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13 hours ago, Angela Little said:

I am not sure what it is but nothing tastes good to me and I do the same, just not eat anything which is not good either.

There can actually be some benefits to extended fasting. Some people intentionally schedule 24, 48, or 72 hour fasts every couple weeks, monthly, etc. The longest one I pulled off was 40 hours, from Friday's dinner to Sunday's breakfast.

I fancy doing it again, but I like to eat, lol. 

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On 4/19/2024 at 3:33 AM, louis said:

Good morning, good afternoon or good evening wherever you are in the world!

Ohio USA, which is Eastern Time. As soon as I post this message, the timestamp on this post for me will read 9:55am and that timestamp to you will be stamped with whatever time it was in your time zone when I posted this message.

On 4/19/2024 at 3:33 AM, louis said:

To start my meal today I ate some raw buffalo meat.


7 hours ago, louis said:

I have decided to stop cooking the meat for now as I am preferring the uncooked taste. 

Interesting. I have never had red meat raw. I did go to a restaurant that served an appetizer of filet mignon that was more blue rare, seared on each side but red in the middle. That was the rarest thing I ever ate.

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Interesting. I have never had red meat raw. I did go to a restaurant that served an appetizer of filet mignon that was more blue rare, seared on each side but red in the middle. That was the rarest thing I ever ate.

When I lived in Germany I used to go to the hockey games and a vendor there would have steak tartare. Seasoned raw beef served on a hard roll. Delicious.
Then here in Texas, more especially south texas we have a dish called Pariza, it’s made with very lean ground beef, grated American cheese, very finely chopped onion, finely chopped serrano peppers
salt and pepper to taste
and the juice of one lime. It’s very chilled and served with saltines and beer.

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Day 27 😀

This morning I ate six egg yolks cooked in buffalo fat. 

For lunch I ate some raw buffalo meat together with a little bit of heart, kidney and a fair amount of liver all cooked in buffalo fat. 

This evening I have eaten some raw buffalo meat. 

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4 eggs over easy and a half pound of grass fed ground beef this morning.

Last night I had this rotisserie style chicken (in a box) from Sam's Club. I filled up, but was hungry again just a little while later. Too lean, no fat. I ended up making a burger later to avoid snacking, lol.

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Had a nice ribeye at my sister in law’s restaurant today but that one pound of meat just wasn’t enough so when I got home a had seven meatballs drenched in butter. That fixed me up.

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Day 28 whoopee! 

Today I have eaten a lot of buffalo liver with a small amount of heart and throat all cooked in buffalo fat. 

I had eight egg yolks for dessert!

I am currently making some bone broth. I made and drank some the other day and believe that my body is loving it. It is getting things moving! 😉


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2 hours ago, louis said:

Day 28 whoopee! 

Today I have eaten a lot of buffalo liver with a small amount of heart and throat all cooked in buffalo fat. 

I had eight egg yolks for dessert!

I am currently making some bone broth. I made and drank some the other day and believe that my body is loving it. It is getting things moving! 😉


I meant to say that I ate some lung today, not throat. It was a first for me! 

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I've never had lung, nor tongue. The local store sells beef tongue and someday I will lean how to prepare it.

I think tonight is going to be these top sirloin steaks we got the other day. They are a little leaner that my usual choice so I will be dipping them in the butter I cook them in.

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Fasted most of the day to prepare for a blood test so I didn’t eat until about 5:00 pm and when I did I fixed some pork rind nachos. I little ground venison, sharp cheddar and a few jalapeño slices.
Hu-ho! Look out boys he’s off the reservation.

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8 hours ago, Bob said:

I've never had lung, nor tongue. The local store sells beef tongue and someday I will lean how to prepare it.

I think tonight is going to be these top sirloin steaks we got the other day. They are a little leaner that my usual choice so I will be dipping them in the butter I cook them in.


My dad used to often eat tongue when I was young. He bought it cooked and they cut it into thin slices. It was really nice. 

Today I ate some raw heart. I preferred it to cooked heart. I also ate some raw and cooked meat. Again my preference is the raw meat. I cooked some of it to be certain of that! All from a buffalo. 

I ate some scrambled eggs too. It was a mix of a couple of full eggs and six egg yolks plus lots of fat. 


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19 hours ago, ol_hilly said:

Think I'm gonna freeze the last pan, cuz I'm missing beef. 

I'm the same way. I can eat other meats but beef is my staple. I can only take so much chicken or pork in succession. 

Tonight I had the other half of the sirloin steak package we got from Sam's. Last week, 2 of my NY Strips rotted faster than I expected and I had to toss them out. I didn't want to risk that again so I had steak 2 nights back to back.

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I'm the same way. I can eat other meats but beef is my staple. I can only take so much chicken or pork in succession.

Same here only I’ll add lamb right behind the beef.
Pork, just like chicken is good to me but it just doesn’t satisfy me, not like good fatty beef does.

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🎆 Day 30 🎆

Last night, close to 11pm/midnight I was thinking and thinking about food. I was not hungry. I was itching and itching too. Sleep was yet to come and my mind was racing. I decided to cook and eat scrambled eggs. 

After listening to steak and butter gal about histamine intolerance this morning, I believe that I was definitely having a reaction. I have been quite itchy over the past thirty days too, some times more than others and believe that is also owing to histamine intolerance.

What have I eaten today? I started with a large plate of raw buffalo meat which included a small amount of heart and lung together with some soft meat and a lot of liver. 

Following that I ate some meat cooked in buffalo fat.

For 'dessert' I had some fatty scrambled eggs consisting of two full eggs and six egg yolks. 

In the past I have said that I am full. Today I feel the most full that I have felt since beginning to live the carnivorous lifestyle.

My body is waking up! 

I actually feel quite emotional about this whole experience. I know that there is a lot more to come. 

Here's to being a carnivore! 


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On 4/21/2024 at 10:14 AM, louis said:

Day 27 😀

This morning I ate six egg yolks cooked in buffalo fat. 

For lunch I ate some raw buffalo meat together with a little bit of heart, kidney and a fair amount of liver all cooked in buffalo fat. 

This evening I have eaten some raw buffalo meat. 

bro send me some buffalo I'll pay of course!  where you getting it did you shoot it lol?

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34 minutes ago, ImCharlieBruh said:

bro send me some buffalo I'll pay of course!  where you getting it did you shoot it lol?

Ha ha 😀!

I am in Nepal right now and buying buffalo from the butcher every day.

Hopefully going to purchase and try some brain today. 

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