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Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6, NASB)

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Is it any wonder that 75% of the American population is overweight and 50% are obese? 
This example of a typical school lunch menu shows how we are training up our children. 

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I watched a segment on the news where a school district removed a soft drink machine from a high school, and it was an all-out revolt. Parents included.

As I watched I thought how crazy to argue this point and then my first stop was the convenience store to get a Mountain Dew and a Little Debbie cake (probably two).

Luckily for me, my son has never been a sweets nor soda kid. He didn't have his first soft drink til he was 15 and really didn't like it. My mother-in-law was his day care and she didn't have soft drinks in her house. She had barely sweet tea only on Sundays. It was water for everyone any other time. From being on water as a kid he didn't develop that 'sweet tooth'. He is 28 now and hardly, if ever, drinks soft drinks or eats a dessert. 

Me on the other hand, I did his share and mine for a lot of years. 

Great scripture.


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My daughter got watered down juicey juice, because I was on WIC. I cut it 50/50 and eventually stopped getting it altogether. Even as a clueless 20-something I thought half of WIC food was absolute garbage. 

This current child gets milk and water. He does have a sweet tooth though.

Lately I have been having him pick between a zero carb breakfast or wait until lunch. I explained the randle cycle to him just yesterday. 


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Assorted cereal bars, pop tarts, cinnamon rolls, and chocolate chip oatmeal rounds? For lunch? I swear those were breakfast foods when I was a kid, lol. I can't believe I don't see something normal like a sandwhich.

To make it seem "healthy" and "balanced", they serve it alongside fresh fruit, raisin box, string cheese, and Zeezee's apple sauce, lol. 

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I can attest, these foods are making the kids brattier, and intolerant of even the most trifling inconveniences. I see so many more tantrums and tears than I did prior to Ms Obama meddling with the school menu.

This food pyramid scheme has blessed us with the bounty of snowflakes we have today.

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14 hours ago, Bob said:

Assorted cereal bars, pop tarts, cinnamon rolls, and chocolate chip oatmeal rounds? For lunch? I swear those were breakfast foods when I was a kid, lol. I can't believe I don't see something normal like a sandwhich.

To make it seem "healthy" and "balanced", they serve it alongside fresh fruit, raisin box, string cheese, and Zeezee's apple sauce, lol. 

Yes sir we were indoctrinated and we have passed that training on to our children and them to they’re children and as Miranda stated we are now seeing the difference. 

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I understand as to why so many school shootings compared to when I was in school. 

This crap definitely causes mental health issues. 

Class action on the government 👏 

Edited by Meathead
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I'm 57 so I can relate. 

Younger me I had no problems with the sun but 2002 until June 2024.  I would blister up wherever the sun hit my skin but after carnivore I can stand being under the sun. 

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