read that wearing sunglasses will block the UV receptors in your eyes that turns on the melatonin in your body to protect your skin.  That’s a double bonus for me because carnivore has cured me of my day blindness and I don’t wear sunglasses anymore. 


3 hours ago, Healthy1 said:

I tried this and burned somewhat but then I turned a shade darker (like I would have done as a kid) instead of burning and seeming to not tan. 

Same same. 

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