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On 8/5/2024 at 11:30 PM, Geezy said:

Robert, you are an addict. An addict must abstain from their drug of choice. It don matter if it’s alcohol, heroin, tobacco or sugar.
I once quit dipping snuff for two years but I though just one dip wouldn’t hurt. Bam! I was hooked all over again. It was nine years before I tried quitting again. I’ve been clean of tobacco for 18 years now but I know that I can never allow tobacco in any form ever touch me again or I’ll be hooked all over again
There’s no such thing as moderation. An alcoholic can’t just have a beer. A heroin addict can’t just smoke a joint.
You are a sugar addict so you should abstain from not just sugar but everything that’s sweet including all artificial sweeteners and milk products.
Be aware that there are 75 different names for sugar so read your food labels carefully for those hidden sugars.
There are those who are not addicts and can moderate but if you can’t then you must stay away from it.
I can drink one beer and not touch another one for several years. It doesn’t bother me but I’m not an alcoholic. I just choose not to drink anything that is loaded with carbs.
Make your choice what is best for you and your health. My choice was no sweeteners whatsoever. I don’t need the temptation.
If you’ll give it at least 30 days I think you could kick the addiction. I’ve heard some do it in two weeks.
Who’s stronger, you or the sugar? emoji2955.png

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I need to brush up on the names of the hidden sugars you mentioned. Do you happen to know if there is a published list of them? 

I definitely believe the entire system is corrupt, but many who are in it don't realize it. 

Yep, you can’t escape a prison if you don’t even know you’re in one.

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I need to brush up on the names of the hidden sugars you mentioned. Do you happen to know if there is a published list of them? 

Here ya go. 502b1074ae5ddcb7e1ea294b4938a405.jpg
Study this weekend and there will be a test on Monday.

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On 8/15/2024 at 8:23 AM, rpavich said:

it's not by accident...it's a calculated move to keep us coming back for pills and surgeries.

A couple years ago I would have rolled my eyes at all this, laughing it off as conspiracy theories. Now here I am today basically trying to say the same thing, hoping to wake others up who are caught in the never ending system of junk food, obesity, and prescriptions.

On 8/15/2024 at 10:56 PM, Laura said:

I definitely believe the entire system is corrupt, but many who are in it don't realize it. 

I would agree with this. For example, my doctor is a good guy, and very intelligent and very learned, but schooled in the mainstream medical system that it's hard for him to reconcile my diet with it's good results. It's cool that I lost weight and feel awesome, but "YoU hAvE tO eAt OATS" lol 😄

Although he's siding with me and telling my wife to quit the junk food and just eat fruit when she's got that sweet craving. At our last appointment he asked how she was doing. I said pretty good but she's eating a truckload of fruit, way too much, and he actually looked at her and said "you can't do that. I said have a piece of fruit, not eat fruit all day long" lol. 

There's this doctor on YouTube that the algorithm keeps shoving in my face now. He's very anti-carnivore and anti-keto. Smart guy. Likeable. But his name might as well be Dr. STATIN because you would think the whole world needs to be on them after listening to him, lol.

On 8/18/2024 at 10:02 PM, Bob said:

There's this doctor on YouTube that the algorithm keeps shoving in my face now. He's very anti-carnivore and anti-keto. Smart guy. Likeable. But his name might as well be Dr. STATIN because you would think the whole world needs to be on them after listening to him, lol.

That wouldn't be Dr. Brad Stanfield by chance would it?

47 minutes ago, XaqNautilus said:

That wouldn't be Dr. Brad Stanfield by chance would it?

No. The guy I keep seeing in my feed is Dr. Mohammed Alo. 

Interesting, I just looked him up to make sure I had his first name correct and it turns out he's right here with me in Ohio.

1 hour ago, Bob said:

No. The guy I keep seeing in my feed is Dr. Mohammed Alo. 

Interesting, I just looked him up to make sure I had his first name correct and it turns out he's right here with me in Ohio.

Oh yeah I know of him too.  He says what they tell him to.

I brought up Dr. Brad Stanfield because he actually takes a statin himself and seems to truly believe keeping cholesterol super low is the way to go.

3 hours ago, Bob said:

No. The guy I keep seeing in my feed is Dr. Mohammed Alo. 

Interesting, I just looked him up to make sure I had his first name correct and it turns out he's right here with me in Ohio.

Oh that guy, his comments section can be pretty brutal. He is so arrogant. And cringe worthy.


I too complained to several drs about numbness in my feet and how it hurt constantly up to my knees. 

Not one addressed this but kept prescribing pills for cholesterol and blood pressure. 

After 3 weeks of carnivore I noticed less pain and tingling in my legs and feet. 

Now 10 weeks in and there's slight numbness in my toes now.

On 8/21/2024 at 9:29 PM, Miranda said:

Oh that guy, his comments section can be pretty brutal. He is so arrogant. And cringe worthy.

I kinda like listening to him. But he's definitely a drug pusher. He basically thinks we all should get on Metformin and Statins as soon as we exit the womb, lol. 

Basically, if your LDL is above 100, your death is imminent and treating you is an emergency. 


Ok....Reporting in: everything going great...weight is steady....ailments are either gone or going away...but one thing I noticed...

I'm so used to snacking for a variety of reasons...the idea of "being hungry" is hard to get used to.....
I have to consciously ask "Am I hungry?" and I'm finding out that frequently the answer is no.

Sometimes the urge to snack before bed is so great I drink a cup of decaf with a 2 tbsp of heavy cream in it and before I'm halfway...the craving is gone and I don't finish...but having it ready makes me feel better.

Last night I took a couple of boiled eggs and a couple of pieces of bacon to bed...I had skipped dinner because I just wasn't hungry...I had a burger patty with cheese about 3 pm and that did it for dinner.

It's a new thing, thinking about ruining my dinner...I've never had to think about that...I could snack...and then power a huge dinner no problem...and then snack at bedtime.


You are now becoming or have become fat adapted. You have lost your carb hunger that demands glucose and just gnaws at you until you feed that monster. You now have a keto hunger in which you are now running on ketones which is a pure energy. You only get hungry now when your body truly needs fuel and that hunger diminishes when it’s had enough. A empty belly no longer signals a hunger in me anymore. It’s easy to ignore.
This is why so many of us end up eating OMAD.
Congratulations, it’s a good sign that your doing it right.

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17 minutes ago, Geezy said:

....You only get hungry now when your body truly needs fuel and that hunger diminishes when it’s had enough. ...
This is why so many of us end up eating OMAD.
Congratulations, it’s a good sign that your doing it right.

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And it's depressingly little. Dinner USED to be a big thing with LOTS of food...now after a burger patty with bacon or something...it's over in 2 minutes. 😞

I'm eating 2 meals a day; one light one about 10 or 12 pm and then a dinner that's not that big.

It's hard to mentally get used to it.

And it's depressingly little. Dinner USED to be a big thing with LOTS of food...now after a burger patty with bacon or something...it's over in 2 minutes.

I'm eating 2 meals a day; one light one about 10 or 12 pm and then a dinner that's not that big.

It's hard to mentally get used to it.

Many of us get to a point where food is no longer for pleasure and entertainment but is now for nutrition and health.
That isn’t to say that it can’t be enjoyable and varied but it becomes purpose driven.

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Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, Geezy said:

Many of us get to a point where food is no longer for pleasure and entertainment but is now for nutrition and health.
That isn’t to say that it can’t be enjoyable and varied but it becomes purpose driven.

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This might be the biggest hurdle yet.

My wife has always nagged me to eat slower...I think now i"ll have to ...to drag out the pleasure past 2 minutes


Edited by rpavich

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