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I'm new to this lifestyle due to health issues and choosing not to get on ozempic for obvious reasons. 


So far my journey has been a smooth transition from processed foods to meat and dairy to just meat, coffee with butter. 


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Forgot I eat 50g of Natto for the health benefits. 
Trying to get off bp meds, kicked my sugar medication for good. 

If it works for you then by all means carry on but I find nothing nutritious in soybeans. While fermenting them may make them “less bad” there is nothing healthy in them that I’m aware of.
You can get all the nutrients you need from meat.
But hey, like I said, if it’s working for you then carry on.
If you find that you don’t get all of the healing that you’re looking for or you have big weight loss stalls that would be the first thing I’d look at as a detriment.
Good luck.

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1 hour ago, Geezy said:

I find nothing nutritious in soybeans

Natto studies have been done showing the benefits. 

You won't get your potassium from meat like you do Natto as well as probiotic naturally.

I'm only replying to put this information out for others to see, not to reply in a negative way. 

Thank you for the support though, I appreciate it. 

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Natto studies have been done showing the benefits. 
You won't get your potassium from meat like you do Natto as well as probiotic naturally.
I'm only replying to put this information out for others to see, not to reply in a negative way. 
Thank you for the support though, I appreciate it. 

It’s still a soy bean and soy beans are not healthy. As a carnivore I don’t need probiotics since I’m fat adapted and my gut biome is completely adapted to digesting and processing the fats and meats I eat.
The reasons that I find no benefit to eating soy or any plant for that matter is..,
If good health is what you’re after, then soy is a terrible choice.

Weed-killer in Soy
Soy is a leading food source of glyphosate (the weed-killer Roundup).

Glyphosate is a synthetic herbicide patented by the Monsanto Company and now manufactured and sold by many companies in hundreds of products. Glyphosate has been associated with:
• Cancer
• Liver damage
• Reproductive and developmental issue

Soy is a Goitrogen
Goitrogens are foods that interfere with normal, healthy thyroid function and cause goiter — or swelling of the thyroid.
Goitrogens do this by interfering with iodine absorption in the thyroid. Iodine is required for healthy levels of thyroid hormone production. Without it, the thyroid cannot produce the T4 and T3 hormones.

Soy and your Sex Hormones
Soy is an endocrine disrupter - that is to say it interferes with hormones. I’ve detailed its action on thyroid hormone above but healthy function of the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone can also be disrupted. Soy is a natural source of phytoestrogens, a compound that mimics human estrogen.
Phytoestrogens have demonstrated the ability to:
1. Disrupt of normal sex hormone levels and the female ovulation cycle
2. Decrease sexual behavior in animal research
3. Increase social, aggressive, and anxiety-related behaviors in animal research
4. Ever heard the term Soy Boys? Too much estrogen in males. It causes a feminization in men.

Soy is a Source of Lectins
Soybeans, like all beans, are a source of lectins. Lectins are carbohydrate binding proteins designed to damage cellular communication.
These sticky, carbohydrate-binding proteins function as a defense mechanism for plants. They are designed (by evolution) to cause a severe immune response in the animals that eat them (including humans) which ultimately results in paralysis.
Lectins are associated with both mental and physical health problems. They bind nerve endings, cause blood cells to clump and also attach to viruses and bacteria. In some cases people with lectin sensitivity are more likely to get sick because of this.

Now it’s my understanding that fermentation can reduce many of the toxins in plants but if one is eating carnivore there is just no reason to eat plants for nutrition since every thing you need you can get from meats. Even potassium.
You do you but don’t fool yourself that you are being more nutritious by eating soy.
Me personally, I will continue to avoid that stuff like the plague.

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Thank you for your concern but please don't assume the source of Natto I consume comes from North America. 

I will take another look whether the benefits don't outweigh the downside from using Natto. 

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Thank you for your concern but please don't assume the source of Natto I consume comes from North America. 

I will take another look whether the benefits don't outweigh the downside from using Natto. 



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Posted (edited)

So if I can eat 1 natural thing to lower my bp,clean arteries and get off synthetic bullshit that kills your liver kidneys and screws your metabolism up.

That's the tip of the iceberg. The list goes on. 

So until you walk in my shoes don't judge until you know the facts. 

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I had really high blood pressure and tried to supplement with beetroot to help and it had no effect as far as I noticed.  So it is possible that you think the Natto is helping when it's not.

I don't take blood pressure medication.

Even now I still don't have normal blood pressure usually still around 140/90 dancing on the border of needing medication.

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5 minutes ago, XaqNautilus said:

I had really high blood pressure and tried to supplement with beetroot to help and it had no effect as far as I noticed.  So it is possible that you think the Natto is helping when it's not.

Again everyone's body chemistry is different. 

What works for some may not work for others. 

So that being said I trust eastern medicine >western. 

Have I noticed a difference in bp after eating Natto. 

Yes.  My bp was 170/90 on 3 different bp meds before natto, now quitting 1 bp med and eating natto my bp is 130/80.



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15 minutes ago, Meathead said:

Again everyone's body chemistry is different. 

What works for some may not work for others. 

So that being said I trust eastern medicine >western. 

Have I noticed a difference in bp after eating Natto. 

Yes.  My bp was 170/90 on 3 different bp meds before natto, now quitting 1 bp med and eating natto my bp is 130/80.

Wow, that's great.  With blood pressure that low you should be able to hopefully drop more of the medications.

If Natto works for you keep going.  But the hope is that one day you won't need it either.

Edit: Oh I misread the last line quoted.  Are you still on any blood pressure medications?

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So if I can eat 1 natural thing to lower my bp,clean arteries and get off synthetic bullshit that kills your liver kidneys and screws your metabolism up.
That's the tip of the iceberg. The list goes on. 
So until you walk in my shoes don't judge until you know the facts. 

I’m not judging anything especially you. Like I said. If you think you’re getting something out of it then more power to you. I’m just trying to educate you that plants, legumes and most especially soy are not beneficial for anything in the human body and can be detrimental. That’s just a fact. I don’t care if you believe it or not and I don’t care if you eat it or not.
Heck, even I will eat some jalapeños once in awhile but I don’t try to fool myself by saying they’re high in vitamin C so that’s why I eat them. I’m more honest with myself than that. I eat them because I like them.
The reason why I bring up the facts on eating plants and how they affect our bodies is because if you start having issues in achieving your goals or issues in your body that aren’t being healed then the first place to look would be the toxic vegetables you’re putting in your body.
You do you and what’s best for you and enjoy your life.

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The Lion Diet Guide: Benefits, Risks, and Tips - Dr. Robert Kiltz (doctorkiltz.com)


I'm not as much on studies as I am the personal experiences of others. Great conversation above. I'm at work and using some downtime to read. The above article had some of the information here at the bottom. I'm not picking sides, nor being judgmental. I don't eat peppers because I don't like them, and I had to look up the definition of Natto. I never had them, but they don't sound appealing. LOL

I have been straight carnivore since the third week of May. I use butter, use cheese on occasion and the past two weeks I had maybe three or four glasses of milk. I'm not sure what 'my plan' is called but I have lost 57lbs since May 8th and been off pain/inflammation meds since the last part of May. (Each time I type I lead off with the weight loss knowing full well being off the meds is a much bigger deal considering the autoimmune disease and all. I guess weight loss is a better hook. LOL)

I have found I do better on the red meats. I was making plans this past week to go red meats, water and salt for a few weeks just to explore that as a path forward. But then Sam's and our local butcher shop had a killer sale on chicken and I couldn't pass it up. As the freezer goes empty in the next week or so I'm going to I guess what is called the Lion's diet. 

I'm sure time will tell.


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What about the soy and corn that some Carnivores consume indirectly, by consuming the animals that were fed those things? I, personally, cannot eat pork, or poultry, without an inflammatory reaction. Even organic are usually fed those things. 

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Sorry, Meathead, you must have misunderstood my comment.  Geezy explained the dangers of soy consumption in a very thorough and accurate manner.  I was simply pointing out that we may also be ingesting it by proxy, when we eat mono gastric animals, ie pigs and chickens, since they don't have the ability to detoxify like ruminants do. Soy is inflammatory!  I do know Natto contains K2, but you can also get K2 from cheese. I am sure the dangers outweigh the benefits of anything made from soy. Perhaps you could find a Carnivore food to replace that.  Have you tried whole milk plain kefir? 



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